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Far from the Tree | Robin Benway
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I participated in LibraryThing‘s Santa Thing swap this year mainly because my local indie was one of the participating book stores. I opened these 4 YA titles this morning. Jason Reynolds is an #AuthorAMonth this year, so that‘s perfect! Thank you Santa!🧑‍🎄 😊🎄
#SantaThing #LibraryThing

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome 📚💚🎄 3y
Hooked_on_books Nice! Long Way Down and Far From the Tree are both superb—I think you‘ll enjoy both. 3y
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Ninth House | Leigh Bardugo
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Thank you to my Secret Santa for my Santa Thing books! Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄

#santathing #bookmail #swap #bookswap #ninthhouse #leighbardugo

erinreads Loved Tuesday Mooney! 3y
emz711 Good ones! 3y
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New reads include: Sloane Crosley, David Rakoff and Chuck Palahniuk!! It‘s a #SantaThing. 🧡

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I finally received my final book from #SantaThing by @LibraryThing ! “A court of thorns and roses”. These are the books I need to read so far in 2021 and I can‘t wait!

Santasaurus | Niamh Sharkey
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Anyone know if it's just LibraryThing doing #SantaThing this year? Or Litsy too? I participated last year and since I haven't signed up for any swaps, thought I might do it again this year. They are only doing indie bookstores this time :)

Reggie Yes, you might want to look in your email. I got one from them talking about it. 4y
AmyG I also got an email about it. 4y
CBee @Reggie I did too, but it seemed like it was just for LT. I‘ll check again 😁 @AmyG 4y
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AmyG Ha...I didn‘t actually read it. 🤣 4y
CBee @AmyG well, I can tell you that I‘m pretty sure it‘s just a LibraryThing, umm, thing 😂 I just didn‘t want to overwhelm myself and do swaps 😳 4y
sprainedbrain I was wondering the same thing after the LT email. @TimSpalding will there be a signup through Litsy or do we need to go to LT to signup? Thanks! 🎅🏻 4y
CBee @sprainedbrain thank you! I should‘ve remembered to tag Tim 🤷‍♀️ 4y
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Getting started on one of my #SantaThing books

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Enjoying some coffee in my new Litsy mug and laughing my way through Dave Barry. Hoping I don‘t snort any coffee out my nose, but as hilarious as this book is, there‘s a definite chance 😄

MyNamesParadise How do you get a Litsy mug? 4y
Lynnsoprano @MyNamesParadise I apparently was one of the first people to sign up for the #SantaThing exchange. I didn‘t realize there was a giveaway until I was notified a couple weeks ago. The came just the other day. Otherwise, I don‘t know how to get one. I just got lucky. (edited) 4y
Mdargusch I 💙the mug! 4y
Buchbeeg That mug though!!!! ❤📚 4y
TaciturnWhenReading Ooh! Love the mug! 4y
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I‘m pretty sure these are my #SantaThing books...🙈🥴 There‘s no note, no remark on the delivery note...🧐

I‘m very intrigued by the both books, can‘t wait to read them!

Deifio Cool! 😍 I read both of them and they are both great! They both have a heist movie thing going. But very different settings and if course Pratchett's humour is unique. Enjoy reading! And btw I hope you find out who sent them! 4y
LittleBug Sounds great! Yeah, I‘d love to know who my secret santa was... 4y
umbrellagirl @LittleBug you used to be able to see it on LT after Christmas passed. 4y
umbrellagirl Probably. I think LibraryThing orders the books rather than the chooser. 4y
LittleBug @umbrellagirl Ah, I‘ll see if I can find my secret santa there! Thanks!☺️ 4y
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Thank you so much to @sblbooks for my awesome #SantaThing books - The Five and Dark Matter are perfect picks for me. Pictured here with the rest of my Christmas bookhaul (yep, it's been a really good one)

Trail of Lightning | Rebecca Roanhorse
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My #SantaThing books have arrived 😍❤️ Great picks from my wish list 📚 Thank you for picking @LittleBug 💕❤️


LittleBug Glad you like them🤩 5y
Jari-chan @LittleBug How could I not - they all sound so awesome! 5y
LittleBug They do, don‘t they☺️ I had a hard time not ordering them for myself as well🥴 5y
Jari-chan @LittleBug Well, you know what they say - you've got to treat yourself as well every now and then 😉 5y
LittleBug Definitely!😉 5y
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