It was originally published by a company known for its auto repair manuals because no one else would publish it. 😱. Because it was so long and complex.
#DuneBuddyRead #DuneReadAlong
It was originally published by a company known for its auto repair manuals because no one else would publish it. 😱. Because it was so long and complex.
#DuneBuddyRead #DuneReadAlong
Just a little insight into the patterning for Lady Jessica, I know quite a few of you really liked her character.
#DuneBuddyRead #DuneReadAlong
So we reached the conclusion! What did you thing? I liked it, but I was a bit disappointed, I was expecting it to end a bit further into the future (guess that‘s what the sequels are for).
How‘s it going? How are you making out? Are you enjoying the experience? What‘s surprised you so far?
For me, really well... I had trouble holding back from reading ahead. My biggest surprise so far, I didn‘t realize it had such an environmental message. And how is this story going to be wrapped up with just one part left....it seems like we‘re still at the beginning of this epic?
Yaaaassss! I forced myself to read very little else this week. And despite less than normal reading time, I did it. Finally caught up on the #dunebuddyread. I am now definitely involved in this trippy story. How about my fellow Arrakis travelers?
I‘ve got #LOTRChapterADay or #YearOfTolkien caught up on, as well as #ShakespeareReadAlong, and my #DuneBuddyRead #DuneReadAlong is right on track.
I need to keep them that way.
I‘ve fallen a book behind on both #PratchettPosse or #OokBOokClub and I had meant to join in for the #EarthSeaChapterADay with book 2, but it just didn‘t happen. Maybe I‘ll loop back to those books eventually, hopefully.
#DuneBuddyRead. How‘s it going? I‘m just finishing up Part I today myself, but I‘m completely sucked into this story already! It wasn‘t at all what I was expecting. I was expecting something drier (no pun intended) considering what I‘ve heard of the strong religious/mythology aspects of the story, but I haven‘t found that a hurtle at all, just great story telling & world building. How are you making out? Enjoying or not? Is it what you expected?
Finally starting Dune for the #dunebuddyread! I'm not terribly far in yet but so far it's interesting and the audio is a full production with a cast and music/sound effects.
I‘m finally ready to dive in to the #DuneBuddyRead - just a week or so late. Having just finished an epic fantasy trilogy from N.K. Jemisin, I hope another one will grab me. I‘m feeling a bit unsure, though. But I‘ll give it a go! #dunereadalong #dunesnotjustfordudes
Epic. Truly epic. An overpowering saga that rolls over you like a giant sandstorm, so that imperfections just don‘t matter in the grand scheme of things. And schemes are many. All grand. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I know that I ignored all #dunebuddyread rules but I couldn‘t put it down...
#dunereadalong @Riveted_Reader_Melissa