This puzzle!!! 🤩🧩💚
How super cool is this jigsaw puzzle?!
Thank you so much my dear friend. 💜😘
This puzzle!!! 🤩🧩💚
How super cool is this jigsaw puzzle?!
Thank you so much my dear friend. 💜😘
Couldn‘t resist these stamps - love this art work #litsylove
Captain america is cool like litreally. his a Recipient of the Super-Soldier serum, World War II hero Steve Rogers fights for American ideals as one of the world's mightiest heroes and the leader of the Avengers. America's World War II Super-Soldier continues his fight in the present as an Avenger and untiring sentinel of liberty.
I just read #Fatale Vol. 1. Here's a cool infographic about it made with #booklyapp #EdBrubaker
This story just keeps getting more and more interesting. Can‘t wait to see how it wraps up in volume 4! 4⭐️
It was a great story. I‘m glad that it‘s being adapted into a series by Syfy. #killorbekilled #edbrubaker
1. I'll watch anything w/ Chris Evans or Colin Farrell. Shout out to Iain de Caestecker - dude kills it on Agents of SHIELD.
2. Yes!
3. Read, TV/movies, puppy snuggles,& board games.
4. Death, dying before I read all the books, bed bugs, injury, going broke, failure.
5. Sometimes I remember snippets. Many times I've received a school schedule and don't go or can't find my way & flunk out. Can't find a private bathroom.
@MinDea #humpdaypost
Helping me confirm my theory that I‘m essentially a younger person with the interests of an old lady. 👵🏻 But definitely not an e-book hater! 😂
If you want to join the team: https://bookriot.com/2018/05/16/which-avenger-are-you-reading/
1. Captain America: Winter Soldier and Guardians Vol. 1
2. Loki
3. Marvel movies for sure but normally Image or Vertigo comics.
Another good volume of the graphic novel series known as Kill or Be Killed by Ed Brubaker. I feel sorry for Dylan because things are only going to get worse for him. #killorbekilled #edbrubaker #graphicnovel #goodreads #goodreadschallenge