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"When I am in the country," he replied, "I never wish to leave it; and when I am in town it is pretty much the same. They have each their advantages, and I can be equally happy in either." Mr. Bingley - Chapter 9

#Pemberlittens Chiltern Classic another that needs added to the database. ?


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 3w
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"That is very true," replied Elizabeth, "and I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine." - Chapter 5

#Pemberlittens today's Pride and Prejudice is beautiful edition that includes recipes from Martha Stewart and the most amazing cookie art.

I was craving a classic afternoon tea so in my cup is Twinings English Afternoon tea. ???


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Yes I know this is a radio show from the BBC. It is on Audible and it is listed on Goodreads so I listened to it to get me out of a reading slump that I am in for the past couple of days. I rated this a 5 out of 5 stars. I just love Benedict Cumberbatch!!! I listened to it on YouTube.

Doctor Who: Apollo 23 | Justin Richards

A soft Pick for this because I do love a Moon-based Doctor Who story and Eleven was credible, but the mechanism for alien invasion was not entirely satisfactory.

The Taking of Chelsea 426 | David Llewellyn
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive, and ever growing, TBR shelves. Some are old and some are new, some were gifts and some I don't remember why I bought them.
Day 42


I find the cover art super creepy and don‘t like that the Doctor Who logo is absent. It makes the story look pulpy (which it is, but shhh). This is one of those Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane ones where they get captured about four times and Sarah Jane nearly gets killed twice (not through anything she did, just the fact that she‘s travelling with the Doctor). It‘s a quick read and probably better if you‘ve watched and enjoyed the TV version.

Doctor Who: The Legends of River Song | Jenny T. Colgan, Jacqueline Rayner, Andrew Lane, Steve Lyons, Guy Adams
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I couldn't resist.

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Entertaining essays that analyse every story in Jon Pertwee‘s tenure as the 3rd Doctor. The pieces straddle socio/political, academic writings and playful critique (which stops the whole project being too dry). This is the first Doctor I remember & I got a Britbox subscription so I could simultaneously watch and read this book. I realise now my reverence of Doc 3 is based more on the great Target novelisations I read as the show was pretty naff.

Bookwomble The Green Death is the story I most remember with the Third Doctor. I'm not sure if my revulsion for maggots predates it or was caused by it! 6mo
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble Same here, maggots and spiders. The effects look terrible now though😬 6mo
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja Yeah, my kids just laugh at original Dr Who and Star Trek effects! The Fourth Doctor "The Ark in Space" bubble-wrap monster is a personal favourite ? And don't get me started on Blake's 7! (which I also fondly remember). 6mo
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble Blake‘s 7, great ideas but trapped in an era of cheap visual effects 6mo
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Doctor Who: The Pirate Planet | Douglas Adams, James Goss
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This book is so much Douglas Adams! James Goss did an awesome job making a book out of different text fragments and documents. I had so much fun with this and loved how the characters evolved. And yes, this book made me laugh, just as every book by Douglas Adams does. Very well done, Mr. Goss!

@TheAromaOfBooks #BookSpin

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
Cuilin Sounds great!! 6mo
Jari-chan @TheAromaofBooks ❤️❤️ 6mo
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Jari-chan @Cuilin It is 😁 6mo
Twainy I loved the episode and the book! Every once in a while I need to own one of the books. I own this one ♥️ 5mo
Jari-chan @Twainy Aww, so happy to hear that! I haven't seen the episode yet... 5mo
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Fear of the Dark | Trevor Baxendale
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I am not too familiar with the Fifth Doctor‘s adventures. I enjoyed this book and it made me want to check out his season. This book gave me Aliens vibes. The Dark as a character was very creepy. The Doctor was very fallible in this story.