Day 14 - #TimeOrTiming #SeptemberSenses
#TheTimeTravelersWife #AudreyNiffenegger
This is my favorite time-travel story!
Day 14 - #TimeOrTiming #SeptemberSenses
#TheTimeTravelersWife #AudreyNiffenegger
This is my favorite time-travel story!
5-5-20: My 35th finished book of 2020! 🌟🌟🌟🌟 #herfearfulsymmetry #audreyniffenegger 👍🏼📖#️⃣3️⃣5️⃣
Day 4 - #SadEnding #MarchMadness
#TheTimeTravelersWife #AudreyNiffenegger
I read this in 2009 and the ending was very sad!
Congratulations @mrozzz you won Bizarre Romance! If you could email your address to yetiandboo@gmail.com I'll send you the book! I chose a second winner just for fun, so congrats @readinginthedark if you could email me your address I'll send you a prize too!!!! Thank you to all who entered you're all awesome! 😍😍😍 #giveaway #audreyniffenegger #bizarreromance
I won this book from an online giveaway, and the publisher sent me two copies so I thought I'd share the love! It is an ARC so does not have the full color that the released book will have, but it's still a great read! If you're interested please like my post and follow me! I'll send the book anywhere, and will pick a random winner tonight at 8 EDT! This is my first giveaway so I hope I'm doing it right! #giveaway #arc #audreyniffenegger
Opening line: "Clair: The library is cool and smells like carpet cleaner, although all I can see is marble." #thetimetravelerswife #audreyniffenegger #vintagebooks #bookgnome #bookish #book #bookcover #firstline
Opening line:
"Elspeth died while Robert was standing in front of a vending machine watching tea shoot into a small plastic cup."
#Dumbledwarf #bookgnome #herfearfulsymmetry #audreyniffenegger
Opening line:
"Clare: The library is cool and smells like carpet cleaner, although all I can see is marble."
#bookgnome #audreyniffenegger #thetimetravelerswife