“They seemed to come suddenly upon happiness as if they had surprised a butterfly in the winter woods.”
#FeelinThelove ❤️🧡💛
—Edith Wharton
“They seemed to come suddenly upon happiness as if they had surprised a butterfly in the winter woods.”
#FeelinThelove ❤️🧡💛
—Edith Wharton
It caught him back to the dreadful moment in the lodge when, raising himself up from Rainer‘s side, he had looked at his hands and seen that they were red…
#EthanFromeAndOtherStories #EdithWharton #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookworld #bookword #epicreads #bookend #bookends #Classics #Fiction #Romance #Literature #School #HistoricalFiction #American #Novels #HighSchool
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I am new to Edith Wharton‘s writing and wasn‘t sure where to begin. I read that Ethan Frome is a reader favorite so I decided this was a good place to start. I truly enjoyed this novella and look forward to reading more of her work. I liked her writing style: her descriptions of scenes and ability to weave an interesting, timeless tale.
Full review at https://abookandadog.com
I had the story, bit by bit, from various people, and, as generally happens in such cases, each time it was a different story.
#EthanFromeAndOtherStories #EdithWharton #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookworld #bookword #epicreads #bookend #bookends #bookending #bookendings #Classics #Fiction #Literature #Romance #School #HistoricalFiction #American #Novels #HighSchool 💓
This was such a quick read, considering how I agonized over it in high school. I reread it this time because my nephew is reading it for a college class. I feel almost mean for how much I enjoyed this book, when everything goes so poorly for Ethan. I love Zeena's nosy cat.
#EthanFromeAndOtherStories #EdithWharton #book #books #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #bookmoments #bookquote #bookquotes #bookqueen #bookquirk #quote #quotes #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookworld #bookword #epicreads #bookend #bookends #bookending #bookendings #bookedit #bookedits #Classics #Fiction #Literature #Romance #School #HistoricalFiction #American #Novels #HighSchool 💝
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This book was okay but, it really didn‘t grab my attention all that much. Overall it was an okay book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
#EthanFromeAndOtherStories #EdithWharton #book #books #bookish #bookishfeature #bookishfeatures #booksoflitsy #bookobsessed #bookobsession #bookoholic #bookoholics #bookperson #bookpeople #bookpassion #bookpicture #bookpictures #bookphotos #Classics #Fiction #Literature #Romance #School #HistoricalFiction #American #Novels #HighSchool 💝💝
May Book Spin 📚
#EthanFromeAndOtherStories #EdithWharton #TheArcherAtDawn #AReaperAtTheGates #Dracula #TheFallingInLoveMontage #TheLittleMermaidsVoice #BeautysRose #SleepingBeautysSpindle #AColdLegacy #WrittenInTheStars #ASkyForUsAlone #TheConferenceOfTheBirds #FanTheFame #TheIsland #TheFear #TheLake #ThePrincessAndTheFangirl #DieForHer #TheWoodsAreAlwaysWatching #TheLostBoy #book #books #booklist #booklust #booklove #booklover #booklovers 💖💖💖
#AprilBookSpin #EthanFromeAmsOtherStories #EdithWharton #TheArcherAtDawn #AReaperAtTheGates #Dracula #TheFallingInLoveMontage #TheLittleMermaidsVoice #BeautysRose #SleepingBeautysSpindle #AColdLegacy #WrittenInTheStars #DonQuixote #ASkyForUsAlone #TheConferenceOfTheBirds #FanTheFame #TheIsland #TheFear #TheLake #ThePrincessAndTheFangirl #DieForHer #TheWoodsAreAlwaysWatching #book #books #booktattoo #booktree #bookthief #booktopia #booktoday 💗💗💗
#EthanFromeAndOtherStories #EdithWharton #RebelRose #TheArcherAtDawn #AReaperAtTheGates #ThisTimeWillBeDifferent #Dracula #TheFallingInLoveMontage #TheLittleMermaidsVoice #BeautysRose #SleepingBeautysSpindle #AColdLegacy #WrittenInTheStars #DonQuixote #ASkyForUsAlone #AlmostThere #TheConferenceOfTheBirds #FanTheFame #TheFear #TheLake #ThePrincessAndTheFangirl #book #books #bookz #bookzesty #bookzilla #bookzine #bookzone #bookxcess #bookcase 💟💟💟
#EthanFromeAndOtgerStories #TheAgeOfInnocence #RebelRose #TheArcherAtDawn #AReaperAtTheGates #ThisTimeWillBeDifferent #Dracula #TheFallingInLoveMontage #TheLittleMermaidsVoice #BeautysRose #SleepingBeautysSpindle #AColdLegacy #WrittenInTheStars #Holes #DonQuixote #ASkyForUsAlone #AlmostThere #TheConferenceOfTheBirds #FanTheFame #TheTwin #book #books #bookkeeper #bookkeepers #bookkeeping #bookloot #booklist #booklust #booklove #booklover ❤️🔥😉😌
