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Un libro trovato per caso in un book crossing, dove è raro trovare qualcosa di valido, raro ma non impossibile. Questo libro l'ho trovato molto toccante, con delle descrizioni tenere e malinconiche ma dettagliate che sono state come delle carezze e hanno facilitato a immaginare e sentire. Succede tanto e niente allo stesso tempo, ma non importa perché in questa storia guidano le sensazioni più che i fatti.

Anywhere but Here | Mona Simpson
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Loved it! The book follows Ann‘s dysfunctional and turbulent childhood as her mother pursues her dreams. I loved that the author had different women in the book write chapters of events from their viewpoint.

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The definitive oral history of the making of Mad Max: Fury Road, one of the longest-gestating and most ambitious movies ever filmed. After seeing Furiosa, I wanted to go back and learn the crazy story of how they made this wild movie.

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Dances with Wolves | Michael Blake
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My results: 41 out of 100

My favorites:
-Dances with Wolves

Honorable Mention to the movies we watched on the planes to and from our honeymoon:
-The Fugitive
-Sleepless in Seattle (gotta have at least one Meg Ryan romcom in there somewhere)


dabbe I have never seen CASPER! It's now on my TBW list! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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"When I am in the country," he replied, "I never wish to leave it; and when I am in town it is pretty much the same. They have each their advantages, and I can be equally happy in either." Mr. Bingley - Chapter 9

#Pemberlittens Chiltern Classic another that needs added to the database. ?


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 2mo
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Movies of the 80s | Jrgen Mller
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Some of these I saw in the theater, some I finally caught up with in the past few years, and some are still on my watchlist! My score is 65 out of 100. #TLT

The top three in no particular order:
1. E.T.
2. Blues Brothers
3. Big

The link to take the challenge: https://www.listchallenges.com/litsy-list-of-the-highest-grossing-films-from

dabbe It was so hard to choose just 3! Thanks for sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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"That is very true," replied Elizabeth, "and I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine." - Chapter 5

#Pemberlittens today's Pride and Prejudice is beautiful edition that includes recipes from Martha Stewart and the most amazing cookie art.

I was craving a classic afternoon tea so in my cup is Twinings English Afternoon tea. ???


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lil1inblue Excellent choice. 2mo
dabbe @lil1inblue 🤩😘😂 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙💙💙 2mo
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Eggs Perfect💦 2mo
dabbe @Eggs 🤩😂😘 2mo
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Love Story | Erich Segal
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I wasn‘t old enough to see this movie in theaters. However, as a teenager it often played on one of the four channels I had to surf. Oh, how it brought me to angsty teenage tears. This is a super quick read and it ages fine - except thanks HIPPA, a patient should learn their fate 1st 😳. I absolutely knew the ending (and catch phrase) yet still I cried - maybe a bit for my 15 yo channel surfing self 🥲😂

June #DoubleSpin Cat: less 250 pages

marleed @TheAromaofBooks I purchased the anniversary addition of this book during the lockdown in 2020 when it seems I spent a year‘s income on book buying. I‘ve been hoping for a hit on this category since I first created BS categories in Jan 2023 just so I could prioritize this little book which took just over an hour to read! 2mo
Ruthiella Ah, the years of only network television and the joy of catching movies like this! 😂 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2020 is the year I discovered Book Outlet, so I also may have had some book purchasing issues 😂 😂 😂 2mo
marleed @Ruthiella omg, if only I could have the hours back that I spent channel surfing (a word and activity lost to technology 😄) as a tween and young teen! This, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Wait until Dark (Audrey Hepburn) are the movies that come immediately to mind. The later two scarred the hell out of me - if I remember right, one channel hosted Friday Fright nights after 9 or 10. …And funny reading this as a grandparent - dad‘s not soooo bad! 2mo
marleed @TheAromaofBooks it may take me years to get through my personal stack of books published in 2020! 2mo
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The Sandlot: The Screenplay | David M. Evans, Robert Gunter
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Beatlefan129 I loved this movie, I think we watched it at every sleepover I went on when I was in 5th grade 2mo
lil1inblue @Beatlefan129 It's one of my husband's favorites! 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 2mo
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Eggs It‘s unforgettable - the giant dog!! 2mo
lil1inblue @Eggs Yes! 🤩 2mo
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