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The temperature today has reached a balmy 42 degrees and I needed an excuse to get out of the house. What better excuse than a run to the bookstore? These have both been on my wishlist for a bit. I can‘t wait to jump in.

#popsugar2018 #popsugar2017 #haul

Challenges | Ben Bova
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It‘s only fair to share the fails along with the successes. Sorry PopSugar, we have just grown apart this year.

No thrillers, no cats on covers, no disabilities (although those 2 I have I just didn‘t get to them) no career advice (not everybody works), no steampunk, wilderness, hotels, holidays, author recs, family members, OR sub-genre that you‘ve never heard of (seriously that‘s getting to be a tough one).


bookloo Oh no! Are you going to do next year‘s? 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @bookloo I don‘t think so, I have a bunch of other challenges picked out for 2018 and I think I‘ll concentrate on some others this coming year. 7y
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Yay, #FriYayIntro @jess.how
1. I don‘t have one but as a kid I loved “ Tell Me A Mitzi”
2.A Holly Jolly Christmas 😝🤕😖
3. When kids were little all the sibs bought for all the nieces and nephews but then it got to be too big & expensive so we started doing a cousin swap. We also have every kid buy a small item and gift it to a children‘s charity or hospital.
4.Squashed them all ✅
5. Will do 😊

AndreaReads Oh my goodness! I loved Tell Me a Mitzi! I completely forgot about that book! 7y
Cinfhen No way @AndreaReads it's such a random & obscure book!! Love that you loved it too!!!!! 7y
mhillis Congrats! What challenges did you finish? 7y
Cinfhen I did GoodReads, #LitsyAtoZ, #ReadHarder, #PopSugar2017, NonFictionChallenge (oops, I need to read a NF in Dec) and #LitsyBingo 💚💚💚❤️❤️❤️ @mhillis (edited) 7y
Reviewsbylola Way to go on number 4! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
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Read this for #popsugar2017, "a book that's been mentioned in another book" after a character in Slaughterhouse-Five name-dropped it as a book that can teach you everything you need to know about life.

I think this was worth the read but I'd have preferred to read this in a class - on my own I got a bit bored with all the looong philosophical discussions. I normally love the classics but this one just wasn't floating my boat ??‍♀️

DrexEdit Nice accomplishment though! #epicreads 👏👏👏 7y
danimgill @DrexEdit haha thanks!! It does feel like a big cross off the TBR 😜 7y
IamIamIam Impressive!!!! I was supposed to read this in college but luckily we never got to it so I just had a copy kicking around for years! Congrats on finishing it!!! 7y
danimgill @IamIamIam Thank you!! I hope you enjoy it whenever you get around to your copy haha 7y
LitLogophile I read this for a Russian lit class and loved it, so I believe you‘re correct! 7y
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The Princess Diarist | Carrie Fisher
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A short but sweet memoir of Carrie Fisher's time filming Star Wars back in the 70s. I read this as my "written by someone you admire" prompt for #popsugar2017 - I love that Carrie was always brash and outspoken about anything and everything, especially mental health issues. She is sorely missed, and I'm sure I'll cry immediately upon seeing her onscreen in the next Star Wars movie.

Amberlough | Lara Elena Donnelly
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Starting in on my "espionage thriller" prompt for #popsugar2017! The spy novels I've tried in the past just haven't done it for me so I'm hoping this fun fantasy aesthetic one does the trick.

The Bees: A Novel | Laline Paull

Points for creativity and incredibly detailed bee research, but overall this book wasn't for me. I was never able to feel connected to Flora and I feel like the whole "this is a metaphor for totalitarian human society" vibe was a bit heavy handed.

Read as my "from a nonhuman perspective" prompt for #popsugar2017 ?

Foxglove Summer | Ben Aaronovitch
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Book 5 in the series (and Cosmo) and I'm finally back to being able to use these as challenge books! Book with a season in the title.

#popsugarreadingchallenge2017 #popsugar2017 #catsoflitsy

Dolly Aww sleepy kitty 😻 7y
brennahawleycraig @Dolly he promptly got annoyed at me for putting a book on him! 😹 7y
Dolly Of course! How dare you, it's not like they have all day to sleep. 😂💤💤 7y
Tanzy13 🐱 7y
rubyslippersreads 😻💤😻 7y
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Lady Susan | Jane Austen

Finished this gem of an Austen novel via #serialreader! It was way funnier than I expected and I loved that Susan was so unabashedly manipulative.

This was also my #bookofletters for #popsugar2017 ✉️

Daisey I wasn't sure about this one n the beginning, but it got progressively better! I also thought the letter format was a perfect match for reading on Serial Reader. 7y
merelybookish The movie adaptation Love and Friendship is worth watching, too! 7y
danimgill @Daisey I agree! It was my first time using Serial Reader but I def think this format was perfect for it. @merelybookish I will have to get my hands on the movie version for sure! 7y
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Lady Susan | Jane Austen
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Another #blameitonlitsy moment... just downloaded the #serialreader app! I've got several classics on my TBR for the rest of this year and I have a feeling this will be the perfect way to read them.

First up, Lady Susan! This will be my "book of letters" for #popsugar2017. I love Jane Austen so I'm definitely looking forward to it.

LeahBergen This one is GOOD. 👍🏼 7y
danimgill @LeahBergen I'm glad to hear that! Did you ever see the movie version that came out last year? 7y
LeahBergen I did! It was really enjoyable. 7y
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