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Bk13 of June & #BigJuneReadathon is done. After ripping through the latest Slaughter so quick, I‘ve decided to go back & reread the Grant County/Will Linton books from the start. Unfortunately I found when I did #TheGreatLibraryCleanOf2022 that some of them have been “liberated” from my collection but all book thieves will get their just desserts one day.😈Sara Linton is a coroner & paediatrician in a small Georgia town👇👇

Lizpixie … trying to avoid her ex husband the Chief of Police when a series of brutal rapes & murders happen. Brilliantly written, great characters & horrible crimes. Loved it all! #BookspinBingo #SeriesRead2022 #Pop22 2y
5feet.of.fury I need more of this series. ❤️ 2y
TheAromaofBooks Gotta watch people with sticky fingers in your library!! 😂 I will say that in our family we have a handful of books that are regularly “poached“ from one another as we all think we should own that particular copy LOL 2y
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CarolynM I have some friends who help themselves to my library when they are here. I don‘t mind, except when I realise that some of those books don‘t come back 🤬 2y
Lizpixie @TheAromaofBooks I used to trust my family too until I noticed “missing” books, then my brother returned one with the covers chewed off & something spilled on its pages after he “on-lent” it to his mate. The library was closed for business after that! But apparently there‘s another book thief lurking recently👮🏻‍♀️ 2y
Lizpixie @CarolynM I‘m pretty sure my missing Slaughter & Gerritsens were “lost” by my cousin-in-law after she moved to another house. Silly me thought I could trust her with my babies😡Coincidentally the last picture I saw of her bookcase I noticed the exact same titles on her shelves🤔 2y
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