#EthanFromeAndOtherStories #TheAgeOfInnocence #EverythingThatBurns #RebelRose #TheArcherAtDawn #AReaperAtTheGates #ThisTimeWillBeDifferent #Dracula #Kin #TheFallingInLoveMontage #TheLittleMermaidsVoice #BeautysRose #SleepingBeautysSpindle #AColdLegacy #WrittenInTheStars #Holes #DonQuixote #ASkyForUsAlone #AlmostThere #AMapOfDays #book #books #bookgeek #bookgeeks #bookgeeky #bookgang #bookgasm #geek #geeks #geeky #bookhoarder #bookhoarders ❣️❣️❣️❣️
Such a great #AuldLangSpine list from @Emilymdxn !!! Many of these titles I‘m not familiar with, but some I‘ve read and loved (2, 7, 13). The tagged I read in 9th grade English, but just decided to reread after coming across it in Great Short Books. 6, 16, and 20 have all been on my radar, but I‘m excited to look into the titles I‘m not familiar with because I know there are a lot of gems here! 💎 Thanks for the great match @monalyisha 💜
Set in a small, fictional town during the early 1900‘s, Ethan Frome is a man seemingly trapped by unfortunate circumstances into a life very different from the one he wanted. The book is short, beautifully written, romantic and tragic.
Spent some time at Edith Wharton‘s The Mount last weekend. I so wish I was there again today. If you are ever in the Berkshires, it‘s a must. Finishing the tagged today.
It caught him back to the dreadful moment in the lodge when, raising himself up from Rainer‘s side, he had looked at his hands and seen that they were red…
#EthanFromeAndOtherStories #EdithWharton #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookworld #bookword #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #epicreads #bookend #bookends #Classics #Fiction #Literature #School #Romance #HistoricalFiction #American #Novels #HighSchool
#EthanFrome #EdithWharton #book #books #bookkeeper #bookkeeperlife #bookkeeping #bookloot #booklist #booklust #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookz #bookzesty #bookzilla #bookzine #bookzone #bookxcess #bookcollection #bookcollector #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookcoverdesigner #bookclub #bookclubs #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookvsfilm #bookvsmovie #Classics #Fiction #Literature #School #Romance 💛💛
#EthanFrome #EdithWharton #book #books #booksoflitsy #bookobsessed #bookobsession #bookoholic #bookoholics #bookperson #bookpeople #bookpassion #bookpicture #bookpictures #bookphoto #bookphotos #bookphotograph #bookphotographer #bookphotography #bookart #bookartist #bookattitude #bookaholic #bookaholics #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshelfie #bookshelfies #shelfie #shelfies #bookstacks #bookstacks #Classics #Fiction #Literature #School #Romance 💛💛
Ethan Frome is one of those books I‘ve been aware of for a long time without knowing anything about the story - I don‘t know what I was expecting from it, but it was nothing like what I got! A cold, bleak rural landscape, a claustrophobic poverty stricken household of 3 mismatched people and a desperation in each of them that leads to terrible consequences. It is beautifully written and deeply affecting.
I loved this book. Ethan‘s presence took me in completely from the very beginning ..
‘ But when winter shut down on Starkfield, and the village lay under a sheet of snow perpetually renewed from the pale skies, I began to see what life there- or rather it‘s negation- must have been in Ethan Frome‘s young manhood.‘
The impact of this story is unforgettable. Crystal clear , brilliant writing.
This left my high school mind with a warped view of Wharton. Unwilling or unable to see the masterpiece, I came away with “droll”, and a sled. Starkville, MA is far away from the New York elite. And it‘s winter and there‘s no money - and these define Ethan‘s marriage and spoken words. And drive his impulsive pursuit of the dancing Mattie Silver. After a slow start, I got really into this sparse shadowy cold world. Great stuff. #whartonbuddyread
(I thought I‘d start with a little levity, because that‘s all we‘re going to get.) Is this the anti-Romeo & Juliet, or at least Wharton‘s response to that romantic trope? An argument against the belief that suffering makes one noble? Or just a bleak view of human nature? I‘ll post some favorite quotes below. #whartonbuddyread
Well, we know this can‘t end well. 🙂 I‘m getting some Cather vibes from this one: a narrator we don‘t really get to know, the setting as a major character, the effect the climate/weather has on characters‘ personalities. Anyone else seeing that connection? And how do you feel about Ethan‘s behavior - justified because of Zeena‘s , unforgivable, or somewhere in between? #whartonbuddyread
Borrowed this copy of the novel from the library for the #whartonbuddyread my copy of the often referenced Wharton biography, I know there is a newer one about her by Hermione Lee .Lee‘s Biography of Virginia Woolf was excellent!
