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The Most Likely Club | Elyssa Friedland
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Suki gets roasted in the press
Husband moves out?
So to California Tara goes … she‘s the special friend?!
Because she was there for her… 🤷🏻‍♀️

Elon Musk FFS
just NO

Ricky again

mcctrish I can‘t even with this storyline (edited) 10mo
IndoorDame I hope I‘m wrong, but I‘m getting the feeling that the theme of this book is women actually can‘t have it all 10mo
Karisa We finally get to see Suki and her life sucks too🤦🏻‍♀️ Elon Musk as the supportive friend type 🤢 @mcctrish and @IndoorDame I agree. This storyline is a mess. The more “relatable” she tries to make the characters, the more out of touch they seem. 10mo
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AmyG I am curious to see where these women “fall”. So much of this book is absurd. 10mo
vlwelser This is so ridiculous. Did you throw the book here? 10mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame me too 🤬 10mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser yup sailed across the room. How is this the same author ?! WTF 10mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish lots of WTF and FFS 😵‍💫 10mo
mcctrish @IndoorDame I‘m going to go with women need to make better choices. To quote John Mellencamp 🎶life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone” #becarefulwhatyouwishfor 10mo
Deblovestoread The name dropping 🤮 10mo
TheBookHippie @Deblovestoread seriously 🤮 10mo
vonnie862 This chapter had me, 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ 10mo
DebinHawaii The name dropping—of course she had to throw in Oprah too-so annoying. Suki seems just as bad as the rest of them. I hate anyone in power, man or woman who is awful to their assistants & can‘t bother to remember their names! 🤬 10mo
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii UGHHHHHHHHHH. So self absorbed 🤮🤦🏻‍♀️ 10mo
mollyrotondo The name dropping made me hate Suki lol and she‘s a terrible boss on top of it 🤦🏻‍♀️ these women don‘t have anything together and I guess that‘s the author‘s point? Women aren‘t perfect? But not great examples for any of us to follow so… This book is in no way close to Golden Hotel. 10mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo the name dropping throughout the whole book is 🤢🤮😵‍💫 10mo
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie it‘s beyond. The author did not even bother to weave it naturally 10mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo I can‘t believe it‘s the SAME author 😵‍💫 10mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish it‘s unreal this was published 😵‍💫 10mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Elon & Oprah?! 🙄🙄 Sure, you might not want to use one of your homes, but just rent something low-key. She's been a boss long enough to have learned that being harsh wasn't working. She didn't pivot & learn. Plenty of women are CEOs. Suki kind of sucks, too. Does Tara think she's more special to Suki than she really is? Curious how the Ricky thing plays out. A bit surprised Maya didn't include Tara in discussing him hosting, but PLOT POINT. 10mo
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I thought I was all set to finish X over breakfast, but this isn‘t the end. Poop. If my library‘s got any more volumes, they‘ve catalogued them so weirdly I can‘t dig them out. They do have the anime, so I guess I can always watch that if necessary, just to find out how it all ends.

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My mopey little dog helped me start another X 3-in-1 last night. I‘m really feeling the series now.

dylanisreading What a cutie. 3y
xicanti @Bianca he‘s pretty great. 3y
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The Monkey's Paw | W. W. Jacobs
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The theme of #becarefulwhatyouwishfor is a universal one, and perhaps you have some examples from your own life that prove this to be true. I'm sure we can all also think of a few other stories we've read or seen that show what a disaster wishing can sometimes be.
I‘m hosting a discussion on “The Monkey‘s Paw” at www.theannakraft.com today!

#themidnightsociety #spookystories #scarystories

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#hiselderliness had quite the reading week. #bookreport While Curious and Quirky was “a bunch of rubbish” (sorry authors it‘s not you, it‘s him) The Long Walk is “the best escape book I ever read” And Dad has read nearly all the POW escape books, so 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟. Mawson‘s Will was excellent too. The cover was falling apart so he sellotaped it back together (all the librarians shake their heads) And Extraordinary Insects delighted him. ⬇️

