"He had to make a good first impression on the dragon, he reminded himself. (...) They were people just like anyone else." In "Smoke Signals", by Meredith Katz.
"He had to make a good first impression on the dragon, he reminded himself. (...) They were people just like anyone else." In "Smoke Signals", by Meredith Katz.
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Beautiful cover. Let's see where it goes!!
#alwaysreading #booksarelife #herebedragons #fiction #novels #fantasy #doorstoppers #bigassbooks #librarylends #beautifulbookcovers #instabook
“No proper princess would come out looking for dragons," Woraug objected.
"Well I'm not a proper princess then!" Cimorene snapped. "I make cherries jubillee and I volunteer for dragons, and I conjugate Latin verbs-- or at least I would if anyone would let me. So there!”
I‘ve had this book on my tbr list for a really long time, and I can‘t believe it‘s taken me this long to read it because I loved it and I need to read the rest of the series.
Fantastic as always. Why did I delay so long?
@DivaDiane I took your advice to heart! 😁
This was an enjoyable book - a notable entry in the dragon niche that I finally got around to. I'm glad I did! This book seems rather simple compared to some of the complex and edgy fantasy being written today, but deserves its place in the canon. Note: This is a safe pick for younger teens.
#fantasy #ya #dragons #herebedragons #pern #dragonridersofpern #annemccaffrey
#HereBeDragons SERAPHINA is definitely my favourite fiction with dragons. This is not your same old, same old #fantasy. Hartman has really written dragons as their own species, with their own flaws and strengths, with their own culture and history. Seraphina, straddling both worlds as half human and half dragon, is a fascinating character just this side of un/likable.
Today *will* be the day I catch up with all the #photoadaynov16 prompts.
I read and loved this series in high school and college, and was sad when they didn't make all the movies into movies because the descriptions of all the dragons are friggin' amazing. However, I can't remember if these fall in the Tolkien/Rowling category of problematic faves for poor rep, so I guess I'll have to read them again to find out. #herebedragons
#photoadaynov16 #herebedragons #publishedinthe90s
Woo 2 tags in one photo 👍 And one of my fave series! The first two were published in the '90s. Now I'm just waiting and waiting for the Winds of Winter....⌛️🤔
#herebedragons #photoadaynov16 @RealLifeReading we LOVE Dragons around here! They are my favorite creature EVER!!!! I'd like a baby one that I can keep around me all the time to protect me and love me and keep me warm!