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The Native Heath | Elizabeth Fair
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A re-read for me, but still a pleasant time. It's probably my least favorite Elizabeth Fair, but very cozy and the quintessential #furrowedmiddlebrow publication, I think.


Ruthiella Your LEAST FAVORITE Elizabeth Fair? Wow. I‘m totally looking forward to reading more from her then, because I thought this was great. 😊 2d
quietjenn Yep, I like her immensely. This one is good, but I think the others are even better. 🙂 Although I haven't yet read the one that was rediscovered! 2d
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The Native Heath | Elizabeth Fair
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Starting this now with a lovely cider from the local lavender festival. Lavender cider and the July #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub read are what I needed on this Sunday evening. @Tamra I‘m adopting your quiet hour before making dinner routine!

Tamra Isn‘t it wonderful?! 😍 Such a lovely view. (edited) 2w
Jess_Read_This @Tamra Thank you! The scent of freshly cut grass is in the air and I‘m glad we were able to mow before the pop up storms happen. 2w
Ruthiella Beautiful spot. 😍 2w
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CarolynM That looks wonderful! Enjoy! 2w
AlaMich I enjoy cider and a lavender version sounds tasty! 2w
Jess_Read_This @AlaMich If you are close to Armada, Michigan- Blake‘s Apple Orchard makes it and it‘s called Wisteria. They host a Lavender Festival every year! 2w
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella @CarolynM Thank you! Cheers to a Sunday evening! 2w
julieclair Beautiful garden! What a relaxing view. 2w
jlhammar Looks heavenly! 2w
LeahBergen Perfection! ❤️ 2w
Cathythoughts Looks beautiful where you are ❤️ 2w
Jess_Read_This @julieclair @jlhammar @Cathythoughts @LeahBergen Thank you! It was lovely until the biting deer flies and the humidity chased me back indoors. July nuisances! 2w
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The Native Heath | Elizabeth Fair
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Gentle, amusing, filled with delightfully eccentric characters. Quite enjoyed my visit to the 1950s village of Goatstock where ladies wear proper hats and aged animals are cared for.


jlhammar And thank goodness that Alaric was not under the spell of Miss Brigg after all and that the dreaded New Town was not to be! 2w
Ruthiella I loved the gentle comedy in this one. I‘d love to see it adapted for the small screen. 2w
Jess_Read_This Just starting now and am thrilled to hear the aged animals are cared for in the book! I need a feel good read! 2w
LeahBergen Oh, good! I‘ll come back again to comment when I finish. 😊 2w
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The Native Heath | Elizabeth Fair
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Here‘s a snapshot from the charity meeting for the Aged Animals‘ Pension Fund. 😂

I thought this book was lovely. My only complaint is that the ending was a tad abrupt. Widowed Julia Dunstan inherits a house in the country settles herself in with the aim of improving the lives of everyone around her, regardless of their personal wishes. Shades of Barbara Pym and Mapp & Lucia, but still very much its own thing.

The theft of the honeycombs! 😱🤣

LeahBergen I‘m saving this to come back to when I finally finish! 😆 2w
Ruthiella @LeahBergen I look forward to your keen observations! 😃 2w
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Cathythoughts Great picture 👌🏻❤️ 2w
Ruthiella @Cathythoughts Thanks! It‘s fun to try and think of what I can display since I read most of these on kindle. 2w
Tamra I‘m going to finish up East of Eden and then read this one. I hope it makes a good transition read. 🙂 2w
Ruthiella @Tamra It will be a nice palate cleanser! No one is evil like Cathy! 😱 2w
CarolynM 🤣 Just how I pictured it! Great review. 2w
jlhammar 😂 Great photo. And yes, the honeycombs - how dare she! I was chuckling throughout this book, lots of little zingers. 2w
Ruthiella @jlhammar I thought maybe Miss Pope was being a little paranoid until that point. But it really sealed the deal! 😂 2w
Ruthiella @CarolynM If you look hard, you‘ll even see an animal! No idea if it is aged or not or deserving of a pension. 😆 2w
erzascarletbookgasm I‘m curious about this charity meeting. Will be starting the book soon 2w
Ruthiella @erzascarletbookgasm I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 😃 (edited) 2w
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The Native Heath | Elizabeth Fair
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Not much story, but what an entertaining collection of characters! I loved Harriet & her Aunt Finch (I could just imagine Aunt Finch as a Suffragette, yelling slogans while chained to the railings at the Palace of Westminster😆) & I liked Robert for seeing her charms. The interactions between Mrs Prentice and Mrs Minnis were a hoot, but as for the Popes… oh dear.

