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Joined September 2020

I‘ve loved books ever since Lovable, Furry Old Grover‘s The Monster at the End of this Book!
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This was a fast and enjoyable read that took me back to simpler times. I liked the Apprentice when it first came out and was at least indifferent to Trump or even kind of liked him for when he‘d show up and say ridiculous things on the Late Show and always laughed at how he‘d slap his name on everything. This is a fun behind the scenes of how the Apprentice came to be and how the show helped propel him to the presidency. #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3d
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Camp Damascus | Chuck Tingle
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This is the first Tingle book I‘ve read. It‘s surprisingly serious compared to much of his work. I found the book to be creative and frightening in the sense that I could see certain conservative groups implementing this kind of strategy to prevent people from living authentic, LGBTQ lives. We‘ll just say it makes conversion therapy look like amateur hour. I think Tingle landed the ending well, which I find rare in general and especially horror.

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1w
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The Boxcar Children | Gertrude Chandler Warner
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I had never heard of this book or series until a few weeks ago. This was innocent fun that I would have enjoyed a lot more when I was young and reading stuff like Bunnicula and the Indian in the Cupboard. I really enjoyed how humble and gracious the four children are for what meager belongings they had and more for having each other. Overall it was nice to read something different than the typical stuff.


TheAromaofBooks This was a huge favorite growing up. I reread it not long ago, and while I did enjoy it, as an adult I found myself left with a lot of questions about the backstory 😂 My siblings and I loved playing “runaway kids“ and I know it was heavily influenced by this book!! 3w
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Thompson delivered a balanced take on the Hell‘s Angels. He portrayed a quirky bunch of outsiders who came together to form a brotherhood. He educated on how they often fell victim to lies and exaggerations from police and the media to build them as greater risks to the public than they were. He warned how this same group of characters can perform violent acts with little or no provocation to the point of being rightfully hated and vilified.

TheAromaofBooks Thompson's writing is always so engaging. 3w
JoeMo @TheAromaofBooks you‘re 100% correct…I‘m just not used to him being so seemingly….sober, I guess would be the appropriate word. I know he was a serious journalist for quite some time, but I‘m used to his more drug fueled works fulled with crazy but captivating tangents and such! 😂 3w
TheAromaofBooks Right? I haven't read this one, but I know it was one of his big deep-dives. My husband is the real fan, so I've only read a scatter-shot selection, and some of his writing is really dated in the sense of I don't really know the details of 1972 politicians haha Although when the husband and I were commuting together, we did listen to Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas as an audiobook and it was great fun. 3w
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Here‘s my list for the month!
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3w
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Blume tells the story of Hemingways struggles to get his big break and the story behind The Sun Also Rises. What did I learn? Hemingway wasn‘t nearly as creative as I had thought, in this case using the story of a strange bender with friends as the plot for his book. It confirmed than Hemingway was quite honestly an ass. Yet at the same time, I‘m tempted to actually read one of his books for the first time in over twenty years.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4w
Ruthiella There was so much drinking in The Sun Also Roses, it made me a little queasy while reading. 4w
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Lamb | Christopher Moore
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This was the first book I‘ve read by Moore and I loved it. It‘s a fictional tale on the life and times of Jesus. At times it felt as though the Bible had crossed paths with American Pie or some other hormone-fueled, rated R teen comedy. Somehow, Moore walked a fine line with this story and remained quite respectful to the subject matter. This was fun and creative and I was sorry to say goodbye to the characters at the end.


TheAromaofBooks Great progress! 4w
TieDyeDude Good review. Totally agree. This was also my first from Moore. I really enjoyed The Stupidest Angel as well. 4w
JoeMo @TieDyeDude So the rest of the title is “A Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror.” I‘m so adding this to my Xmas reading list….thanks for mentioning it!! 3w
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Back from the Dead | Bill Walton
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I absolutely loved this book as I was a huge fan of the unique personality that was Bill Walton. If you enjoyed his odd, rambling commentary on TV, you‘ll enjoy if not love this. Bill is among the few I could listen to ramble on and barely understand what the hell he was talking about, but still absolutely adore him. This book made me adore and miss him even more, as a world without Bill is a darker place. #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Lovely review!! 2mo
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June BookSpin Bingo…..let‘s go! 😂


