Who‘s interested in a StL meetup at The London Tea Room? I‘m thinking maybe a Sunday in June or July? We could do a high tea service or just hang out and grab a scone or something for a cheaper choice. Who‘s in?

rjsthumbelina Oh me! I'm from Jefferson County! I didn't know there were any other StL littens! 7y
CordeliaGrey11 Mannnnn I wanna be there 😂 have fun! 7y
rjsthumbelina Also: are the tagged people all from the StL area too? (As I manically follow all of you...) 7y
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sprainedbrain Oooooh! I would love to, but I wouldn‘t be able to make a StL trip until July. Ya‘ll don‘t have to wait for me, though. @rjsthumbelina I‘m actually 4 hours away in Iowa, but I‘m an honorary StL resident during baseball and hockey seasons (soooo... all the time). 😂 7y
sammisho Dang, St. lLouis is a bit too far for me to make it this summer. But I am intrigued by this London Tearoom you mention! 7y
sammisho @rjsthumbelina KC girl here! 7y
DiruVamp Let me look at my calendar 😉 7y
tpixie Thanks for the invite, the place looks gorgeous and a #LitsyMeetUp sounds like a blast! I can‘t come in June or July and I live in Hutchinson Kansas so St. Louis is pretty far away. St. Louis is a great place though! (edited) 7y
Daisey The London Tea Room sounds like a great place for a meet up; I think I was there once visiting a friend. I live closer to KC, but I have family/friends near St. Louis and might be able to make it during the summer. I‘ll just have to wait and see once a date is decided. 7y
Bklover @rjsthumbelina I‘m in the metro-east. Just followed you!!! 7y
LibrarianRyan July I'm in. June might be hard to do. But I love the idea. 7y
LibrarianRyan @rjsthumbelina not STL but gives me a reason to go. 7y
mabell July would be best for me, and either ordering a la carte or doing afternoon tea would be great. Thanks for planning this! @rjsthumbelina STL city! I may win the prize for closest to the London Tearoom 😂 7y
MaureenMc I could do June or July, depending on the particular Sunday. 😊 Looking forward to another Litten meet-up! 7y
DebBates101 Im in! I can do june but I am fine w/ waiting until july so @sprainedbrain can make it 7y
DebBates101 @Genstl3 7y
readinginthedark @rjsthumbelina @sprainedbrain @DiruVamp @Daisey @Bklover @LibrarianRyan @mabell @MaureenMc @DebBates101 @Genstl3 It sounds like July will work best for the largest number of people! How about...July 15? I picked that randomly, so another Sunday would work for me too. My Saturdays are a bit crazier. 7y
readinginthedark @rjsthumbelina I‘m actually in St. Peters, but it‘s close enough to drive in and hang out! ❤️ 7y
readinginthedark @Daisey I‘ll be in KC the first weekend of August, I think, for my brother‘s production of The Wizard of Oz. If this doesn‘t work out, maybe we can arrange a meet-up then? 7y
sprainedbrain @readinginthedark I think I can make that work! 7y
readinginthedark @tpixie I didn‘t realize you were so far! Are you closer to KC then? 7y
readinginthedark @sammisho It‘s a nice place! Really good tea and treats. I‘ve never gone for the full tea service before. I might be in KC at the beginning of August; we should try to meet-up then! 7y
readinginthedark @Amabear Next time? 😉 (edited) 7y
Bklover July 15 sounds good. I will have to see what my $$ situation is at that time so I will have to wait to be sure. 7y
tpixie @readinginthedark yes KC is 3 hours away. Possibly I could do a KC meet up. We did one in April and it was fun! Try to keep me posted! Just in case!! @Daisey @sammisho I think I have other KC names from the meet up. 7y
rjsthumbelina I think that date works for me - but it'll just be about how much money I have at that point, since it's summer and I work as a paraprofessional in a school (so no summer pay!) My summer job doesn't pay as well 7y
mabell July 15 sounds good to me! 7y
MaureenMc I could do July 15. 😁 7y
DebBates101 @rjsthumbelina I am west of STL in OFallon 7y
DebBates101 Can we please call the meet up St Louis LitsTea 📚☕️ 7y
DiruVamp July 15 works for me! 👏🏻😁 7y
MaureenMc @DebBates101 👌😄 7y
DebBates101 It is in my calendar! 😆📆 Did everyone give comments on their preference between the tea service vs menu ordering? Either is fine but high tea service sounds like fun. 7y
readinginthedark @tpixie I‘ll let you know! 7y
readinginthedark @DebBates101 @MaureenMc @DiruVamp @mabell @rjsthumbelina @Bklover Perfect! I‘ll call them and see if they need a reservation for a group. I‘m thinking we‘ll just order whatever individually this time, since there have been some concerns about cost. That way people can get tea, scones and snacks, and/or conversation at their own discretion. 👍🏻 7y
