Sat down with a blanket and a book, and the cat immediately jumped up. 💖 #Lucygirl #CatsOfLitsy
Sat down with a blanket and a book, and the cat immediately jumped up. 💖 #Lucygirl #CatsOfLitsy
A collection of essays about writing your way through unprecedented times.
This was such a great addition to my collection of books on writing. My own writing really fell to the wayside over the past four years, because it always felt like so much of my energy was going into surviving. This book reminded me of the therapeutic value in writing, as well as provided lots of helpful tips I really want to try using! 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
Tybalt usually leaves the questing to October. Unfortunately, she‘s vanished & Titania has rewritten the world to suit her own desires. It‘s up to him to find what allies he can & save the world before Titania makes her spell permanent.
Did I stay up too late to finish this? YES. Am I going to regret this later? Also yes. But I enjoyed every minute of Tybalt‘s snarky, reluctant questing. & I adored seeing his POV of characters we know. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
An adorable little primer and workbook on goblin mode and why it‘s going viral as a lifestyle.
This was a cute little book. Talks a lot about work, relationships, and food, and what about those can be goblin. Cute little illustrations, and does take a little bit to talk about finding balance in a goblin lifestyle so that you don‘t slip so far into not taking care of yourself, although I feel that could have been talked about more 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
Xiang only has a golden pendant left from her father. When she discovers the pendant actually holds clues to the fabled lost treasure of Zheng Yi Sao, she discovers what she is truly capable of.
This had a rather slow start, but once the story got going, it really got going. I loved the historical Chinese setting, Xiang was a charming MC, and the romance was very sweet. It had found family, pirates, adventure, and surprise twists! 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗
Anywhere that nature & humans live together, there is conflict. Whether deadly trees, bear attacks, or invading mice, there has to be a way to coexist.
Roach is always a genuine delight to read. Her in depth research is amazing and her comments are so insightful while trying to answer the questions we didn‘t even know we had. A little disheartening to read all the problems. Not my favorite of hers, but still brilliant. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑 #Lucygirl
Let‘s go slay some dragons! These four are ones I haven‘t read off of my shelf of retellings. So let me know what you think! #GroupA #Round15 #LMPBC
Cinderella is Dead - Cinderella
Spindle‘s End - Sleeping Beauty
Little Thieves - The Goose Girl
The Wrath and the Dawn - 1001 Nights
Photobomb courtesy of #LucyGirl #CatsOfLitsy
Nicole Stott was an astronaut and engineer with NASA for 27 years. These are the lessons she‘s learned about how we need to care for our planet.
I love memoirs of returned astronauts, with such unique perspectives. And I really enjoyed this one. She‘s got a fun style. This was less memoir than I expected, but still a valuable resource for anyone who wants to be more mindful of living and caretaking of our homes, communities, & planet. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
I have been working a stupid amount of overtime for the past few weeks, so I‘m finally getting to sit down with my #LMPBC #GroupL book for more than five minutes at a time.
I‘ve got a fresh cookie, my cinnamon apple spice tea with a bit of honey, and I‘m ready. ❤️
#Lucygirl napping in the background. #CatsOfLitsy