This inside cover is gorgeous! 😍
Really need to pick this up, but my other two books are still bugging me to finish them.
#wiresandnerve #thelunarchronicles #marissameyer #openbook #beautifulcover
This inside cover is gorgeous! 😍
Really need to pick this up, but my other two books are still bugging me to finish them.
#wiresandnerve #thelunarchronicles #marissameyer #openbook #beautifulcover
I love that Marissa Meyer went with a different medium to continue the Lunar Chronicles! I look forward to reading more about Iko! #marissameyer #lunarchronicles #wiresandnerve
I finally read #WiresandNerve after feeling the cover love for it over the past few months. It's a great graphic novel full of intrigue and beautiful illustration. You also don't need to read the #LunarChronicles series to enjoy it because I barely know a thing about that series and I loved this graphic novel.
✨#Cinder #Iko #BookReview #Reading #Books #FantasyFiction #BookBlogger #BookAddict #GraphicNovel #Comic #Blue
I may have actually squealed when this book arrived. This whole series has been so fun. I am glad she decided to continue with it, even if it is in the form of a graphic novel 🤓
#thelunarchronicles #wiresandnerve #ikorocks #graphicnovels #booknerd
Afternoon snuggles with my little man 💓📚
#snugglesandbooks #wiresandnerve #theawesomebookofawesomeness
I missed you, Lunar Chronicles gang. Every one of you. I loved this! It wasn't as good as another novel but it was great seeing the characters again and to get more of Iko, who I adore. Such fun! The artwork was fantastic and I thought the color scheme was perfect for the story. I hadn't realized at the beginning that this was just the first volume, but I'll gladly continue reading!
#lunarchronicles #wiresandnerve #fairytaleretellings
Are you a huge fan of the #LunarChronicles? Have you checked out #WiresandNerve by #MarissaMeyer? This new #graphicnovel follows Iko our favorite android and continues the world of the Lunar Chronicles!