Here goes - this might be a long one. But isn‘t it pretty?!
John Lewis-Stempel is ambivalent about foxes, having both hunted them on horseback and ‘sabbed‘ fox hunts. I have similar (but less extreme) feelings about this book!
This is a diary of fragments, a year in the life of a meadow on JLS‘s farm on the Welsh-English border, observing the plants, the wildlife, the livestock... I‘ve been reading this over a couple of months, and it‘s made me
The flip side, and I think i‘m in a minority of me here, is that I don‘t much like his writing. At times it feels like he‘s demonstrating how very clever he is, as he incorporates poems and random obscure words (edited) 4y
He did win me round with this book. I was moved by the demise of Margot 🐮💔, and I ended up enjoying spending time on his farm. I have another UK farmer, James Rebanks, lined up in the near future, and I‘m looking forward to seeing how that compares.
Thank you for sending this to me @Oryx I‘m glad I‘ve read it.
This is #SomethingAboutNature for #NonFiction2021 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa 4y