I couldn‘t put this one down! I loved the story line! And the little bits of missing information that I just had to keep reading to figure out. I‘m on the lookout for a hot scott now 😉 #samanthayoung #fightorflight #romance #lovedit
I couldn‘t put this one down! I loved the story line! And the little bits of missing information that I just had to keep reading to figure out. I‘m on the lookout for a hot scott now 😉 #samanthayoung #fightorflight #romance #lovedit
Hi Littens!
Happy Valentine's day❤
Do you have some plans for today?
I'm sick and my baby is too. Unfortunately we catch a cold. We will lie in bed the whole day. Maybe I will read. We'll see how I feel.
I have new post on my blog. It's #coverreveal by #SamanthaYoung https://knjigoljubka.blogspot.com/2019/02/cover-reveal-things-we-never-said-by.h...
#thingsweneversaid #hardsboardwalk #comingsoon #openbook #candle #valentinesday #bookblogger
The first time I tried to read this, I dnf'ed it. Which was surprising, considerating the fact that I really liked the On Dublin Street series. In anticipation of the second book in this new series, Hart's Boardwalk, I thought I'd try reading this one again. The One Real Thing didn't really work for me - I skimmed through some of it. But it wasn't that bad also, hence the So-So rating. #romantsy #samanthayoung
CR: Samantha Young's Down London Road 📚 Merry Christmas everyone 🎄 #CR #currentlyreading #book #bog #reading #bookstagram #booknerd #bookworm #bogorm #samanthayoung #downlondonroad #londonroad #forlagetflamingo #lovereading #lovebooks #booklover #bogelsker #nisser #elfs #merryxmas #merrychristmastoall #merrychristmas #godjul
Relaxing With a Good book and my dog Nela #relaxing #slapperaf #hygger #relaxed #book #bog #bookstagram #bookaddict #bookworm #bogorm #booknerd #nela #mydog #lovemydog #lovereading #reading #læser #readingtime #booklover #bogelsker #lovebooks #samanthayoung #ondublinstreet #dublinstreet #forlagetflamingo #flamingo #goodbook #godbog
Samantha Young is definitely one of my sure-fire autobuy authors. The books are always engaging, sexy, and fun. Having lived in Edinburgh, the On Dublin Street books have a special place in my heart but Hartwell has become one of my favourite fictional towns. Can't wait for more from Ms Young.
The narration was also good. 😉
#theonerealthing #samanthayoung #romance