This copy is the one I sullenly maybe read in high school (as a junior?). It has my handwriting, it‘s falling apart, but it‘s somehow still around, 30+ years later, patiently awaiting another visit. I‘ve started it for our #whartonbuddyread
Perhaps the best-known and most popular of Edith Wharton's novels, Ethan Frome is widely considered her masterpiece. Set against a bleak New England background, the novel tells of Frome, his ailing wife Zeena and her companion Mattie Silver, superbly delineating the characters of each as they are drawn relentlessly into a deep-rooted domestic struggle.
#EthanFrome #EdithWharton #book #books #bookkeeper #Classics #Fiction #Literature #School 💘💘💘
Reminder - we start Ethan Frome next Saturday. Let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the tag list. #whartonbuddyread @jewright @Louise @Sace @Suet624 @arubabookwoman @Currey @catebutler @Catherine_Willoughby @crazeedi @mdm139 @emilyhaldi @rubyslippersreads @KathyWheeler @llwheeler @CarolynM @Cathythoughts @BookishTrish @graywacke @leftcoastzen
Our next #whartonbuddyread is Ethan Frome. We‘ll start after the upcoming holidays and, even though it‘s short, we‘ll break it into 2 sections.
That‘s what I like to see…mask required. 😃
This was my first Edith Wharton book. What a writer! Even though this book had a sad, morose tone to it, I looked forward to picking it up because of the lyrical writing. There was a touch of suspense and Wharton did a wonderful job portraying the angst of the situation. I look forward to reading more of Wharton‘s works.
This was my #doublespin for February (I actually got one read in the appropriate month 😳)
Happy Birthday to Edith Wharton ✨🎂🎁🎈🎊🎉📚
#EdithWharton #EthanFrome #TheAgeOfInnocence #TheHouseOfMirth #TheCustomOfTheCountry #Summer #TheReef #book #books #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookvsfilm #bookvsmovie #bookbag #bookbags #bookbinding #bookbeau #bookblog #bookblogger #bookbackpack #bookbackpacks #booknerd #booknerds #booknerdsunite #booknerdy #booknook #booknation #nerd #nerds #nerdsunite #nerdy #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets 💙
Other than a few well-written sentences, I did not enjoy that story or the characters. I‘m glad it was short. It just dragged, and I kept waiting for it to get interesting but even the “shocker” at the end didn‘t turn it around for me. Pretty dull.
I had the story, bit by bit, from various people, and, as generally happens in such cases, each time it was a different story.
#EthanFromeAndOtherStories #EdithWharton #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookworld #bookword #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #epicreads #bookend #bookends #bookending #bookendings #bookedit #bookedits #bookeditor #bookrecommendation #Classics #Fiction #Literature #School 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Austere: severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance.
Everything about this novel is austere: the setting, Ethan‘s wife Zeena, forbidden emotions, and despair.
#austere #springsentiments
I can‘t believe I haven‘t read this little gem of a classic before now. At only about 100 pages, you should pick it up when you have a few spare hours. Bonus: FREE from Kindle Unlimited
Beautifully descriptive, symbolic and crafted tale of a poor farmer who spent his youth caring for his ailing parents, now 28 and caring for his ‘ailing‘ wife (7 years his senior) when her bright young niece comes to live them due to lack of family and at the same time help his wife. More than hope flickers, is fanned and flames resulting in an action which determines their combined fate. Quick to read and recommended text.
“He would have liked to stand there with her all night in the blackness.” This pretty much sums up the book, and I‘d say he got what he wanted.
I was warned that this book was bleak and rightly so, nonetheless I really enjoyed it, particularly the ending. Responsibility, true responsibility is not for the faint hearted.
Well, that was fucking sad. Wharton could have titled it "Regret: A Study."
I loved it. 5 ⭐
Well this was pitiable, sad, tragic, and ironic.
I will be mulling this one over for a bit and I'm looking forward to bookclub discussion @llwheeler 😘
This was such a bleak story about forbidden love, the struggle between acting on your desires and fulfilling your duties... I loved it. I actually ended up buying the advanced version of Serial Reader when I didnt want to stop reading the other night.
A forbidden love between a husband wifes' young cousin. Ended unexpectedly. I liked it.
This is my first Wharton piece. I enjoyed her ample descriptions and careful character development. I may get into Summer next, another short one, and then think about Age of Innocence or The House of Mirth
My second Wharton, and wow does she know how to effectively convey the crippling disappointments of life. Ethan is such a tragic and pitiable figure, thwarted by mischance and the burdens of unshakeable duty. Also, in its structure, this book reminds me slightly of Wuthering Heights...a framed narrative to reveal the backstory of an enigmatic man, while a harsh landscape surrounds his ongoing tale of grim loss.