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1) yes! Definitely for bookish and #LitsyLove things!
2) yes! The fabulous Nina Hill 💛📚

#Two4Tuesday on Wednesday 🫣

TheSpineView 💜 Book Lists! 2mo
KadaGul @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I enjoyed reading 📖 this book📚 for #AULDLANGSPINE2024. 2mo
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Witch King | Martha Wells
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This was such a brilliant fantasy. The world building was phenomenal & the storytelling was thoughtfully paced. It was so interesting following Kai's quest to find answers in the present, balanced by the story of the past which revealed more & more of his and the world's origins.
This book was on my radar but I was hesitant to dive into such a sprawling fantasy. I'm so glad Sarah put it on her #ALSpine list, which encouraged me to pick it up!

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The Clarion | Nina Dunic
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No surprises here. Although I am glad I did not finish Our Fathers this month. That would be a hard call, both from #auldlangspine2024. #readingbracket2024 if you are the person who created this graphic, please remind me so I can tag you. I know I stole it from someone.

CBee That one is from Leila @Catsandbooks 😊 7mo
Sapphire @CBee thanks! 7mo
monalyisha 🥳 7mo
Catsandbooks Haha 🥰 Thanks! @cbee 😘 7mo
TheKidUpstairs 😁 🌟 🌟 🌟 7mo
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Finished in time for #AuldLangSpine2024
A good slow build to a thrilling climax (the exorcism of the title). I liked how the novel delved into the psychology of the characters, the mystery aspects (trying to figure out what is happening with Regan/who killed Dennings), and how the banal and the horrific existed side by side. Certainly see some similarities with Rosemary‘s Baby (everyone was obsessed with Satanists in that era 😆) Enjoyably creepy!

Lin3han I‘m so glad you liked it!! The end had me screeching 7mo
shortsarahrose @Lin3han - totally know what you mean about the ending! 7mo
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That a fabulous start to a new reading year. Thank you @monalyisha and @Singout for getting the year off to a cracking start

Soubhiville Nice! 7mo
monalyisha Congrats! Is this Storygraph? I used to use it and stopped and have been thinking about rekindling our affair. 7mo
Singout Well done! I‘m glad you enjoyed some of my suggestions! 7mo
Mitch @monalyisha yep - it‘s storygraph. I had Goodreads running alongside it for a while but now I‘ve ditched GR and love this instead! 7mo
Mitch @Singout All three were fabulous 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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90 pages in and this book is nothing like what I had thought it would be when I missed reading it with #europacollective last summer. I am so glad it was on the @TheKidUpstairs #auldlangspine2024 list to prompt me to return to it. It‘s gorgeous and atmospheric despite the gruesome subject. And I am hooked to find the secrets to be revealed.

BarbaraBB My favorite book of 2024 7mo
jlhammar Really glad you're reading it. Such a good book! 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 7mo
TheKidUpstairs I almost skipped this one because the blurb made me expect a different kind of book. But reviews like @BarbaraBB 's made me give it a chance, and it will stick with me for a long time. I'm glad you're finding the same experience! 7mo
BarbaraBB @TheKidUpstairs 🙏❤️ 7mo
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Sneaked in another of @DebinHawaii recommendations for #auldlangspine2024 and I loved it. Heartbreaking story of friendship and family over the course of one summer in a neighbourhood grappling with poverty, gangs and it‘s actual eradication and the buildings are demolished. Powerful and both sad and yet optimistic. Beware numerous trigger warnings

DebinHawaii Glad you enjoyed this one! It is very powerful & moving. I am still working my way through The Huntress on audiobook (loving it!) & I will start My Monticello soon. Plus have a few others from the list awaiting holds! 7mo
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