Customers were mean today, but I have a Captain Jack, so really, I win. #booksellerproblems #literarycats
Customers were mean today, but I have a Captain Jack, so really, I win. #booksellerproblems #literarycats
Ah, yes, the life of a bookseller. Thanks for the reminder, Facebook. Sometimes I really miss bookselling, and sometimes I really don't. 😂
Got another #bookhaul today! Excited for these and three of them I got on the sale wall! #booksellerproblems
Today's the Uptown Art Festival and here I am hiding in the breakroom balcony eating cheese curds I snagged right outside. Win! #booksellerproblems #indiebookstore
When in doubt about book shelving dilemmas, read! Wish this could be the model at the bookstore bc right now we have sooooo many books that need to be shelved. Slowing working at it tho #booksellerproblems #bookwormproblems
Working in a bookstore has had me buying a book every other shift. These are my latest. #geekerella #tellmethreethings #booksellerproblems
When one works in a bookstore it's hard not to give in to the books that taunt you daily with "read me". #oneofusislying #booksellerproblems
When you're surrounded by stacks of books but you can't buy them all #bookshop #bookseller #booksellerproblems
When new versions of your favorites come in and you have to fight the urge to buy a 5th or 6th copy. #booksellerproblems
#TuesdayTBR which also happens to be my #SeptemberTBR ;) I will probably stray, as I always do, and obviously ebooks/eARCs aren't featured, but these are some that I've been meaning to get to or NEED to get to! Well, plus like 50 others... Send help! ;) PS: THUNDERSTORMS TODAYYYY ⛈⛈⛈ #TBR #September #ARCs #booksellerproblems