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Detection Unlimited | Georgette Heyer
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A re-re-reread (with a few more re‘s) of this Heyer mystery set in a small British village. I love the small cast of unique characters. Mrs. M with her “U” named pekes, the rascally, aged ex-poacher, the whole enthusiastic Ditchling brood, so many that make this a humorous read - and the mystery is good too! Who shot Sampson Warrenby in his garden? No one has an alibi…
#1953 for #192025

Librarybelle I like that cover! 6d
mabell @Librarybelle And like most Heyer covers, completely unrelated to the story 😂 6d
Librarybelle 😂 6d
Gissy How many re-re 😂 3d
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Faro's Daughter | Georgette Heyer
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One of my favorite Heyers! It's of course a private gambling club, not an actual casino, except they're thinking of putting a roulette wheel in, so...

BookmarkTavern Totally counts! Thanks for sharing! 4w
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A Blunt Instrument | Georgette Heyer
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A fun read. I love her quirkly characters. They're the best part.


mabell She does the best characters! 1mo
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Another belated review! This was my #BookSpin for June & my 1950 pick for #192025.

This was my first Heyer outside of a couple of her mystery novels, and it was so much fun to read! Sophy swoops into her cousins‘ home, takes stock of everyone‘s lives, and happily meddles in everything to hilarious effect. The witty dialogue and Sophy‘s deft machinations were a delight. And then the ending went a bit off the rails, but I loved it anyway!

BarbaraJean Of the books pictured above, I've only read Sophy, The Unfinished Clue, and Behold, Here's Poison. Looking forward to the rest! 2mo
Librarybelle I need to read more Heyer! 2mo
BarbaraJean @Librarybelle I need to check the publishing dates of these against my #192025 list! 😁 2mo
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Librarybelle Yes! 2mo
BarbaraJean @Librarybelle I have two winners! The Nonesuch (1962) and Black Sheep (1966) both fill years I have yet to complete. 2mo
Librarybelle Hooray!! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I quite love this one. Black Sheep is another favorite. I enjoyed The Nonesuch but not quite as much, although it's been a long while since I read it. I absolutely love Fredrica - it's one of my favorites of hers. She has a whole passel of siblings under her care and I just love the way the hero ends up falling in love with the whole family haha 2mo
BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks I was going to read Frederica for #192025, but then The Velvet Room snuck in there for the same year! 😆 But that doesn‘t mean I won‘t read Frederica… 😁 2mo
Leftcoastzen I‘ve always heard this is a good one ! 2mo
CarolynM I‘ve read most of the mysteries (loved them) but I‘m only just getting started on the romances. I read The Nonesuch recently and enjoyed it but my favourite so far is 2mo
BarbaraJean @CarolynM I will add that one to my list! 2mo
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Arabella | Georgette Heyer
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1. My parents named me Cindy with the reasoning that it‘s what everyone would call me if I was named Cynthia, but I much prefer Cynthia (SO many people call me that!). I love long, traditional names like Arabella, Letitia, Catherine, Sabrina, etc. We named our daughter Victoria Elizabeth! 😁

Cousin Kate | Georgette Heyer
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Not what I was expecting. Much darker than previous books I've read by Georgette Heyer, but very engaging. I guessed some of the twists, but not all of them. I generally prefer the more light-hearted books by Heyer, but I am not disappointed to have read this. Recommend.

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The Masqueraders | Georgette Heyer
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Well, I adored this! So much fun. My favourite Heyer so far. Thank you again @LeahBergen for the gift of this book.

LeahBergen Oh, I‘m so glad! And now I‘ll have to remember to read it for my next Heyer, seeing as it‘s your favourite so far! 3mo
Cathythoughts ♥️♥️♥️ 3mo
Rissreads I still haven‘t read one of hers. I will eventually! 2mo
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1. Attending the diocese-wide EfM graduation, seeing our group‘s graduates be recognized for all their hard work
2. Taking pictures of one of our graduates after said graduation with a statue that for some reason was sitting in the parking garage
3. Attending a play with a longtime friend, in a gorgeous outdoor venue
4. Finishing this Bibliophile puzzle—a (very) late birthday gift
5. Reading the tagged book—so much hilarity and joy!

KadaGul @BarbaraJean Looks 👀like you had an amazingly refreshing 😌and fun 🤩 -filled week. 😌😊❤️ 3mo
DebinHawaii What a lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 Congrats on your graduates! 🎉 Thanks for joining in & sharing the joy! 🤗 3mo
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“I shall be much obliged to you, Cousin, if you will refrain from telling my sisters that she has a face like a horse!”
“But, Charles, no blame attaches to Miss Wraxton! She cannot help it, and that, I *assure* you, I have always pointed out to your sisters!”
“I consider Miss Wraxton‘s countenance particularly well bred!”
“Yes, indeed, but you have quite misunderstood the matter! I *meant* a particularly well-bred horse!”

Aimeesue 😂😂😂 3mo
mabell 😂😂 This one is coming up as my next Heyer! 3mo
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Behold, Here's Poison | Georgette Heyer
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Here it is halfway through June, so maybe I‘d better catch up on some reviews from May. 😆

I enjoyed this clever country house murder mystery from Georgette Heyer—but found what a friend said to be very true here: it‘s not a traditional mystery. There‘s an assemblage of disagreeable characters, who all have grudges with the victim, but their interactions with each other take odd turns. And the unraveling of the murder ⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) …pretty much all takes place off the page, with an unlikely source. I wanted to see a bit more of detectives Hannasyde and Hemingway on the page, but I enjoyed it nonetheless! This was my May #BookSpin, as well as my 1936 pick for #192025 (finishing out the 1930s!). @TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle 3mo
Librarybelle Yay!!! 3mo
Texreader Very interesting such a great review. And I need to catch up on my book reviews! 3mo
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TheAromaofBooks I love Heyer's romances and have a few of her mysteries on my shelf, but haven't tried any yet. 3mo
BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks Haha--I'm the opposite, I've read a few of her mysteries but hadn't read any of her romances (until this week: I started The Grand Sophy!). Several people have told me that her mysteries are fine, but the romances are really where she shines. And I'm LOVING Sophy. 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Her romances are just so full of humor and fun. Some I love more than others, but it's quite rare for me to read a total dud haha Sophy is definitely one of my favorites! 3mo
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