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The Black Fawn | Jim Kjelgaard
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This isn't my favorite of Kjelgaard's book, but it's still an enjoyable read. 12-year-old Bud is “farmed out“ from the orphanage to an older couple on a farm. But it turns out that they're just lonely now that all their kids have moved on and while they do need help around the farm, they're mostly just wanting to help a kid who needs it. Bud is wary at first, but gradually comes to love the couple and their home. His first week there, he comes ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) across a newborn fawn and believes that his life/fate/luck is connected to the life/fate/luck of the young buck. The story covers several years, and Bud always seems to see the black buck at important moments in his life. This is Kjelgaard, so there's also a lot about the importance of responsible hunting and land/game management, since that's kind of his soapbox, but it's presented well as always. I really loved the older couple in ⬇ 1w
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) this one. They are so kind and sincere in their desire to do good where they can. This is a bit more introspective than some of Kjelgaard's other books, and was published only about a year before he tragically committed suicide. It's not a sad book, but there is a bit of bittersweetness to the story.

#Roll100 @PuddleJumper
#GottaCatchEmAll - Set in the Countryside @PuddleJumper
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 1w
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Untitled | Unknown
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Repost for @AllDebooks

I'm updating the spreadsheet we use to admin the @LitsyEvents page and share all your great events/games/buddyreads/readathons/competitions, etc.

It would be a great help if you could help me out by tagging the details of your events, hosts, dates/times, info about the group/event.

Original post - https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2752549

Cont. ⬇ 💻 📓 📅 🤓

LitsyEvents Additionally, if you no longer run an event, please let me know so I can remove it from the taglist.

Please tag me @AllDebooks or @LitsyEvents #LitsyEvents

PuddleJumper I'll add you to the tag list of all my stuff. Do you want information about future events? I'm currently planning all my stuff for October/December 3w
AllDebooks @PuddleJumper yes please, that would be a big help x 3w
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Liz_M Thanks for doing this! 3w
PuddleJumper #roll100 Year long challenge to tackle your TBR pile. Dice are rolled every month and you read the corresponding book. Monthly posts.

#queerbc A queer author is selected for each month, you read something written by them. Monthly voting and check ins. There will be buddyreads in October and December, haven't decided if they will be tagged separately. Information will go up the month before.
PuddleJumper #gottacatchemall Catch Pokemon by reading books that match prompts. Year long challenge. Monthly check ins. There will be special challenges in October and December. Same tag.

#castthedie Seasonal versions of #roll100. October is 13 books and December is 24. Same premise.
PuddleJumper #afterdarkbingo October bingo board for all things paranormal

#bodycountbingo October bingo board for mystery and murder

#trappedinaspookyhouse October challenge, things will start behind posted in September. Make a list of books, someone picks 5/10 books from your list for you to read
PuddleJumper #pumpkaboohunt October challenge, you catch different sized Pumpkaboo for each book you read e.g less than 100 pages is a tiny pumkaboo. See who can catch the most.

#wintercosy Two bingo boards December-January. One is geared towards being cosy and the other is more cosy books.
PuddleJumper #wintercleardown Bingo board December-January, last chance to clear down your TBR

#snowedin December challenge, you make a list of books you want to read and then someone else picks 5/10 books from that list for you to read. Information will go up a month or so in advance
PuddleJumper #monsterfuckbingo 1 or 2 bingo boards for er monster fucker books 😅 Likey to be mini bingo boards. October challenge. 3w
PuddleJumper I think that is all of mine. Hmmm. That's a lot 😂 I'll add you to ask if the tag lists. If you need anything else just poke me. I get this stuff prepped in advance 3w
AllDebooks @PuddleJumper yikes, you are gonna be busy. I love ALL of these 😍 3w
AllDebooks @Liz_M tis a pleasure. Hopefully, it will make it quicker and easier to check through the lists x 3w
Faranae I run an Ultimate Reading Challenge (and companion Formidable and Modest challenges) both here and through my blog and on StoryGraph. Info here: https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2686930 This year's tags are #URC2024 #FRC2024 and #MRC2024

I run them every year. The idea is to widen one's reading, as well as tackling TBRs. I review the submitted books from the previous year on my blog, which is how I widen *my* reading haha.
AllDebooks @Faranae thank you, @Faranae That's very helpful 😊 3w
PuddleJumper @AllDebooks Yeah, I didn't realize how many there were until I started typing it out lol 3w
TheAromaofBooks I'm behind on Litsy so I'm just seeing this post 😂 I'm obviously still doing #BookSpin and #BookSpinBingo. I'm also still hosting my #RandomClassics buddy reads each month. I'm technically hosting the #ISpyBingo boards but haven't been posting about them monthly - I posted them at the beginning of the year and then fell of the bandwagon with posting the reminders each month, but it's still an active challenge that I'm planning to revamp but ⬇ 2w
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) keep going in 2025. I have no plans for discontinuing BookSpin so it should also be going for next year unless life takes an unexpected turn!! That's all I have for now, I think. I try to remember to tag you all whenever I come up with new wacky ideas 😂 I really, really appreciate this account and check it regularly for updates!! 2w
LitsyEvents @TheAromaofBooks that's a great help. Thank you 🙂. 1w
BookwormAHN I'm still doing #StarWarsBuddyRead and plan to do another witch swap around Halloween. I'll post details in August. 1w
AllDebooks @BookwormAHN thanks 😊 6d
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This one has a seemingly interesting premise with characters reborn into modern times searching for each other after recovering their past life memories. However, it was not pulled off well. It felt weak, more like someone sprinkled glitter on a story when they could have used gold. Overall, pretty cute and I liked the characters. #LGBTQIA #MagicalRealism #reincarnation #Manga