readinginthedark @DebBates101 😆I love it! #StLLitsTea 7y
tpixie @DebBates101 my cousin lives in O‘Fallon!!! 7y
tpixie @DebBates101 lol fun name 7y
tpixie @Daisey ! 7y
DebBates101 @tpixie small world 🌎😊 7y
DiruVamp Menu ordering on our own sounds perfect for me. Good idea 👍🏻 7y
Chrys I think I am off work that day and would love to join in. I‘m in St Peters 7y
readinginthedark @DiruVamp @Chrys 👍🏻😊 7y
readinginthedark I forgot to tag @Gezemice @Grrlbrarian @Lylah @bookdrunkard78 @Patrella --if any of you are interested! 7y
DebBates101 @Chrys where in St Peters are you? I grew up there and my bestie @Genstl3 lives there. And Im sure u know @readinginthedark 7y
Grrlbrarian @readinginthedark This could maybe work depending on the time. Also: is this also a bookstore crawl or solely a meetup? 7y
Lylah @readinginthedark thank you for including me but unfortunately I work on Sundays! I hope the meet up goes well! 7y
readinginthedark @Lylah Oh no! Is your schedule pretty consistent? Maybe we can plan it for a different day next time. 7y
readinginthedark @Grrlbrarian I was thinking earlier in the day, mid-morning or around lunchtime. Does that work for you? My son has a cub scouts thing that evening in St. Peters, and I don't know yet if he wants me there or not, so I might be a little more flexible. Also, there aren't any bookstores in the direct vicinity of the tea shop, so I wasn't planning for a crawl, but this is open to discussion. 7y
Lylah @Lylah yeah it‘s pretty consistent but I only have Tuesdays & Thursdays off so I feel like nobody else would be able to do that. I hope everyone else has a good time though! ☺️ Post pics! 7y
mabell Are we still planning on the meet-up Sunday? It's come up quick! 😳 7y
readinginthedark @mabell @Grrlbrarian @Gezemice @bookdrunkard78 @Patrella @Chrys @DiruVamp @Daisey @DebBates101 @MaureenMc @rjsthumbelina @Bklover @sprainedbrain @Genstl3 Yes, sorry! Does Sunday still work for everyone? I'm thinking 11am? Let me know who all's coming! If we have more than 10, I need a reservation. 7y
sprainedbrain Wow... I guess I totally missed that a day had been picked! I won‘t be able to make it but can‘t wait to see the posts! 7y
Patrella Oh wow! This sounds like fun! I've taken a step back from social media the last year and a half, so I nearly missed this! Thanks for tagging me again @readinginthedark! @bookdrunkard78 what do you think think?! 7y
Grrlbrarian Sorry, @readinginthedark but I won‘t be able to make it this weekend 😢 Can‘t wait to see photos - and would love to make a future meet-up 7y
DiruVamp Ugh I totally didn‘t write that date down 🙃Can you put me down for a maybe? I‘m going to try and rearrange some things 7y
Daisey I can‘t. I had hoped it would match up with a July family get together, but I was in St. Charles county for that last weekend and can‘t make another trip this weekend. 7y
mabell I would still be able to make it, but I'm also ok pushing it back so more people could make it - whichever is fine. I think @LibrarianRyan was interested in coming down? 7y
LibrarianRyan What day again. I think I can come. I am going to STL on the 28th but I could probably make another date as well 7y
DebBates101 I can but if we want to wait till more ppl can go thats good too. 7y
readinginthedark @LibrarianRyan @Grrlbrarian @Gezemice @bookdrunkard78 @Patrella @Chrys @DiruVamp @mabell @Daisey @DebBates101 @MaureenMc @rjsthumbelina @Bklover @sprainedbrain @Genstl3 Well, I'm flexible, so let's take a vote: Which works better for you--this Sunday, July 15, or Saturday, July 28? 7y
DebBates101 @readinginthedark either one 7y
LibrarianRyan Either. Prefer Saturday. 7y
Chrys I work the 28th, but you all have fun and I will live to see the photos 7y
sprainedbrain We have plans this weekend, but 7/28 would work for me. Don‘t work around me, though... the more local people should get to go!! 7y
mabell Whatever works best for the group is fine with me. 7y
Grrlbrarian The 28th is totally booked - no pun intended 😏 - but so is the 15th now. Y‘all have fun! 7y
MaureenMc I can do either date, and don‘t really have a preference. ☺️ 7y
Daisey Sorry, neither will work for me. Have a great time! 7y
Bklover I‘m so sorry I can‘t do either one- have a great time! Please include me next time! 7y
DiruVamp I can‘t do either as it turns out but y‘all have a blast and post lots of pics! I hope to make it if you decide to do another one! 7y
