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The Devils | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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A chilly 10 degrees snowy morning #snowday😁 I‘m a kid again. A big cup of hot coffee. Happy Tuesday!!!

Aimeesue Quite an appropriate passage for today! ☕️ 6mo
LatrelWhite @Aimeesue Yes, it is!✨ 6mo
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Snow Day! | Patricia Lakin
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Pixel's loving his first snow experience. He kept trying to catch snowflakes the whole walk...when he wasn't burying his face in the snow.

We're currently curled up reading in front of a TV fire, but I couldn't resist posting this cute photo.

IndoorDame Adorable!!! 🥰 6mo
AnnR Cute! 🐾 6mo
Ruthiella So adorable! ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 6mo
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Chrissyreadit 🐶🐶🐶 6mo
AmyG That‘s too cute! 6mo
dabbe 🤩🖤🐾🐾🖤🤩 6mo
BookNAround So sweet with his snow covered snoot. 6mo
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Snow Day | Mercer Mayer
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Woohoo!!! It doesn‘t look too bad in this pic, but our district called it last night because we were going to have blizzard conditions in the morning.

Whatever shall I do with my bonus day??? 🤔

BarbaraBB Hard decision 😉. Enjoy! 6mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty ❄️ 6mo
AlaMich @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Not anymore. It‘s been raining a lot of the day and now it‘s all one big slushy, flooded mess out there. 6mo
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Snow Day! | Patricia Lakin
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What do you do with an unexpected snow day??? Read of course!!

KadaGul @Kshakal Duck/move to another city. In Chicago, we had ❄️ yesterday and it's coming down. 🤦‍♀️#LivingintheWindyCity 1y
Kshakal @KadaGul I know… it was in the upper 80s all week and then yesterday it started snowing again and hasn‘t stopped! 🙄 1y
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The Snow Day | Komako Sakai
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It‘s been a snowy day here in my part of Boston. So it‘s been a good day to sit & read. My reading buddy is hoping for an early spring.

dabbe Oh, sweetness! Want to kiss that face! ❣️🐾❣️ 2y
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Shirley Jackson tries to catch snowflakes.
Opening of a literary essay? #bookishcat #snowday #catsoflitsy

Bus Stop | Angela Dale
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I love that Divya reads at the bus stop while the other kids play. That was totally me as a kid (& an adult, but I don't ride busses much anymore)! #CharactersReading

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Snowbots | Aaron Reynolds, David Barneda
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Found this little treasure at the library just before a real #snowday. It's a cute little rhyming book full of nostalgia for a good storm.

Baby Monkey, Private Eye | Brian Selznick, David Serlin
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#snowday ❄️ 🌨 ☃️ I went in for a few hours to process new books. This looks like a fun read. 😄 Happy December!

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Snow Day | Lynn Plourde
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All the schools are closed for tomorrow ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️

I‘m in until Monday 💙💙💙💙 read read read ❄️❄️

LiteraryinLawrence Living the dream! 2y
TheBookHippie @LiteraryinLawrence I am more excited than my grandson 😂❄️😅 I put out the cocoa and marshmallows already ! 2y
Leftcoastzen Congrats on the snow day! So wonderful for readers , not so wonderful for everyone else!😄 2y
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Tamra Enjoy!! With the advent of online Ed, my kids don‘t get snow days anymore! 😭 They were one of the delights of childhood. 2y
Catsandbooks So exciting! ❄️ How much snow have you gotten so far? 2y
Jensol77 Already!!! Where are you? 2y
Jensol77 Same. Snow days are a thing of the past 💻 2y
TheBookHippie @Tamra yah my high schooler has to check but my grandson who is 8 does not -my daughter is admin assistant at the middle school and is working from home today. But so far my son has had nothing he‘s quite pleased! 2y
TheBookHippie @Jensol77 On the lake just north of Chicago in Michigan we get a particular large amount of snowfall which is late this year it‘s usually snowing Halloween. Typically once NOVEMBER hits the teen numbers we have snow days. April is usually the latest for snow days. Our k-5 get full snow days 6-12 have to check their chrome books, however most teachers don‘t assign a thing. 2y
Tamra @TheBookHippie yay! I think they should have a few snow days. ⛄️ 2y
TheBookHippie @Tamra I agree it‘s such a good mental health break! 2y
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