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#BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub #BDB

Hopefully everyone was able to find a copy of Lover Eternal, the second book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood. This book is 441 pages and 51 chapters. I plan on reading 11 chapters each week. That will leave 7 chapters for the partial week at the end of July. I will do a weekly recap and we can discuss anything of interest too. Happy Reading! ❤️🧛‍♂️❤️
@PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads @DuckOfDoom

julesG Thanks for the reminder, need to get the audiobook onto my phone. 2d
TheSpineView @julesG 👍❤️🧛‍♂️❤️🎧 2d
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ShananigansReads Can't wait! 2d
BooksNBowls Omg can I join yall?! 2d
TheSpineView @BooksNBowls Sure! Do you want me to add you to the tag list? 2d
TheSpineView @ShananigansReads ❤️🧛‍♂️❤️📖❤️ 2d
PageShifter Thank you for the schelude! I get my copy tomorrow!! I am a bit behind with my readings but I am trying to catch-up 2d
BooksNBowls @TheSpineView yes! Thanks!! ❤️ 2d
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#BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub #BDB

Lover Eternal is next up for July. Hopefully everyone can find a copy. My small town library has this one in both physical and ebook format. This is Rhage and Mary's story.

Is the weekly recaps working for you or would you perfer just one discussion at the end of the month?

Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list.
@PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads

julesG I like the weekly chats, but I am probably going to binge the audiobook in one go again. 1w
TheSpineView Oh good. Glad the weekly check-in works for you. I binge too and just take notes. 1w
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ShananigansReads I like the weekly checkins also. 1w
PageShifter I am fine with everything. I check the discussions a bit late, if you're having them weekly. I should get the book around 18th 1w
StayCurious I like weekly check ins as well - keeps me on track 1w
TheSpineView @PageShifter I will always mark the post as containing spoilers so you won't read a post until you are ready. 1w
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#BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub #BDB

In these chapters Beth and Wrath have dinner at the mansion. Wrath explains more about vampires to Beth. She stays the night with Wrath and the next day looks through her father's things. She finds out how rich he was and sees a picture of her mother. Mr. X kidnaps a civilian vampire and kills him. José meets with Butch and he insisted that Beth comes into the police station for questioning since another....

TheSpineView Another prostitute has been killed. Butch convinces Jose to let him talk with Beth first. Wrath and Rhage have a fight with some lessors and we meet Rhage's beast he is cursed with. Beth is at home alone and she starts her transition. Butch finds her collapsed and Beth convinces him to take her to Wrath. Wrath sees her safely through the transition. Butch meets Marissa and they are drawn to each other. 2w
TheSpineView There are some interesting things taking place. I wonder what will happen when Havers finds out Butch is human. I think this will cause a lot of drama. Do you think the warriors will accept Butch into the fold? I like that there is subplots that are as interesting as the main story line. Looking forward to book two, Lover Eternal, which is about Rhage and Mary. @PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads @DuckOfDoom @InkedBookworm13 2w
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ShananigansReads I forgot how much we learn about the vampire world through Butch. I also love watching Wrath and Beth fall in love. I‘d also forgotten how hateful Havers is. 2w
julesG Ugh, Havers. I want to send him to therapy. 2w
julesG Mr X and his cronies give me "The Strain" vibes; with how they are made. 2w
PageShifter Good that you mentioned the next book! I have it on hold now, I maybe have to join a bit late if the previous reader doesn't return it before their due date 2w
TheSpineView @julesG @ShananigansReads Havers does need therapy. Maybexsome anger management classes. I get that he feels protective of Marissa but I think something else is also driving his hatred. 2w
TheSpineView @PageShifter Hopefully you will not have long to wait. 2w
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I‘m a little behind but I‘ll catch up in no time.

#BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub #BDB

TheSpineView No worries! ❤️🧛‍♂️ 2w
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#BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub #BDB

In chapters 12 to 23 Beth goes to dinner with Butch. There are no sparks between them when he kisses her goodnight. However, Wrath see them and he is jealous. Butch arrests Wrath and takes him to the police intending to interrogate him. Things don't go well for Butch but Beth intervenes and asks Wrath not to kill him. Wrath talks Beth into going to Darius's house. Wrath forgets to wipe Butch's mind and he puts out

