Good old times - handing out dictionaries in school. I am looking forward to a regular school year after the summer break. #teachersgoals
I‘m alive, I swear!! School‘s been hitting really hard this semester, so I haven‘t gotten a chance to do any reading for me. I‘m in two writing enriched courses (think 3-5 page essays a week), anatomy class part 2, working 3 jobs, and I just joined a sorority. That should change this week, though, because I‘ll be working box office for my uni‘s production of a modern Pride and Prejudice! I‘m very excited, and it gives me time to read.
Don't make me go back to work on Monday 😥
My mind doesn't want to work it wants to read haha
My teaching materials for the first 5 weeks of classes have arrived! 😳 For real though, I'm so grateful that the institute isn't making me buy my own books and supplies. This is going to be a fun summer. 😍📚
P.s. Corgi butt was not included in shipment. 😂
Omg never even realised I hadn't read this Linwood Barclay book and The Woman In the Window is one of my books to read on one of my reading challenges.
£1 for both from the charity event from my school 😊