#catchingup on #riotgrams #day24 & #day29 - #greatbookclubreads & #recentacquisitions
Plan on starting this one soon, as I've heard good things and it seems like it'll be a quick read.
#catchingup on #riotgrams #day24 & #day29 - #greatbookclubreads & #recentacquisitions
Plan on starting this one soon, as I've heard good things and it seems like it'll be a quick read.
My favorite book to recommend as a #greatbookclubreads (hashtags make for awkward grammar). The writing is great and there's so much to discuss. Fortunately/Unfortunately everyone has read it now so I don't really recommend it much anymore. #riotgrams
Day 24: #Riotgrams #Catchup #GreatBookClubReads
I've never actually been in a book club, but I imagine these to be popular choices?
#GreatBookClubReads #riotgrams A few of the books I've read as a result of being in a book club. I enjoyed almost all of them, they got me to expand my horizons!
Crossing to Safety, Wallace Stegner
Interpreter of Maladies, Jhumpa Lahiri
The Red Tent, Anita Diamant
Pope Joan, Donna W. Cross
Balzac and the Little Chinese seamstress, Daj Sijie
The Book of Salt, Monique Truong
A Confederacy of Dunces, John K Toole
Diary of an Ordinary Woman, M Wallace
I'm not, nor have I ever, been in a book club, however! Oprah usually makes a damn good pick. I read the most recent a few months before it was official and it was fabulous and based in NYC and exactly what I needed at the time shortly after I was balled over by Adiche's Americanah 👌🏻#greatbookclubreads #riotgram
I still can't believe I haven't managed to read The Underground Railroad!!! 🙄 It's only been sitting there for a year.........
📚📚📚🤓👍 #GreatBookclubReads #RiotGrams #ForTheLoveOfBooks #Favorites #BookClubPick #LibrarianLife
Some of these you may already know, but hopefully you're not familiar with all of them.
But of one thing I can assure you, ALL of these will provide a very rich reading experience for your book club & much to discuss & debate!
#Day24 #GreatBookClubReads
I‘m currently in a book club for #TheFamiliar, so of course I‘d have to say The Familiar is great for a book club. There are so many things that I didn‘t pick up on when I read them on my own, so reading them with a group and getting to hear other people‘s thoughts and interpretations of things has really enhanced the reading experience so much for me.
#Riotgrams #day24 #GreatBookClubReads All of these books would make for great discussions in a book club. There's a diverse range here including magical realism, mystery, romance, SciFi & literary but each one is easy to read and would appeal to a wide range of people. Plus you could make up a lot of bulletpoint questions to talk about regarding the theme, outcomes & motivations of each character.