The best representation I have of #violetorindigobooks for #17RainbowBooks
The best representation I have of #violetorindigobooks for #17RainbowBooks
The three books at the top of this stack are TBR and the rest are probably going to end up on my TBRR list. I enjoyed Leiber's Fafhrd & Gray Mouser books and hope to revisit them soon, but since my list of books to be read or reread gets longer by the hour, who knows when I'll get to them? #SoManyBooksSoLittleTime #VioletOrIndigoBooks #17RainbowBooks
#17rainbowbooks Purple is my favorite color, so I was happy to search my shelves for #violetorindigobooks!
I haven't got a lot of violet or indigo books, but here are a few. I love the metallic purple of The Sleepwalker! Also, Terry Pratchett is one of my go-to's for #happyreads. #violetorindigobooks #17rainbowbooks #marchintoreading #pratchettposse
Best I could do while running late for work this morning. At least I have my priorities straight! #17rainbowreads #violetorindigobooks
#day6 #17rainbowbooks #violetorindigobooks Howabout a book that is a Violet AND Indigo book?! Finished this yesterday, and easily my favorite read of 2017 so far.... Loved it 😍💕
#17rainbowcolours #violetorindigobooks @jess.how
After the past few days' photo challenge, I realise I have books with this colour the least. I have loads of books with red spines on my shelves!