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Raine: rekindling a past relationship; #LGBTQIABookBingo #LGBTQIA 2024 read; and #GottaCatchEmAll Combee: flowers @PuddleJumper 3w
PuddleJumper That's disappointing 3w
16 likes2 comments
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A bit of a surprisingly pleasant read. Kouki takes a bit of an overdone premise (roommates becoming unattached friends with benefits) and does great emotional exploration with the characters. I definitely enjoyed this one. I also read Ryouma as more on the ace spectrum like me based on some of the things he says and thinks. There were a few spots that were a bit more on the problematic side for both characters. #Manga #LGBTQIA

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Amity: an intensely awkward interaction with a crush; #LGBTQIABookBingo2024 #LGBTQIA2024 Aromantic or asexual; and #GottaCatchEmAll Rookidee: 1st book in a series @PuddleJumper (edited) 3w
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Chef's Kiss | Jarrett Melendez
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Such a silly, fluffy romance full of nonsense and beautiful food illustrations (which are my favorite 🤩)! I loved seeing Ben stumble into this restaurant position and discovering a passion for cooking that he didn‘t explore while getting his degree in English. This exploration of future potential was a lot of fun. I wasn‘t a huge fan of the chef‘s emotional abuse but otherwise a great cast of characters. #LGBTQIA #Comics #Food

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Gwendolyn Clawthorne: Affinity with animals; and #GottaCatchEmAll Dubwool: animal on the cover @PuddleJumper 3w
PuddleJumper 🐑🐑 3w
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The Lark | E. Nesbit
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I've read and enjoyed many of Nesbit's children's books, but didn't realize that she had also written a handful of “adult“ novels (in the sense that the main characters aren't children). Like her books for younger readers, this one was full of fun and humor, with likable characters and some silly scrapes. My biggest issue was that the ending felt really abrupt. I definitely needed to know more about the futures of all these characters, and ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) kind of felt like I was left hanging in that respect. So while I enjoyed this, it didn't become my new favorite.

#192025 - 1922 @Librarybelle
#FourFoursin24 - Lupine Goldmine @lauredhel - unbelievably, this is my last slot, so I've completed this challenge already!!! I was really vibing with the prompts this year 😂
#GottaCatchEmAll - Character Gets Cozy (Dubwool) @PuddleJumper
AllDebooks I did not know this. I will have to seek them out. 3w
Librarybelle I was not familiar either with these! 3w
PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 3w
Lauredhel Omg congrats for finishing #fourfoursin24! I still have two left 3w
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Translation State | Ann Leckie
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A standalone book in the Imperial Radch series, this novel was nominated for the Hugo Best Novel award and the entire series for the Hugo Best Series award. It's an excellent story in a fascinating settling. #hugo2024 #hugoawards

This novel fits the “Dubwool: Character gets cosy“ prompt for #gottacatchemall, since two of the main characters spend a lot of time eating dumplings and binge-watching an adventure series. @PuddleJumper

Ruthiella I definitely need to read this! 4w
kwmg40 @Ruthiella I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Have you read the other Radch books? 4w
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 4w
Ruthiella I‘ve just finished the Imperial Radch trilogy this year. Loved it! 3w
kwmg40 @Ruthiella In that case, I‘m confident you‘ll love this one too! 3w
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And another roll on my #BookishMonopoly journey. This time it's a challenge book, and I decided to go with this one for #gottacatchemall by @PuddleJumper ❤️


PuddleJumper Such a cute board 4w
Jari-chan @PuddleJumper Thank you ❤️ 4w
28 likes2 comments
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Wow! That is the most books logged and most Pokémon caught this year for #gottacatchemall Well done everyone!

Thank you to everyone who filled in the feedback form, it was really helpful. I‘ll leave it up in case you want to change your answers or whatever.

How are we all doing? This was my best month, I actually caught something 😂

Jari-chan I think I have only two tasks open, but am unsure if I sent in all my read books 🙈 need to check asap 😅 4w
Laughterhp I‘ve been forgetting to log all my books, so I did a bunch last week! 😬😬 it was basically all the books I read the last 3 months. 4w
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PuddleJumper @Laughterhp 😂 No worries, I've done the same before! Technically, you did log them all that month! 4w
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan 😂 It'll roll over to next month if not! 4w
Kenyazero I think I‘ve caught one or two recently, bringing me to 11 Pokemon fully completed and several more part-way there! 4w
Jari-chan @PuddleJumper I missed to log one sometime during the last six months 😅 Now I need to find out which book it is... 😆 4w
PuddleJumper @Kenyazero That's great! 🥳🥳 4w
kwmg40 I had a good month and caught several Pokémon. I've got 8 of them now! 4w
PuddleJumper @kwmg40 Nice! Well done! 4w
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Bergamot & Sunny Day | Lyee Kitahala (author)
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This was just the level of sugar-saturated fluff I was looking for. While grieving the end of yet another short-lived relationship, Riku manages to fall into what seems like a quick rebound with none other than the man who owns the cafe he works at. An appallingly adorable read. The author does a good job of allowing Riku the space he needs to grow and explore his own insecurities as he navigates this new relationship.

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Terra Snapdragon: Includes tea; #LGBTQIABookBingo2024 #LGBTQIA2024 Plant on cover; and #GottaCatchEmAll @PuddleJumper Sinistea: Tea cup on cover 4w
PuddleJumper 😂 I saw this and thought it might be too sweet 4w
Kenyazero @PuddleJumper I would say it‘s just about too sweet 😆 perfect for a high-stress week 4w
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