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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Frank Sinatra and the Mafia Murders | Mike Mike Rothmiller, Douglas Douglas Thompson
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This was a fast-paced nonfiction read filled with gritty and grisly details. This provides a pretty detailed account of Sinatra‘s relationship with the mob and their involvement in US politics. Most surprising was that Sinatra was never offed by the mafia. His childish temperament and buffoonish behavior seemed to cause the organization more headaches and lost opportunities than keeping him around was worth.
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 2mo
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This is a detailed account of Peter Freuchen, a legendary polar explorer. He had one of the more ridiculous, badass, and gross survival stories from his days of exploring Greenland. Outside of polar exploration, his life was filled with a variety of unique adventures and twists and turns.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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Haunted Key West | David L Sloan
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I listened to this book of mildly entertaining stories on the way to the airport for my Key West trip. None were particularly frightening. It was interesting to learn a bit about the legends and history of the area, such as the tree at Captain Tony‘s supposedly being the original hanging tree for the town and about the supposed ghost of Hemingway still spending time at his place. I‘d rather recommend a ghost tour for anyone planning a visit.

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 2mo
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Key West | Lynn M. Homan, Thomas Reilly
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This was an adequate collection of photos comparing what Key West looked like in the past to modern times. This is the fourth book I‘ve read in the Images of America series and the reality has typically failed to live up to my excitement going into the book.

#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Sadly, sometimes the concept is better than the execution. :-/ 2mo
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This was a great book to introduce some of the history of Key West through a series of profiles. It helped to explain the somewhat complex vibe of the area which has both progressive LGTBQ and conservative Florida vibes and elements. I particularly enjoyed reading about how the island became the Conch Republic, how the town had the first openly gay mayor in the US, and how the gay community struggled to gain a foothold and grow in Key West.

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This was a very short read that gave some interesting ideas for activities and things to do in Key West. My only complaint is that it should be revised and updated as some of the recommended businesses haven‘t been around for several years (unfortunately I won‘t be doing any “scorpion shots” on his trip 🦂😕).
#bookspinbingo #doublespin

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! We were only in Key West for a day, but it was a delightful place to relax. I ended up drinking the rummiest rum and Coke I've ever had there 😂 3mo
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Kitchen Confidential | Anthony Bourdain
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I listened to this audiobook recently and loved it. Bourdain left me feeling both disappointed and relieved that I‘ve never worked in professional kitchen. His honesty about his own career to include the mistakes he made was refreshing. I wish I had gotten around to this sooner and now plan to check out his other books.

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Time for another month‘s list! May is a special vacation edition for me!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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Lovesick | Luana Vecchio
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This graphic novel is about Domino, a dominatrix with her own red room and flocks of Internet fanboys who would love to be her next victim. It explores themes including power, control, fanaticism, consent, and something akin to love. It was interesting, but I can‘t say that I enjoyed it, or that it was particularly deep. 3/5

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April‘s BookSpin Bingo list!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4mo
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I love Vegas so I was thrilled to listen to this book about being a casino cocktail waitress in the 70s. It was more entertaining than expected between the servers dealing with sexism, harsh work demands, and getting caught up in drama and escapades. My only complaint is she seemed to dish more on dirt involving coworkers than about herself, but it‘s her right as an author and I believe she was trying to keep her this book relatively short. 3.5/5

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This is one of those books that ruins the dreams and silly ideas you have in your head regarding if you had made different choices in life. Specifically, it shows the many ways in which being a park ranger is frustrating and at times even traumatic. The book started off as a series of stories conveying how hard the ranger life is. As it progressed, it focused more on the lives of two specific rangers with results both tragic and touching. 4/5

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I‘ve always heard references to the Chappaquidick accident as being what derailed Ted Kennedy‘s presidential chances. In reading the full story, I didn‘t expect to be frustrated sometimes angry between Kennedy‘s cowardice and lack of responsibility, local law enforcement‘s ineptitude, and the general lack of consequences Kennedy faced. He should have been sitting in a jail cell for several years for his actions.

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This was a slice of nostalgia from my childhood. The book follows the 87-88 NBA season in which these four titans and their respective teams battled for the championship. I additionally enjoyed the bios and background info the author included about each of these players and many of their teammates! 4/5

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4/5 - This book was solid, but still had its weaknesses. It‘s not the author‘s fault, as she herself admits nearly all of Hoover‘s private documents were destroyed according to his will. Instead of getting an intimate look on what made Hoover tick, we got something like 36 hours that mostly described how he survived for so long in an appointed position.

