I‘ve been on vacation so I have a lot to post. Heading home later today and I‘ll catch up tomorrow. Hope you all have a lovely Sunday.
#CurrentlyReading #ReadingUpdate #LifeUpdate
I‘ve been on vacation so I have a lot to post. Heading home later today and I‘ll catch up tomorrow. Hope you all have a lovely Sunday.
#CurrentlyReading #ReadingUpdate #LifeUpdate
I'm so happy I can finally TELL PEOPLE!! This is something I've been keeping to myself for a while now but I just got some great news a few days ago and decided it was time to start this new account (and a new blog!!) #newjob ("new") #lifeupdate
More deets! exploringotaku.wordpress.com/2021/07/03/the-time-has-come
IG: instagram.com/exploringotaku
I‘m alive, I swear!! School‘s been hitting really hard this semester, so I haven‘t gotten a chance to do any reading for me. I‘m in two writing enriched courses (think 3-5 page essays a week), anatomy class part 2, working 3 jobs, and I just joined a sorority. That should change this week, though, because I‘ll be working box office for my uni‘s production of a modern Pride and Prejudice! I‘m very excited, and it gives me time to read.
I have been a very bad litten! But this was my last book (and every other book) of 2018! It was my worst year yet in terms of life events and reading levels - but I also had some amazing moments and books that I am SO appreciative of 🥰 #lifeupdate
On book 5 of 2019, already loving this year compared to last!
Sharing some more life news: I‘m pregnant! My husband and I are excited for our first baby, due in August🤰🏽Lots of reading time with some great books has helped me survive the morning sickness these past few weeks. Any favorite pregnancy/parenting books I should read? #lifeupdate #pregnant
Hey all, got some new book mail yesterday! I‘m sorry for being so inactive. For the past 2-3 weeks, I‘ve been horribly sick! I had the flu, which then turned into pneumonia that was so bad I couldn‘t keep any food down for those 2-3 weeks. But I‘m finally in recovery mode and am excited to be healthy again very soon. Hope life is good with y‘all! 💜
#manga #shojo #lifeupdate #fuckbeingsick #bookmail