Wrap-up for the month of June!:) #themist #stephenking #thestring #calebbreakey #psistillloveyou #jennyhan #shout #lauriehalseanderson #thenaziofficerswife #edithhahnbeer #thetattooistofauschwitz #heathermorris
Wrap-up for the month of June!:) #themist #stephenking #thestring #calebbreakey #psistillloveyou #jennyhan #shout #lauriehalseanderson #thenaziofficerswife #edithhahnbeer #thetattooistofauschwitz #heathermorris
Book haul for May! Currently reading Shout. Its so amazing. #shout #lauriehalseanderson #brokenthrone #victoriaaveyard #theshapeofwater #guillermodeltoro #danielkraus #bloodofmyblood #barrylyga #wealllookedup #tommywallach #psistillloveyou #jennyhan
❝ Karena terkadang menyenangkan rasanya menjadi satu-satunya orang yang mengetahui sesuatu.❞ — [To All The Boys I've Loved Before, pages 172]
#ToAllTheBoysIveLovedBefore #PSIStillLoveYou #AlwaysAndForeverLaraJean #PenerbitSpring #MyspringStory #Bookhaul #LaraJean #JennyHan #Series #bookstagram #bookstagramerIndonesia #Bibliohollic #Biblophile #bookphotograph #aesthetic #bookaesthetics2k17 #Bookwithflower #phonegraph #Photograph #110817 #Indonesia
“Love is scary: it changes; it can go away. That's the part of the risk. I don't want to be scared anymore.”
― Jenny Han, To All the Boys I've Loved Before
#jennyhan #peterk #larajeansong #tatbilb #psistillloveyou #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #love #books #bookporn #reading #bibliophile #fun #fiercereads #youngadult #followme #like #bookaholic #epicreads #ireadya #goodreads
It's safe to say that this series is one of my favourite contemporary reads (though I wasn't the biggest fan of PS I Still Love You) and I will always come back to this, especially as a palate cleanser 😂 And let's face it, I can never resist a little Peter K action 💕
Lara Jean candle from the ever amazing #thebookflame here in the Philippines
#tatbilb #psistillloveyou #alwaysandforeverlarajean #jennyhan
This series is so low-key, I love it! It's just enough intrigue to keep me turning the pages, but not too much where I'm having panic attacks! Pick it up, it's a sweet book series and I haven't regretted reading it! 🌸 #jennyhan #larajean #toalltheboysivelovedbefore #psistillloveyou #summerreading #ya
One of my fave series!!! Still haven't read the last one cause I'm too scared for it to end! #toalltheboysivelovedbefore #larajean #psistillloveyou #alwaysandforeverlarajean