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Prodigal Summer | Barbara Kingsolver
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#litSolace #MidSummerSolace

This was a re-read for me, but it hit much differently in my 40‘s than it did in my 30‘s. I loved the three stories of women breaking the mold in Appalachia and how they came together at the end. I forgot how funny this book was too. Truly some laugh out loud moments.

Thanks for the motivation to re-read @AllDebooks

PaperbackPirate This is my favorite Kingsolver so far! A reread is a great idea, but I still need to read Demon Copperhead. 📚 38m
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Prodigal Summer | Barbara Kingsolver
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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

Discussion thread for our #buddyread

📖 Did you enjoy this novel?
📖 What stood out for you?
📖 Any particular likes/dislikes?
📖 Did you enjoy the author's writing style?

All are welcome to join in the discussion. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

Bookwormjillk I‘m only two chapters in, but enjoying it! It‘s a re-read for me but it‘s been a while. 3d
Librarybelle I‘m hoping to start this today! I fell a bit behind on a couple of my buddy reads. 3d
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The Last Beekeeper | Pablo Cartaya
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#Summersouls #insects

In a future world bees are extinct. When the robot bees begin to fail so does the MC‘s strawberry farm. She is also fighting against corrupt leaders and propaganda. A great kids-save-the-day environmental story!


Eggs Perfect! 7d
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Eggs Love 🩵🤍💜 1w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 1w
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This is part memoir and part history of Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant in CO. It‘s interesting and Iverson has a lot to say about her life and the impacts of Rocky Flats. I think a map of the area and a timeline could have helped move this along. Parts were fantastic, other portions I scanned.

Prodigal Summer | Barbara Kingsolver
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Today is a whole #Hyggehour 💚🥵

It's so hot, I need lots of breaks to cool down from gardening jobs. I'm looking forward to a pamper evening and #Hyggehour readathon tonight, continuing with the tagged. 🍸📚🍸

What are your plans?

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

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Oh, knock it off!!!

(A statement made to the author by an elder in the Mormon General Authority. He was concerned she was choosing not to have children.)

Karisa 🤢😱🤯🤬 1w
Susanita I encountered two young Mormons last evening during my neighborhood walk. They were very friendly and personable, but I assured them that I have my own church and didn‘t need information about theirs. In fact, I‘ve been attending my church for more years than they have been alive. 1w
Suet624 @Susanita 💕💕💕 1w
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Lsmoore43 OMG. I am speechless. 1w
BookmarkTavern One of the many reasons I left the LDS church. I was told my only value lay in the sons I could provide to a husband. 1w
kspenmoll Not a surprise seeing who said this to her!!! I have a friend who was Mormon, left the Church when her dad was excommunicated for his homosexuality. She then was inundated with members & family persuading her to return. She eventually did for she sorely missed the community. I attended her baptism. But when she moved to CA to teach, a few years latter she left for good. She is an amazingly strong woman. (edited) 1w
Eggbeater "The sperm you provide, over which your wife presides, is a total waste of a wank." That would be my response. 1w
Suet624 @Eggbeater hahaha. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 1w
Suet624 @kspenmoll that‘s hard to do, leaving a community.. sometimes it‘s harder to stay though. 1w
Suet624 @BookmarkTavern Damn! I‘m glad you‘ve left. 1w
Avanders 😠 1w
LeahBergen Happy Birthday! 😘😘😘 1w
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The Overstory | Richard Powers
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Gosh. I'm at a loss... so very detailed and engrossing but hurt my brain and my thoughts so very much.
In awe of his capacity to write such am epic story which has deep truths.
On Saturday I'm attending the March for Nature rally. It feels timely.

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