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Wakefield: A Novel | Andrei Codrescu
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#Devilside #OctoberXFiles
I always try to avoid repeating books for this challenge, but Codrescu's Faustian dark comedy came to mind for this prompt, and when I looked it up, it only had a single post....from me, last November when none other than @Robothugs was co-hosting! The prompt was #soldmysoul Creepier still because Wakefield had exactly one year to find an 'authentic life' or the devil takes his soul. ⏳😈😬

Robothugs 😆😆 That‘s so funny! And that song ended up on this playlist, too. This book sounds good! 6y
Cinfhen We‘ve come full circle 😈😜 6y
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Sandman Slim: A Novel | Richard Kadrey
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Dead man James Stark spends eleven years working as a hitman in Hell. Finally, he escapes and returns to hell-on-earth Los Angeles. Gritty urban fantasy that‘s, sadly, still on my TBR. Rated exceedingly well here and on GR.

#soldmysoul #octoberxfiles

Robothugs Interesting! 🤔 This may end up on my TBR. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Robothugs Fair warning—it‘s a series. Which means many more books on the TBR! 😱 6y
KathyWheeler I‘ve liked the books I‘ve read in this series. 6y
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Cinfhen Sounds super dark but I‘m very curious....I see your warning to Jen see I‘m not ready to stack just yet.... 6y
JazzFeathers It sounds right up my alley 😆 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @KathyWheeler Yay! I‘m glad to have your endorsement. @JazzFeathers Mine too! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Look up the reviews ... some folks I really trust on GR and here have given it five stars. But prob not for everyone ... 6y
Cinfhen I‘ll wait and see what my favorite #badass has to say 😘😘how are you feeling??? 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Haha. Fair enough. I‘m doing well with the brain / head aspect of the surgery. Have some abdominal after effects, but they‘re supposed to improve over time. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Still I‘m back to work and also exercise so that helps a lot! 6y
Cinfhen I‘m glad head/ brain is feeling good but I‘m sorry about abdominal pain. I deal with stomach issues and it can be really frustrating and uncomfortable. Exercise always helps!!! 6y
KathyWheeler @Cinfhen It‘s definitely dark; if you don‘t like dark, you might not like it. It‘s taken me years to get as far as I have in the series because I have to be in the mood for dark. 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @KathyWheeler I don‘t mind dark but I definitely NEED to be in the mood to read dark....so I totally get what you‘re saying! Thanks xx 6y
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West Virginia has a long history of public corruption. The man who wrote the tagged book was a state Supreme Court justice and as of Friday stands convicted of 11 felonies for corruption (wire fraud, witness tampering) Sen. Byrd (pic on left)would be ashamed. #noshame #soldmysoul #octoberxfiles

Blaire Title of the book is allegedly a quote by jfk‘s father about the votes in WV. 6y
Robothugs Interesting! 6y
Cinfhen Nicely done 🙌🏻 6y
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ChasingOm The whole Supreme Court thing is such a mess. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 6y
Blaire @ChasingOm yep!! Such a ridiculous show. 6y
Blaire @ChasingOm unrelated note...are you going to wv book festival? I‘m hoping to get to the jill Lepore and kwame Alexander events. 6y
Blaire @Robothugs it is wild. 6y
Blaire @Cinfhen thanks! 6y
ChasingOm @Blaire1990 I want to — I really want to see John Scalzi! But since I work in politics, I try not to make concrete plans this close to the election. 😅 6y
Blaire @ChasingOm so many good authors this year!! And totally get it...I have lots of friends involved in state politics and this season in particular seems unpredictable! Hoping for some happy results on election night. 6y
Blaire @ChasingOm I bet we know people in common...I‘m involved with various progressives orgs in Charleston. 6y
ChasingOm We probably do! If you want, you can email me at ChasingOm@gmail.com and we can find each other on Facebook. 😄 6y
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#soldmysoul #Octoberxfiles

This brought to mind the bedazzled film starring Liz Hurley, or the previous version starring Peter Cook and Dudley Moore.

Robothugs I haven‘t seen this in a while! Good pick 6y
Yeah_I_Read I love this movie 6y
Andrew65 @Yeah_I_Read 👍😊 @Robothugs Liz Hurley plays them well! 6y
Cinfhen Hilarious 😂 6y
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The Wicked Cometh | Laura Carlin
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Sounds like MC Hester White #soldmysoul in order to escape the London slums in this gothic tale set in 1831. Hester meets Rebekah, part of the aristocratic Brock family, and somehow a murder ensues.

As you‘ve probably guessed, I haven‘t read this yet. It‘s a gorgeous hardcover with cool endpapers though so I bought it last winter on my first ever trip to London as I shopped in Harrod‘s.


Cinfhen Nice purchase!!! Does Harrods have a book section?? 6y
Robothugs It sounds amazing! 6y
Reviewsbylola Yes they do. It was pretty nice. They had a kid‘s section too so I bought the girls a book about London and a kid‘s adaption of Pride & Prejudice. @Cinfhen 6y
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Cinfhen I‘m off to London next week for a few days...going with hubby & Zach and it‘s already apparent we are not in sync...they have zero interest in anything book related ...hoping to sneak away with @TrishB for a few hours 🤞🏼🤞🏼 6y
Reviewsbylola Omggg so fun!! You better post a lot of pics! What‘s on your agenda so far?! You need to go back in March when we take our trip!! @Cinfhen 6y
TrishB Keeping fingers crossed still 🤞🏻🤞🏻 6y
LeahBergen @Cinfhen @TrishB Really??? I wanna come!! 😩😩 6y
TrishB @LeahBergen that would be great too 😘 it will be exciting if we manage it! 6y
emilyhaldi 😂💸 6y
Cinfhen I know...it‘s almost too good to be true @TrishB @LeahBergen WE REALLY NEED a girls bookish getaway #summer2019 @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola @Mdargusch 6y
Mdargusch Darn! I wish I was going when you guys do! @Cinfhen (edited) 6y
Mdargusch Looks like a great book though. 6y
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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In The Poppy War, as a shaman you essentially sell your soul to use the power of your god. To your deity and to the drugs you need in order to access them. #SoldMySoul #OctoberXFiles

Join in on the photo challenge on whatever days you‘re up for it! http://litsy.com/p/eUtoT09EU3B1

Cinfhen This sounds good! 6y
Robothugs @Cinfhen It is! Part 1 was slow (at least for me), so if you do read it bear with it to part 2! 6y
Cinfhen Good to know because sometimes a slow start can kill a book for me 6y
Robothugs @Cinfhen it almost killed it for me for this one so I‘m glad I ended up sticking with it 6y
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I have not #soldmysoul #resist and #riseup West Virginia #toxicrockwool

Cinfhen 🙌🏻💕 6y
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I Sold My Soul | Mr Franklin Christopher
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Cinfhen #PREACH #TRUTH 🙌🏻❤️ 6y
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Palestine | Joe Sacco
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#OctoberXFiles Day 15: This is my book tribe discussing how disturbed we are by Sacco‘s graphic novel journalistic memoir where he related that he oftentimes felt like a #SoldMySoul type of emotion as he unearths harrowing tales from Palestinians. We also explored the need of Sacco to pour out his demons for the world to do with it what they will so long as he is able to spew them out in such graphic imagery. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-9wV

Cinfhen I love that you call your reading group your tribe 💕 6y
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