TheSpineView ...an APB is put out on Wrath. Beth goes to the mansion and meets Fritz and Rhage. Wrath tells Beth she is a vampire. Beth tells Wrath that Butch is not her boyfriend or lover. Wrath marks Beth as his but has to fight himself not to bite her. Mr. X is grooming and recruiting young boys for The Lessing Society. The reader gets glimpses into the process. Fritz takes Beth home and he tells her a bit about her father, Darius. Wrath summons Marissa 2w
TheSpineView ...to feed from. She looks into his mind and finds out about Beth. She is devastated and she now knows he will never care for her. She releases Wrath from their bond. Wrath sends Tohr to watch over Beth is his absences and he explains a few things to her including that Wrath has marked her as his. Fritz calls Beth to let her know Wrath is wanting to have dinner with her at the mansion. She makes a list of questions she wants answered. 2w
TheSpineView Butch is suspended, without pay, for inappropriate use of force. However, Butch continues to investigate on his own. He meets with Mr. X and immediately feels something is off. Butch confronts Beth about Wrath. She refuses to listen but does agree to meet with him the next day. Marrisa tells her brother, Havers,, that she has released Wrath from their bond. Havers is livid and vows revenge. 2w
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TheSpineView I hope everyone is as invested in the story as I am. I can already see that Wrath is going to fight his growing attraction to Beth. How do you think it will take before he to give in? What do you think about the author's take on vampires? They have some interesting powers, like the mind wiping and being able to transportation between locations, etc. How to you feel about vampires not being able to go out in the sun? @PageShifter @Laughterhp 2w
julesG The world-building is good. Ward has come up with explanations for the vampire warriors, their civilian society and their 'natural' enemies. That the Lessening Society seems like a bunch of utter nutters to me can't be helped. I just don't understand zealous villains. ⬇️ 2w
julesG I never bought into the sparkling vampires idea, but I liked Deborah Harkness' take on it; her vampires can walk in daylight but don't expose themselves to direct sunlight (forgot the reason, probably something about delicate skin). I'd love to have a few scientific words with Havers. His experiments seem to be based on his first Harvard education, not his second. It seems all a bit Nutty Professor is trying to find a cure ⬇️ 2w
julesG rather than actual scientific research to me. As a tall woman I am always astonished at the descriptions of the vampires (and also Beth's description - she's shorter than my 14y/o daughter; and Wrath is the same height as my son - - - that means definitely not intimidating to me). 2w
julesG Also, I wish the audiobook had accents instead of the narrator just saying "he has an accent" - Wrath should sound British upper class; you don't lose your accent that easily, especially not if you live in a close-knit community like the Brothers do 2w
PageShifter I think mind wiping and not being able to go out in the sun are something we're pretty familiar with. Well maybe those sparkling ones @julesG mentioned were an exception xD 2w
julesG @PageShifter an aberration 2w
TheSpineView @julesG I agree with you the narration. I wished that their had been at least two narrators. 2w
TheSpineView @julesG When Ward was building this world she could have given her characters any powers. I wonder if she thought they needed a weakness??? 2w
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repost for @TheSpineView:

I am planning to reread the entire Black Dagger Brotherhood series starting in June. Read one book a month. Thought we could make it fun. Maybe play some games and have a chance to win swag. Do giveaways. Let me know if you are interested and please help me with ideas to make this fun.

#BlackDagger #BDBBookClub 🗡 ❤️🧛‍♂️

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TheSpineView Thanks! 2mo
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I am planning to reread the entire Black Dagger Brotherhood series starting in June. Read one book a month. Thought we could make it fun. Maybe play some games and have a chance to win swag. Do giveaways. Let me know if you are interested and please help me with ideas to make this fun.

#BlackDagger #BDBBookClub 🗡 ❤️🧛‍♂️

#LitsyLoveReads @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

PageShifter I really should read this series, finally! I have only read the first one, I would love to join 2mo
Laughterhp I started reading this series last year and got to book 6. So maybe I‘ll join in when you get to book 6! They started to get too dark for me. 2mo
TheSpineView @PageShifter I'll put you on the list. 2mo
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TheSpineView @Laughterhp Do you want me to add you to the tag list? 2mo
Laughterhp Yes please!! 2mo
julesG @Laughterhp similar, I made it to book 10. 2mo
TheSpineView @Laughterhp 👍🧛‍♂️🗡 2mo
julesG I might join as a casual member. 2mo
julesG Would you be interested, @GingerAntics? 2mo
TheSpineView @julesG Do you want to be tagged? 2mo
julesG Yeah, why not. Thank you! 2mo
TheSpineView @julesG I plan to keep things low key. 2mo
ShananigansReads I definitely want to read along. I've been debating rereading for months so thank you for the excuse. 😃 2mo
TheSpineView @ShananigansReads Great to have you! 2mo
DuckOfDoom I would like to try! Haven't read any of the books, so I'll give the first one a try :D 2mo
TheSpineView @DuckOfDoom Sure thing! 2mo
InkedBookworm13 Yes! I am in. I own all of them and have been putting off reading the 6 newest ones because I like to reread the series to remember what happened before reading the next batch back to back. 2mo
TheSpineView @InkedBookworm13 Glad to have you! ❤️🧛‍♂️🗡 2mo
tdrosebud I want join you on this. I've read the first 6 or 7 but it has been ages and I should probably restart before moving on. Hopefully I can keep up. 2mo
TheSpineView @tdrosebud I'll add you to the tag list. 2mo
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#LuckyInLove Day 24 #Heartthrobe @Eggs

I will mention as @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks The Black Dagger Brotherhood series and the Midnight Breed series but I read these books long time ago. Do I feel the same about these two series?🤷🏽‍♀️I don‘t know right now about a recent book, Grinch heart 💚 🤣

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙 🧛🏻‍♂️ 🩸 4mo
Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 4mo
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#LuckyInLove Day12 Face/Body on Cover
All of JR Ward's covers for the Black Dagger Brotherhood series have face and body's on the covers. I love this series and I have every book. ❤️

@eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Great collage🩵❤️💛🩶🧡 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks LOVE The Black Dagger Brotherhood!!! What‘s your fav? Mine is Wrath and Beth! Wish I had time to reread all of these!! 5mo
InkedBookworm13 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I can't pick just one. I really love the whole story between Qhuinn, Blaylock, Layla & Xcor. Zsadist/Bella & Payne/Manny are good too. 5mo
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#SundayFunday @BookmarkTavern
I buy JR Ward books as soon as the paperback versions come out. Almost but not every book would be Stephen King, Anne Rice, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Charlaine Harris, Marissa Meyer, Sarah Maas, and Mary Janice Davidson.

BookmarkTavern Very interesting choices! Thank you for sharing! (edited) 5mo
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