#doublespin #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5mo
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Running late but here‘s my list!

#bookspin #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
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Overall, this was a pretty interesting and engaging story about the history of bourbon and some of the characters who helped shape it. I‘ve been going a bit overboard since having hit the bourbon trail in Kentucky last summer! 🥃 4/5

Sausagey Santa | Carlton Mellick Iii
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This book is ridiculous from start to finish. It starts strongly as we learn about Sly Guy‘s unique family. The story ends on a somewhat dark high note as the reader learns about the aftermath of this Christmas adventure and its effect on Sly Guy‘s family life. The issue is there was a pretty significant amount of material in the middle that I was just forcing myself to make it through. Overall, it‘s unique enough for a weak recommendation!

The Trip of a Lifetime | Justin Johnson
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This novella for kids is about a boy whose spaceship crashes in the North Pole. He ends up being saved by Santa‘s elves and gets to spend the time leading up to Christmas with Santa and his crew, as they‘re too busy with their impending work deadline to get the boy back to his parents before the holiday. This was a cute, light holiday adventure that wasn‘t interesting or inventive enough to read the other titles in the series.

Small Things Like These | Claire Keegan
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I absolutely loved this audiobook. In this story, a coal merchant sees something that causes him to struggle with his conscience and leaves him wondering what the right thing to do would be. If I have one complaint, it‘s that this novella is too short, clocking in at just under two hours. I believe I‘ll be revisiting this title over the holidays for many years to come!

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As far as true crime goes, this is pretty light stuff…but it was fun to find some type of crime related to Christmas. I respect the fact the author researched this case pretty heavily and didn‘t settle for what was already known about the crime. I also learned some odd and interesting things about Texas, specifically it‘s laws and practices towards bank robberies in the past, which probably did more harm than good!

Christmas at the Amish Market | Shelley Shepard Gray
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Predictable, but I absolutely enjoyed this book. With a book like this, I‘m not really expecting depth or complex characters…but it was sweet and maybe a bit spicy for an Amish romance novel (don‘t expect too much though 😂)!

Making It So: A Memoir | Patrick Stewart
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This is m absolutely delightfu….I loved listening to the audio version read by Sir Patty Stew himself.

Having finished this a few weeks ago the following still stands out: 1) he‘s been alive a very long time as his early childhood reads like a Dickens novel, 2) actors are really insecure 3) I‘m relieved that he took Star Trek TNG seriously and 4) I give him kudos for admitting he‘s imperfect at various points.

This is a must read for all fans!

Mexican Gothic | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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I appreciated the author‘s effort in this story. I feel she was rather successful in creating a creepy setting filled with strange individuals and mystery. My issue is that the big plot twist and reveal just didn‘t work for me…to the point I just wanted to make it through the final hour or so of the book and move on with my life. I get why reviews are really all over the place for this title.

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Harrow County Volume 1: Countless Haints | Cullen Bunn, Tyler Crook
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This is the story of a small rural town cursed by a witch who was killed by the townspeople.

This is a weak recommendation for me…I enjoyed the story, and even more the artwork overall. However, I don‘t want to continue in with the series beyond volume one. 3/5

#31by31 #SpookOWeen #Scarathlon #promptmaze #TeamCreepinItReal @StayCurious @TheAromaofBooks @TheSpineView @Catsandbooks

TheSpineView 🧡📖🎃 9mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 9mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 9mo
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Overall, I was surprised with how much I enjoyed this…I have been avoiding this since my teens as it was my sister‘s favorite book when we were in high school, which automatically made the book, and her subsequent half-assed attempt to be a gothy vampire for a year or two, lame! 😂 I see why she enjoyed this at that age, this is much too melodramatic at times. Overall though, there‘s a pretty solid story at its core 3.5/5.

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Apologies for the delay…here is my tally for the halfway point for #scarathlon.


StayCurious Great job! 9mo
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This was a pretty fun collection of short stories from a variety of authors. A number of them dealt with with Halloween directly and had storylines involving things like trick-or-treating and Halloween parties and such. I appreciated that the stories focused more on plot and suspense than gore and trying to shock the reader (which is pretty common in story collections). My fave of the bunch was Street Lights by Gary Thisbone.

