Can‘t decide what to pick up next? Thoughts? #bookpoll #youngadult #fallreads #somanyoptions #shout #thetenthgirl #theliarsdaughter #voyagesintheunderworld
Can‘t decide what to pick up next? Thoughts? #bookpoll #youngadult #fallreads #somanyoptions #shout #thetenthgirl #theliarsdaughter #voyagesintheunderworld
Book haul for May! Currently reading Shout. Its so amazing. #shout #lauriehalseanderson #brokenthrone #victoriaaveyard #theshapeofwater #guillermodeltoro #danielkraus #bloodofmyblood #barrylyga #wealllookedup #tommywallach #psistillloveyou #jennyhan
Books # 53-56 that I‘ve read in 2019! 📚
53. “My Name is Evil” (The Nightmare Room # 3) by R. L. Stine ⭐️⭐️/5
54. “How to Move Spheres and Influence People” by Marko Kloos ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨/5
55. “Shout” by Laurie Halse Anderson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
56. “The Rule of Many” (The Rule of One # 2) by Ashley and Leslie Saunders ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
#books #reading #yalit #memoir #shout #fiction #dystopian
Laurie Halse Anderson's poetic memoir Shout is perfection. The book is about her rape, but it's also about her recovery, her childhood, her family, her history, her strength, her life, her writing . . . you get the point. I can't adequately express the beauty of her poetry. I'll simply say: you should read this book. (And hearing her speak with Jason Reynolds at the VA Festival of the Book deepened my appreciation for the book and the author.)