This isn't so much the #BestLineInABadBook as it is my favorite line in a story I hate. #BookLove17
This isn't so much the #BestLineInABadBook as it is my favorite line in a story I hate. #BookLove17
#BestLineInABadBook #BookLove17
It's not that this is a bad book, but after dissecting it for a year in GCSE English, and in Religious Education, it just doesn't equate to fun for me. I don't think I will ever read or watch this again! However as it is an important piece of literature, I can appreciate the themes and beautiful quotes ☺
(Photo from picturequotes.com)
#17booklove #lovetohate & #booklove17 #bestlineinabadbook kinda fit together today!
My planner decided the quote for me!
I bailed on this series. Too much no for me (Magnus Bane is a-ok though!!) 📚
I don't know that there actually was a best line in this book! But I'll go with this, because it makes no sense. Mostly like the rest of the prose in this book. #bestlineinabadbook #BookLove17
A present day character is trying to explain America's current "war" to a sort of time traveler who thought the Cold War was still going on. This quote made me laugh out loud: America is at war with an Afghan tribe? I'd never heard it described that way. It was the #bestlineinabadbook that stood out to me. #booklove17
I read this book at thirteen (or so) and while I was meh about it some stuck with me. #booklove2017 #day6 #bestlineinabadbook
Technically this is not a bad book, I just hate it. I'm a dog person and every time I transferred schools I had to re read this dang book. I'm a dog lover. I just can not take this book. But I love this quote and find it yo be true. #booklove17 #bestlineinabadbook
This is a pretty good line from one of my least favorite books. #bestlineinabadbook #booklove17 #lovetohate #17booklove @jess.how
Perhaps a lot of people will disagree with me, but I thought this was a bad book - maybe it has something to do with me reading it translated into Danish, maybe it is me, maybe it is the book. I don't know. But here is a #bestlineinabadbook. It is a rather good line, I will give you that 👌
Edit: just realised I tagged the wrong person, but now everything should be in order! 👍