readinginthedark @LibrarianRyan @Gezemice @bookdrunkard78 @Patrella @mabell @DebBates101 @MaureenMc @rjsthumbelina @sprainedbrain @Genstl3 Saturday, July 28 then! We can decide a time closer to the day, unless you guys have a preference now. I'm thinking we'll plan another get-together in September or October, too, so more people can hopefully come! 7y
LibrarianRyan @readinginthedark works for me. I'll have 2 friends with me so I'll be a party of 3 7y
sprainedbrain @readinginthedark yay!! 7y
MaureenMc @readinginthedark 👍 😁 7y
mabell Sounds good! Thank you for planning! 7y
Gezemice Oh I am so sorry I missed this - I was on a Litsy hiatus... I cant do it in July but definitely interested in September or October! Thank you for the tag :) 7y
readinginthedark @Gezemice Sounds good! And you're welcome! 7y
readinginthedark @LibrarianRyan @sprainedbrain @MaureenMc @mabell 👍 Do you guys have a time preference? It looks like they're consistently busy for most of the day, but slightly less so 9-11am, before lunch. I'm free whenever. 7y
mabell Whatever time works for everyone is fine with me. 7y
LibrarianRyan Works for me. I just need the location. @readinginthedark (edited) 7y
MaureenMc Maybe the 10-11 range? 7y
mabell @MaureenMc @LibrarianRyan @sprainedbrain Would it work for everyone to meet at 10:45 or so? Did we need a reservation @readinginthedark ? For anyone that still needs the address, it is 3128 Morganford, St Louis MO 63116 7y
sprainedbrain @mabell works for me! 7y
LibrarianRyan Works for me. I will be a party of 3 @mabell 7y
MaureenMc @mabell Works for me! 7y
readinginthedark @LibrarianRyan @sprainedbrain @MaureenMc @mabell Sorry, I didn't see that everyone had responded! Yes, 10:45! 👍 No, we don't need a reservation. Whoever gets there first, grab a table for 7! 7y
DebBates101 @readinginthedark I am bringing someone, too, so count me as two ppl plz id that is ok 7y
readinginthedark @DebBates101 👍We'll still be less than 10, so it should be fine. I may take you up on that ride...text you later! 7y
readinginthedark @LibrarianRyan @sprainedbrain @MaureenMc @mabell @DebBates101 Reminder! 10:45am at London Tea Room on Saturday! I'm excited to see you guys! 7y
DebBates101 @readinginthedark sounds good! 7y
LibrarianRyan @readinginthedark see you there. 7y
mabell See you then! 7y
MaureenMc 👍 7y
sprainedbrain @readinginthedark @LibrarianRyan @MaureenMc @mabell @DebBates101 I‘m so bummed about this, but my kid-care plans didn‘t work out for tomorrow, so I won‘t be able to make it. 😔 Hopefully next time you meet, I will be able to make the trip. Hope you all have a fantastic time and post pictures! 7y
mabell @sprainedbrain Oh no!! We'll miss you! 😔 7y
readinginthedark @sprainedbrain Aw! Well, if you change your mind, you're welcome to bring your kids (but I understand the desire not to). Next time for sure! 7y
sprainedbrain @readinginthedark @mabell I would bring him with, but he doesn‘t do well with the 4 hours in the car... it‘s not so bad if we spend the night, but I wasn‘t planning to stay, so he would be nearly impossible with 8 hours driving in one day. 🙃 7y
LibrarianRyan @readinginthedark hello everyone. Just letting you know I hear and early. @mabell @MaureenMc @DebBates101 7y
mabell @sprainedbrain That is quite a haul! 😳 I don't blame him. 😂 Hopefully we can plan something for September/October 🤞 7y
mabell @LibrarianRyan Just about there! 7y
DebBates101 @LibrarianRyan @Gezemice @bookdrunkard78 @Patrella @mabell @DebBates101 @MaureenMc @rjsthumbelina @sprainedbrain @Genstl3 @DiruVamp @Bklover @Daisey @Grrlbrarian @Chrys @Lylah @tpixie @sammisho @Amabear so glad to meet those of u who could make it today! Since it is a little difficult to communicate w/ the whole group for meetups I am making a directory for all of us. (1/2) (edited) 7y
DebBates101 Send me ur email address. I will email everyone w/ a list of basic questions to answer. When we plan these events it will be much easier to chat/plan via email. You can either post ur email address here or email it to me at debbates101@yahoo.com. Plz tag anyone I missed or anyone else who u think might be interested in staying in touch w/ the local Littens. @CayRivvers 7y
readinginthedark @sprainedbrain Completely understandable! 7y
readinginthedark @DebBates101 readinginthedark1988@outlook.com 7y
Patrella @DebBates101 alemap211@gmail.com 7y
Genstl3 I missed this 😕 let me know when another occurs, I would love to join. @readinginthedark 7y
readinginthedark @Genstl3 Will do! 7y
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