Wasn‘t sure if I was gonna make it there for a second. It‘s been so much fun. Thanks for hanging on with me! #NoteworthyNovember #time #29by29
Wasn‘t sure if I was gonna make it there for a second. It‘s been so much fun. Thanks for hanging on with me! #NoteworthyNovember #time #29by29
This memoir takes you on a journey with the author through the American West as he tries to reconcile difficult life transitions with finding God in unexpected places. While honest, funny, and even poetic at times, this one fell a little flat for me. Some of the narrative felt disjointed and came across as a little too Wild at Heart for my taste. #29by29
I think this book is great for people who want a straight forward approach to learning about the enneagram. I especially liked that there is a whole chapter that correlates how the MBTI cognitive functions and types relate to the 9 types here.
Full review here http://bit.ly/2z0GJcg
And the reveal...
Basically I‘m a 4 with a 5 wing who wishes they were a 9 🤣 #29by29
Was philandering between books because I couldn‘t decide so I decided to open this one. It‘s kind of embarrassing to be a millennial and not know you‘re enneagram number/wing. 😬 So hopefully I‘ll be back with the catharsis shortly. 😂👩🏻🔬 #29by29
Short stories and flash fictions before leaving for my PM shift. @MatchlessMarie #29by29
This is such a sweet retelling of sorts of the account of Adam and Eve from Genesis. Lighthearted, endearing, and flitting with humor, this novella puts a fresh spin on the Garden of Eden story. The narration could not be more perfectly cast. #29by29