TheSpineView Fantastic! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! 10mo
Catsandbooks 👍🏼🦇🧡 10mo
StayCurious great job! remember each story counts for full points! 9mo
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The Nightmare Man | J. H. Markert
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I finished up the audiobook version of this on Sunday. I found it to be really interesting and increasingly gripping as it barreled towards the ending. I don‘t really read thrillers much, but maybe that will change with books like this. I was afraid the this would be some type of Nightmare on Elm Street rip-off. Although dealing with similar themes involving nightmares, this had its own solid, unique spin on things.

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I finished my first book for October. I appreciated the variety in this collection. Some stories were as brief as a few minutes long; another story lasted around 90 minutes. Some stories were fun and silly while others were very deep and involved the characters facing really complex and unintended consequences for their actions. The collection was very consistent in terms of quality, as for me there was only one real dud in the lot.

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Here‘s my list for October BookSpin Bingo!

I‘ll also be using for other awesome October/Halloween events to include the following:


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 10mo
TheSpineView Looks good! 10mo
Catsandbooks Great list! 🦇 10mo
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Here‘s my bucket list for October and #Scarathlon!

#TeamCreepinItReal. @StayCurious

StayCurious this is a great list! 10mo
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Here‘s a list of movies I hope to pick from for Halloween and the upcoming Scarathlon event!!

#TeamCreepinItReal #earlybirdpoints


StayCurious I've never heard of some of these but they sound interesting! Death toilet? lol 10mo
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Beastly | Alex Flinn
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@Pigpen_Reads here are the books I picked for #trappedinaspookyhouse. I hope it ends up being a fun month of reading!


Pigpen_Reads Thank you for the picks! I'm so looking forward to this list :) 10mo
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This book was a lot of fun in addition to being informative. My only complaint is that it ended. I‘m sure there are so many more strange and interesting stories about the history of sex to include outdated beliefs, practices, and societal norms!

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This was one of the more painful reads or “listens” I‘ve experienced. This is an amazing collection of oral histories from 9/11. It really brought back the sense of uncertainty and panic that was prevalent that day, even for those following the events via radio or TV. I heavily recommend this to those who experienced and recall the day (you‘ll still learn something new) and even more to those who were too young to remember or who weren‘t born yet.

fredthemoose Just finished this a week or two ago and totally agree! 10mo
JoeMo I was impressed with the number of stories that involved the president and the people who were with him that day. It was also an opportunity to learn more about what occurred at the Pentagon and in Shanksville. 10mo
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Above is my TBR list (so for) all the things in October to include #Scarathlon, #trappedinaspookyhouse, #bookspinbingo, and so many other things TBD!

#TeamCreepinItReal #earlybirdpoints

StayCurious Great graphic! 10mo
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It‘s back! 🎃👻👹🧛‍♀️🧙 This was one of the first things I ever did when I logged onto Litsy three years ago. I absolutely love this time of year and this event always adds to the fun, even if I have to use a spreadsheet to track points! 😤🙄 If you love the season and enjoy posting about related books, movies, and all things Halloween, then this event is for you:


#Scarathlon #TeamCreepinItReal #earlybirdpoints

PuddleJumper Spreadsheets are the best part! 😂 10mo
StayCurious Thanks for sharing! 10mo
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The Golden Gate | Vikram Seth
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1. Hell yes I have…as a progressive living in a relatively conservative area, it‘s a good way to meet people.

2. I recommend Golden Gate…a really unique book based in the 80s. One of the characters uses the personal ads to meet someone!


Yuki_Onna Now I really wonder where you live 🫠 10mo
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 10mo
JoeMo @Yuki_Onna It‘s the Lancaster/central Pennsylvania area, which is quite conservative for the most part. Some call us the Bible Belt moved north. 10mo
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This was a heartbreaking work of nonfiction about a family that was devastated by mental illness. In addition to the gripping personal story of the family, I was impressed by how much I learned about the history of how culture and the scientific community viewed mental health. I highly recommend this!

#bookspinbingo. @TheAromaofBooks

currentlyreadinginCO Agree with your review! 11mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 11mo
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The Babysitter Lives | Stephen Graham Jones
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All credit to SGJ for a very creative book. I guess I was expecting more of a traditional slasher story. It ended up being more of a mind-bending fever dream. At times there was a bit too much going on for an audiobook as there were a few times I missed something and was like “what the hell is happening?” I enjoyed the twists at the end though, which definitely resulted in me reviewing the book more favorably than I would have otherwise. 4/5

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