Ruthiella I loved this character rich novel. It could have gone on and on, as far as I was concerned. 😃 It wasn‘t the Popes that got me, but the family Minnis or should I say MENACE! 😂 Guard your vacuum and borrowed tools! 3w
LeahBergen I‘m hoping to get to it soon (and then I‘ll come back to comment 😄). 2w
Jess_Read_This I hope to start this one tonight. I need some entertaining characters in my life at the moment 😂 2w
jlhammar Planning to enjoy this over the weekend! 2w
jlhammar Agree, such great quirky characters! 2w
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The Native Heath | Elizabeth Fair
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Hiya #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub reading buddies! It‘s almost time for our July 2024 pick by Elizabeth Fair. She‘s a new to me author and this story sounds like it‘ll be fun and cozy read set in a village with eccentric characters.

Please read at your own pace and post at will. We usually aim to be done mid month, but there‘s no hard or fast rule! Be sure to tag the group if you do post so we can join in on the discussion.

LeahBergen It will be my first read by this author, too! 👏 4w
julieclair So looking forward to this one! 4w
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jlhammar I‘ve got it in my July stack. Really looking forward to it! 4w
elkeOriginal First time read of this author for me too! Though it seems I own more than a couple of her books…🤦🏼‍♀️ 4w
Kimzey Thank you for the reminder! 4w
CarolynM Thanks Ruth. I‘m going to get started right away! 4w
Jess_Read_This Thank you for the reminder! I‘ll start this one asap! 3w
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It looks like the newest Dean St. Press book is available for preorder, at least for Kindle and Kobo. #FurrowedMiddleBrowClub

LeahBergen Ooo, I‘ve been wondering when it would show up! 1mo
Cathythoughts Sounds good too 👍🏻♥️ 1mo
quietjenn Ah, thanks for the heads up! 1mo
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CarolynM I need this book! Early nomination for next year‘s #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub? @LeahBergen @Cathythoughts @quietjenn 1mo
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I'd read this a few weeks ago with #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub but am just getting around to catching up with reviews. The story was predictable and full of outrageous cliches, but I enjoyed it all the same. I loved all the gothic elements!

Ruthiella It felt definitely more like a gothic romance than a golden age mystery to me. But it definitely had its fun moments. 🦜 2mo
kwmg40 @Ruthiella Very true. I still liked the mystery aspects, though, even if there were no surprises at the end! 2mo
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Aimeesue @Ruthiella Thé parrot was the best! ? 2mo
LeahBergen I found it fun, too! 2mo
rubyslippersreads I think the Gothic elements were what made it fun. 2mo
CarolynM It was one of those “so bad it‘s good” reading experiences 😆 2mo
julieclair It was so much fun. Especially the parrot! 🦜 2mo
kwmg40 @Aimeesue @Ruthiella @julieclair So much love for the parrot! I'm a fan too. 1mo
kwmg40 @LeahBergen @CarolynM @rubyslipperreads It was definitely a fun read, but atmospheric too -- a good combination! 1mo
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Objectively speaking, not a very good book (or mystery), but hilariously campy, silly, and hysterically gothic. I had great fun reading #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub reviews prior to starting, and everyone's comments on Cynthia really prepared me for her inability to understand what is happening right in front of her eyes 🙈 One is tempted to give her a copy of Northanger Abbey; better to be a Catherine Morland than a Cynthia! 🤣 Justice for Spot, btw.

batsy I almost screamed when having heard Gillman and Sybil discuss what can only be nefarious plans that involve her, Cynthia took a sip of the coffee that was brought to her and was like, "This tastes so weird, Sybil!" Then eats the rest of the breakfast like, "Hmm, all of this tastes so weird!!!" ? Even Spot, may he rest in peace, would have known better and barked at the toast. 2mo
CarolynM Justice for Spot! Our new club motto🤣🤣🤣 Great review. 2mo
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batsy @CarolynM Thank you! Lol Spot 4eva 🐶♥️ 2mo
Tamra 😆 Yes, poor Spot! 🐾 2mo
quietjenn Spot was by far the smartest character in the book 😅 2mo
jlhammar 😂 Yes to all of that! Great review. 2mo
batsy @Tamra @quietjenn He was definitely the sharpest knife 😂🐶 2mo
batsy @jlhammar Thanks! 😁 The group reactions and reviews definitely heightened the fun lol 2mo
LeahBergen Poor Spot deserved better! 😆😆 2mo
Ruthiella #JusticeforSpot ❤️🐶 The parrot and the dog were doing their darndest to tell Cynthia the truth. 2mo
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