Centique “How do they ever figure all this stuff out? They must watch them for weeks” He grins and tells me of the insect that has eyes on its private bits to help it line up for copulation. Thanks Dad 😝😝😝 4y
vivastory When I was in New Orleans I came across an insectarium 😬 4y
AlaMich 😂😂 Yeah, that‘s the conversation you want to have with your father! 4y
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Centique @AlaMich I know right! 🤪 4y
Centique @vivastory I would love that! I‘m really interested in insects too. But not if they‘re flying around my head - that‘s horrifying 😝 4y
Cinfhen The more I think about it the more im convinced #HisElderliness NEEDS a podcast XX 4y
JennyM @Cinfhen I second this. He‘s a legend!!! (edited) 4y
Centique @Cinfhen aarrgh no! 😂😂😂90% of what he says is grumbling about the neighbours cars on the street, buildings going up in his view, conspiracy theories about local councillors and being horrified at what his granddaughters think is appropriate clothing. @JennyM #becarefulwhatyouwishfor (edited) 4y
Cinfhen Now I‘m TOTALLY sold!!!!! I‘m sure @JennyM agrees 😜 4y
Cathythoughts Oh he is a scream 😂🤣 4y
JennyM @Cinfhen double legend! Give him a hug from me 😘 4y
CarolynM Sounds like your dad could have a very entertaining podcast😂😂 We have a set of tent poles from one of Mawson's later expeditions. My husband is a fan (he was a geology student at Adelaide Uni, Mawson is their patron saint, they rub the nose of his bust on North Terrace for luck before exams and have graduation photos with it). I'll have to ask him if he's read this one. 4y
Centique @CarolynM oh wow - tent poles! I love old things like that. We have an old WW1 helmet and yacht flags from around that date, and some fireman photos and certificates... nothing as cool as tent poles from a real expedition though! And that‘s a neat tradition with the statue. 😍 4y
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I had my take on Nigella Lawson‘s take on Keralan fish curry tonight, with vol 3 of XXXHOLIC on the side.

RealLifeReading Ooh that looks good (edited) 5y
Sace My mouth is watering... 5y
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Gonna do some outdoor reading with tea in my excellent new hummingbird mug by Coast Salish artist Wayland Johnny Jr. It‘s from the same collection as the moon mug I bought back in February. I was soooo torn between the two and later regretted not getting both (I had a gift card), but McNally Robinson was sold out by my next trip there. Guess they found this one in some dark corner of the stockroom.

Elizabeth2 That mug is gorgeous! 😍 5y
xicanti @Elizabeth2 I‘m super duper in love with it. 5y
Sace Loved this manga series! 5y
xicanti @RestlessFickleBookHoarder I‘m two volumes in and definitely hooked. 5y
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Yesterday‘s library haul. I‘m SUPER EXCITED about the Spider-Man movie and a bit bummed SILVER SPOON VOL 3 came before 1&2. Hopefully the people ahead of me return them in a timely fashion.

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Any #manga readers in these parts?

XxxHolic has been one of my favorites to come back to when I want to live vicariously through a self-indulgent, all-knowing badass witch. It's definitely a must-read for occult fans!

Overkill | Linda Castillo
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#MarchintoOz Every so often I go on a request binge....NOT GOOD....#Overkill, now I have 15 Ebooks that need to be read before April 18(some as early as April 2) 😬😬😬and it‘s hard to read on my device outside #BookNerdProblems #NoSympathy

LauraBeth Those are my favorite kind of problems! 6y
Cathythoughts Nice one 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻( it‘s a tough one for me , I‘m waiting for inspiration to strike 😬) 6y
Kalalalatja Well, #booknerdproblems are the best kind of problems to have! 😉 6y
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Librariana I see at least four things on that image that I'm super curious about and already have on my TBR 😄😁 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You can do it!!!! 🙌🏻👏🏻 6y
Librariana Oh! Oh! And I totally feel you on the request binge! #thestruggleisreal 6y
night_shift I do this WAY too much 😔 6y
Cinfhen I have confidence in you @Cathythoughts thanks for believing in me @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😘I knew my book friends would appreciate my predicament @UnidragonFrag @Librariana @Kalalalatja @LauraBeth it‘s a variation of my #jewishguilt #becarefulwhatyouwishfor 😜 6y
TrishB You go 👍🏻👍🏻 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Always!!! 😘😘😘😘 6y
Chelleo I do this all the time! 6y
Christine11 Sometimes it‘s just too hard to resist! 😊 6y
emilyhaldi This reminds me of my 12 library holds that are ready for me to pick up tomorrow 😅 6y
Reviewsbylola Try to get to Educated so you can let me know how it is. 😂😂 6y
Reviewsbylola JFC @emilyhaldi you came into the library game swinging. 😆 6y
Cinfhen Ha @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola nothing motivates a library run like the promise of bookish prizes😁👍🏻🏀 6y
Cinfhen Trying to make a dent @Chelleo @TrishB @Christine11 but it‘s so daunting 😬 6y
Centique This makes my library holds problem look like a pimple on a gnat‘s butt 😂😂 Impressive! Buy you read faster than me so I have high hopes for you 👍👍 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @Centique and I like your analogy 😍😍😘 6y
Jess7 My netgalley list is a little out of control right now too. I am behind on everything 6y
Cinfhen It‘s a bad feeling @Jess7 😬😝I cant stand the pressure!!!! 6y
Jess7 I have mixed feelings about it but it can be paralyzing! Especially when you start a book and don‘t like it but you requested it so you feel like you have to finish it. I have about 11 books out right now from netgalley and The Girlfriend is just not clicking for me. I‘ve got to put it aside so I can get to the rest 6y
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