#FillYourCupFriday — RELAX
❤️ infusion
❤️ self care - Bath, dye hair, paint nails
❤️ nap
❤️ finish up some homework
#FillYourCupFriday — RELAX
❤️ infusion
❤️ self care - Bath, dye hair, paint nails
❤️ nap
❤️ finish up some homework
🌷Spend quiet time reading
🌷Watch more Bridgeton
🌷Maybe nap
🌷Look at class documents/requirements - set up a plan (school starts Monday)
🌷1 load of laundry
🌷Get ready for my upcoming 4 days of work
I got 10 books read this month. I took a critical eye and said only 3 5-star books. But.. some of the others (4-star ones, were super good). All in all a great month!
Participated in: #BookSpinBingo #ISpyBingo #HashtagBrigade #HyggeHour #FillYourCupFriday
Had a rough 3 days at work (4 deaths) I‘m exhausted caring for others and their grief. I need to do some productive things (which helps) and just process my own thoughts and feelings. Nursing is hard on you.
(Might add shopping to this - the car dealership is near target)🎯
Got some errands (doc appts) so I downloaded this one ☺️ (#NextInSeries).
❤️ Botox
💜 Vaccine
🩷 Update Litsy (catch up on #ChapterADay #BuddyRead)
💛 Put Laundry Away
🩵 Organize Planner
❓Shop? Dinner plans?
I‘m off today after working three 12-hour shifts in the psych emergency department. Wow! I haven‘t worked worked in forever. My brain is mush.
Plans: Catch up on #HashtagBrigade (@BreakingMadRead), therapy, finish the Suicide House, cuddle with babies, trash TV (not sure what's on the docket), and move just enough so that Lobster doesn't think I'm dead and eats my earlobes.
#FillYourCupFriday #SelfCareIsNotSelfish
#FillYourCupFriday :)
My Libby Loan came in just in time for errands! #AudioCommute started.
- Surround Myself with Something Beautiful: I got some beautiful St. Patrick's Day flowers :)
- Self Care: It turns out I didn't have immunity to Hep B, so I got my first set of vaccine
- Treat Myself: I got a “Get In Loser“ drink from Starbucks and bought an electric Kettle
- Reading more of Mexican Gothic
- Game: Maybe Sims? Not Sure Yet.
My #TherapeuticThursday was spent at the orthopedic office (my leg is healing, but I have significant ligament damage to my ankle - which ... I mean... pain - so I guessed it). Anyway, Today #FillYourCupFriday. I am going to continue to take it easy (especially since it snowed yesterday), just got back from PT and having a PCP and Therapy appointment via zoom soon. What are y'all doing to “fill your cup“?