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Wolf Border | Sarah Hall
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She's a good writer, a long book but didn't feel so.
Rachel is tasked with wolf reintroduction and thus follows the tale, the relationships she encounters and her own journey in all of this. I like how it all works together, her career path kind of exists with the borders of her family life and the friends she makes within this world. Lots of metaphorical links here, really made me appreciate her thoroughness.

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Another enjoyable outing for Washington poe and Till Bradshaw. In this one someone is poisoning reprehensible public figures by unique poisoning while poes favourite pathologist Estelle Doyle is arrested as suspect in a classic locked room murder.
Great storytelling, a page turner.

TrishB It‘s a great series 👍🏻 2w
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Swallows and Amazons | Arthur Ransome
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Great prompts @vivastory
Part 1/2 #lasttenbooks

Let me say this... once I've properly started a book, I hardly ever DNF it.

Swallows and Amazons is the exception.

Also, I didn't really "lie" about Harry Potter 5... I read most of it, but didn't finish in time for the film. Then I just... didn't bother with the rest. It's still on my Goodreads "read" shelf though...

Shame on me!!!!! Shame!!!!

vivastory Happy to see your answers! I'm with you on the DNF. I like the term that we have agreed upon on Litsy for books that are put to the side because the time isn't right but we might return to is “hibernating“ but there are DEFINITELY books that I DNF. I very rarely DNF a book & what is funny is that typically it will be so close to the end of the book that I will either look online & read the ending or just skim read the last few pages. Funny (CONT) (edited) 3w
vivastory enough I did start Swallows & Amazons last summer & put it to the side. Not sure if it's hibernating or a DNF. 3w
RaeLovesToRead @vivastory It was one of the few books that I genuinely thought "life is too short" while reading it. Apparently there is a whole series of them. Gave my copy to charity. I think if I'm going to be reading old kids books I'll re-read Nancy Drew or The Magic Faraway Tree. Books where stuff happens. 3w
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Swallowdale | Arthur Ransome
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Another series I'm rereading this year - absolutely LOVED the Swallows & Amazons books when I first read them, so I'm going through them again. This is the second book in the series, full of exploring, pirates, shipwrecks, mountain climbing, caves, and more! Every page was a delight.

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Pretending it‘s gardening time 💚

Cupcake12 I love the cushion design x 4mo
AllDebooks 🌱🤞soon 🌱💚 4mo
mabell I heard this author speak at the MO Botanical Garden! I gave this book to my mom last year 😊 She also wrote the Gardening Can Be Murder book @Chrissyreadit 4mo
TheBookHippie @mabell I have the Emily Dickinson one as well. How fun you heard her speak!!! It‘s an amazing book! 4mo
mabell I gave the Emily to my mom too! I enjoyed the author very much - She was quite an entertaining speaker 4mo
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Another intriguing and confusing addition to the series. Confusing, in a good way, as you're never sure what will happen next. Lots of character development for Lynly and Havers as well.



TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4mo
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I'm going on a bit of a review binge this morning. Sorry for the spam! 😂

I read this series back in 2019-2020, and loved every page of every book, so I'm rereading them!! My original review of this book said that it was like being wrapped in a loaf of warm, homemade bread, which is kind of a mixed metaphor, but you get my point. It's cozy, wholesome, and delicious. I think this book is practically perfect. All the stars.

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My #bookhaul from the library today.
Do I have 4 books I'm in the middle of? Yes.
Do I have 2 successive books to read afterwards? Also, yes.
Do I regret bringing home another stack? Absolutely not. 😂

The Silence of Ghosts: A Novel | Jonathan Aycliffe
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Written in the classical gothic style, this is a tale of a man who has been badly injured in WW2. (Written in diary/letters). He ends up staying with his young deaf sister in an old house which no one will go near or talk about. They and the caregiver begin to have experiences. After suffering more tragedy they come to learn of the house‘s dark past. This book kind of reminded me of some of Lovecraft‘s stories.

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@AllDebooks THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING IN THIS PACKAGE! The 🍫 won't last long 😂

A yearly Xmas tradition in our house is to watch The Tailor of Gloucester, so I'm really excited for the tagged book to find out the meanings (although when I unwrapped it, I struggled to remember if there were any 💐 in the story! 😂)

The Fair Botanists has been on my radar for a while, so you've finally given me the motivation to read it 😂

AllDebooks So glad you like it. Enjoy x 6mo
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