Let's begin. Shall We?
#Hoopla #LocalLibraryLove
#LibrariesOfLitsy @StanCoLibrary
Let's begin. Shall We?
#Hoopla #LocalLibraryLove
#LibrariesOfLitsy @StanCoLibrary
PREACH! #MoWillems #Pigeon #DontSassASasser #BeckyAlbertalli
When a book pays respect to Pigeon, that shows real class. Just saying. Anyyyyways, this was a fun read about finally putting yourself out there and not being afraid to get rejected. Also, geek boys and fandoms! WINNING!
I imagine this is where Dana Simpson *mic dropped*
#ThronesOfErmagard #MyKingdom #Unicorns #DeskReads #PublicLibraryLife 🦄👧🖤
Ohhhhh, books. You're the cutest.
#MoWillems #ChariseMericleHarper #AuthorCollab 🖤🖤
When that new new come in though...
#BookPorn #NewYA #BooksForDays
So, this is happening...
#PatrickRothfuss #UnfinishedSeries
#KingdomHearts #ChipAndDale
"Well, I could teach you... but I'd have to charge."
#Lumberjanes #ISeeWhatYouDidThere
"Snottie" is an interesting fashion blogging creature who is basically allergic to life. Enter prescription meds and things get curiouser and curiouser. It was weird, but I'll read the others just to figure out what is going on in this hot mess of a girl's life. #SnotGirl #Snottie #GraphicNovels #Allergies #SayNoToDrugs
Wanna laugh? Read this.
Wanna cringe? Read this.
Wanna relate? Read this.
My suggestion? Read this.
Well, go on. I'll wait.
#GraphicNovels #GiantDays
TFW you see someone you know, but you don't feel like talking to them...
#Awkward #Totoro #Miyazaki #LitsyFeels
When you're just trying to read and people in the break room actually want to talk to you... uhmmmm NO!
#BecauseBooks #GraphicNovels #LibraryLife
You guys... WOW! Totally late to the party, but I just started listening to this and... hashtag AMAZING!
#AmazonPrimeForTheWin #Hamilton
Food choice + book choice = hilarious coincidence #Doughnuts
I enjoyed this strange library tale as I worked my #SaturdayLibrarian shift. Gah, when book meets reality! Or does it? Just a little lesson I learned from my first #Murakami. I am looking forward to the other wildly imaginative offerings this author will share with me.
Okay, I'll admit I have issues with the #GetYourShitTogether mentality. Adulting is hard. My inner Simon is vacuuming again! #BookReference. This books was hilarious and informative. I like my self-help books how I like my men... serious and helpful with a side of snark and sass. You get that in this book. Sarah shows you how to start small while you DGAF and make changes in your life. #SpineLabelsSpeakVolumes #SubtleNotSubtle
I listened to this book as I commuted and WOW! Jason Isaacs' voice just bellowed out the pain, hope, defiance and ultimate acceptance that these characters face. This story truly was heartbreaking in its unbelievable relatability. How many times have we all felt the same rage that Conor did, the same isolation in denying what was to come? This book had a lot of feels. A LOT. Bring a tissue. #1207 #CommuterLife #LitsyFeels #AMonsterCalls
"Note to own damn self..."
This lady gets me.
#SpiritAntiGuru #24in48
#LitsyAToZ #SundayFunday #Readathon
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (aka style guide from HELL) is not what I had in mind for #24in48. Reading is reading though, eh? The book on top of the pile is taunting me. #AdultingIsHard
So, uhmmm, can this be my life? Book charm, Scotland charm, small town village charm and Highland farmer charm coupled with real life struggles and musings?!?! I couldnae put it down! Books about books for the win!
#LittleShopOfHappyEverAfter #FeedTheBookHungry
#ReadHarderChallenge #24in48 #LitsyAToZ
"Stoutness exercises" help me get in the mood to read! ?
This was a book club pick that I was initially really excited about. However, it read too much like a clinical case study for me and I couldn't make myself finish it. #DNF #ReadJanuary #OliverSacks
That moment when the #wanderlust hits hard. I feel you, Hilda.
Okay! Fine! I admit it. Be nice, littens... 😔
#BooksEveryoneButYouHasRead @RealLifeReading
My name is not Will Grayson, but I appreciate you, Tiny Cooper. This book was awesome! It had all the components of a work of wonder: wit, banter, angst and it was a MUSICAL! Pssssht. I mean, come on! Such a great listen. I applaud MacLeod Andrews and Nick Podehl for giving these characters even more of a voice! #WillGraysonWillGrayson #JohnGreen #DavidLevithan #LitsyAToZ #LitsyWhileYouWork #CommuterLife #CommuterReads #DoYouEvenLitsyBro
A book, Sherlock Holmes, Foosball and a Christmas tree will occupy my overcast (aka perfect) day. The only thing missing is the coffee! *shouts over my shoulder to the empty coffee pot* "MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL MR. COFFEE!" ☕?
Challenge accepted and completed! Bring it on 2017! 😎👏
#ReadHarderChallenge #BookRiot @bookriot
Let's get real. This was hilarious and spot on. I laughed. I cried. I emoted some other emotable things...
I see you Santa... Merry Christmas #Littens!
So, how many of these will there be? Am I going to be 80 years old reading Knockin 'Em Loose Three Hundred Seven? Probably. #JanetEvanovich
#TeamMorelli #TeamRanger
Does anyone else feel like #NicolaYoon and #RainbowRowell probably have coffee and are best friends? #BrainFoodForLunch #RandomBlurb
Went to my local Barnes and Noble for a Harry Potter Magical Holiday Ball and came out with these gems. I am very intrigued (and mad I didn't think to do it) about Jane Austen Kama Sutra: A Playful Presentation of Sense and Sensuality. So, those instances where our brains read certain passages and instantly went to the gutter have finally been gathered into one amazing tome?!?! muahahahaha 😎