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So Much Blue: A Novel | Percival Everett
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This is why I love the Tournament of Books. I would not have found this book/author without it. I‘m not sure how I missed him- he has a back list of like 30 books!!

And it‘s my first 5⭐️ read of the year. I loved the writing. Deep, yet funny, and not a chore to read. #ToB2017 #24in48

Cinfhen I think there are lots of mixed reviews about this one...I‘m bummed...it‘s not a availability through my library system yet 😫 7y
batsy I really liked this one and his writing is so assured. I need to get through his backlist, too! 7y
merelybookish Agreed! I would never have read Stephen Florida except for #TOB but really enjoyed it 7y
L_auren Wow!!! 7y
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So Much Blue: A Novel | Percival Everett
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Book 1 complete. Second book and second cup of coffee. Sneaking in some shorter #ToB2017 books to knock them off my list. This is a new to me author and a book I‘d not heard of prior to the shortlist. Wish me luck! #24in48

The Mothers: A Novel | Brit Bennett
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There was quite a debate about this one during the Tournament of Books. #controversial #jubilantjuly #tob2017

EvieBee It was a So-so for me also. Didn't care too much about being told what to think. 7y
OneCent76 So so for me too. 7y
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The Sport of Kings | C.E. Morgan
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Dogs don't like posing with eBooks. Oh well! I'm actually listening to the audiobook but wanted the book cover thus iPad. This is the only #TOB2017 title I didn't finish before the tourney. #AmReading #ImeanAmListening #DogsofLitsy #whpg #EstherFest

dastevensish On a totally unrelated note, I made pie today. It made me think of you. Thinking of you makes me smile. See-->😁 7y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Nailing the experience of being a woman online dating. 😑

#ToB17 #ToB2017 #TournamentofBooks

MicheleinPhilly EW. I'm so glad I'm not single. Or into guys. ☺️ 7y
diovival YIKES 😒 7y
BraveNewBooks @MicheleinPhilly @diovival Yep. I don't doubt for a moment that these were at least inspired by real messages. 7y
diovival @BraveNewBooks Me either. I spent some time on POF and had to wade through plenty of hot mess messages. 7y
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Quarter finals start today!


Suet624 Oh! Thanks! I forgot to check in since Monday. 8y
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The Nix | Nathan Hill
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Finally getting to this book, which survived the first round of the #TOB17. I've had the ARC since May and I've heard nothing but great things, but the size of it has kept me from picking it up. I did resolve to read more of my #bigbooks this year and we are closing in on the first quarter, and it's still a contender, so here we go! #bigbooks17 #tob #tob2017 #bookandcoffee #morningreading

emilyjwhit9 It is so good! Can't wait to hear what you think! 8y
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Moonglow | Michael Chabon
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Why I'm struggling with this book. Can we ever just get to the point without a page full of words? I'm not even sure what the point is here. #TOB2017

Grimlock Ugh. This author. Every1 tells me to read 8y
Grimlock Read C&K for comic book stuff. Except it has nothing I love about comics in it. 8y
she_barks @Grimlock I had a hard time with that one too. I just don't like his style, apparently. 8y
Grimlock I was so turned off by C&K, I haven't bothered picking up anything else by him. Flarking C&K. So much wanting to throw it across a room... (edited) 8y
AceOnRoam I ditched it too! 8y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Despite having yet to read either of these - I was really excited by the outcome. I kind of like it when speculative fiction wins out over a more traditionally literary offering. Going to need to move this book up my list.

#tob2017 #tournamentofbooks #tob

Well-ReadNeck My bracket is complete busted. I read and liked both of these books, though 8y
Redheadrambles @Well-ReadNeck I didn't fill out the brackets but so far I am super bummed Sport of Kings didn't make the play in, but happy UR won it's round as expected). I need to read The Vegetarian but I was pretty surprised it lost and in this round, based on my pre-reading bias I am happy ! So much fun 😀 8y
ReadingEnvy I'm still working on this one, waffling on my feelings on it. 8y
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Redheadrambles @ReadingEnvy any strong feelings about which book you would like to see take out the rooster ? 8y
ReadingEnvy @Redheadrambles black wave! Hoping for a zombie pick. 8y
ClairesReads Keen to read this one too! 8y
ClairesReads I was also super surprised The Vegetarian lost its bracket! I've not read it yet either- but seemed the stronger pick based on pre-reading! 8y
Redheadrambles @ClairesReads Yes I thought so too but that's what I love about this ToB thing - the subjective nature of book judgement is kinda made manifest. I do feel I need to get to The Vegetarian but I am more immediately drawn to Version Control 8y
Redheadrambles @ClairesReads Also wasn't really a surprise but still super excited that Homegoing has progressed in today's round. I think it is shaping up nicely as a UR vs HG final. Although I almost wish it wouldn't as I don't like the idea of them always compared. They are both excellent in different ways. 8y
ClairesReads I totally wasn't surprised either- confession haven't read Homegoing yet! Preordered it in smaller format- should arrive in a month or two! But yes I do feel that probably there isn't a huge amount to be gained from comparison to Underground Railroad...will be interested to see how we proceed from here! 8y
merelybookish Version Control got the boot today. I think Underground Railroad is cruising to the win! 8y
Redheadrambles @merelybookish yes I saw that. It was a pretty good judgement and I think your right unless there is a big upset then it's likely Homegoing vs UR ? 8y
Suet624 I was just looking at reviews of this book because Mary Toft was written by the same author. I just noticed in your picture that one of the authors in this year‘s TOB shortlist was the judge who moved version control forward in the TOB. 5y
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All the Birds in the Sky | Charlie Jane Anders
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Who all is following this years tournament? Thoughts on today's big upset?

Well-ReadNeck Nooooooooo! 😱 I had The Vegetarian going to the finals. They can still zombie!!! 8y
Suet624 I don't understand this decision at all. 8y
Zelma I haven't read either so I don't have an educated comment. But I was shocked and though it was a huge upset. Great commentary though and one of the reasons I love the ToB!!!!! 💕 8y
Redheadrambles Yeah I thought it was great commentary and certainly made me want to read both books at some stage. It is an upset that the International Booker Prize winner is out for what appears to be a fun YA fantasy type book but that's why I love this competition 😀 8y
Waynegjr I actually loved both books. All the Birds was the first book I read in 2016 and it really set the stage for the year. And The Vegetarian was one of the more haunting and surprising books I read last year. I was rooting for All the Birds because I root for an underdog, and I was delighted to even see it on this list. But it was a hard decision. 8y
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