The author is speaking of her mother‘s death. This memoir is stunning in its beauty, & its exploration of grief & memory. #literatibookclub #wildreads #cherylstrayed #memoir
The author is speaking of her mother‘s death. This memoir is stunning in its beauty, & its exploration of grief & memory. #literatibookclub #wildreads #cherylstrayed #memoir
“ Do you know what it means to have a wound that never heals?”
#literati #June2021 #CherylStrayed
This looks beyond ambitious but I am only reading a couple of chapters each this week because with the exception of The Rose Code, Hemingway book Club,Murder in the bookshop,they are all buddy reads.
#memoir #bookspinbingo #audio #sundaybuddyread #sophiesworld #literati #Heavy #jessamynWard #MemorialDrive #CherylStrayed
"E com'era selvaggio lasciare che fosse."
#cherylstrayed #wild #intothewild #life #womanpower #wp #pct #pacificcresttrail
Wild! Very inspiring story!
#wild #booktoscreen #thebookwasbetter #cherylstrayed #reesewitherspoon #reesewitherspoonbookclub
Two spectacular ladies teaming up!!
#jenniferpharrdavis #cherylstrayed
What can I say about this book, when I saw hiking the PCT was made into the Gilmore Girls story line, I knew it had a massive influence on women everywhere. Cheryl opened her life which at times was very ugly, however through her pain and personal struggles came this beauty of a book. Will always be one of my all time favorites!! #cherylstrayed #wild
Start each day with a smile on your face.
#readingresolutions Wilderness
#wild #cherylstrayed #nongiction #goodreads #bookworm #litsylove #litsyfun
#Wild by #CherylStrayed | At 22, Cheryl thought she had lost everything: her mother, her family and her marriage. With nothing more to lose, she made the most impulsive decision of her life: to hike the Pacific Crest Trail alone. This is a powerful, blazingly honest memoir: the story of an 1100 mile solo hike that broke down a young woman reeling from catastrophe and built her back up again. #memoirs #WildWednesday - #AWESOMEAUTUMNBOOKS
I did enjoy this book but overall Strayed appeared to be a bit too much in love with herself. Not very helpful if you are planning to hike the pct yourself. Nonetheless, it is entertaining, quite funny and an easy read, especially if you ignore the kitchen psychology she is prone to #wild #cherylstrayed