Enjoyed Cinder but I still have to read the rest of these books. Soon, I hope. #GIVEAWAYFAIRYTALES
Enjoyed Cinder but I still have to read the rest of these books. Soon, I hope. #GIVEAWAYFAIRYTALES
The Last Unicorn: So beautiful and full of that fairy-tale magic, it practically burns.
Uprooted is at the top of my TBR pile. So excited to start. Feeling serious envy for this gorgeous alternate cover though! #GIVEAWAYFAIRYTALES @Liberty
There are so many good fairy tale retellings - but this is one of my favorites!
#giveawayfairytales @Liberty
This book and subsequent series are based on a fairy tale. I've only read the first one but it was very good. 🍀🍀🍀. 4⭐️s. #GiveAwayFairyTales
#giveawayfairytales @Liberty
Uprooted has the most interesting anthropomorphism of trees. Also, I always appreciate a book with an emphasis on female friendships. I love a good fairy tale!
This is the first book I thought of for fairytale retelling! Thank you so much for doing these giveaways @Liberty they are so much fun!! #giveawayfairytales
This is my favorite cover for this book, which I found so compelling that I‘ve gifted it several times. I know she‘s got some other stuff receiving press right now but this was a really great fairytale retell set in a really interesting world. #giveawayfairytales