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I‘m tossing up for tonight‘s read. Should I read the third book in the Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire or dive straight in to the fifth book in the Josephine Tey series by Nicola Upson?🤔 #decisionsdecisions #fantasyorcrime #bookworldproblems

Lindy I bailed on Sugar Sky after 40 pages, but that‘s just because I wasn‘t in the mood. There‘s a great scene involving a vagina early on, however. 6y
JazzFeathers Nicola Upson forever! 😆 6y
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The Heart Forger | Rin Chupeco
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I liked book 1 (Bone Witch) but LOVE book 2! The present vs past narration pulled me right back into the story—plus gives tantalizing hints about where key players end up. It is nonstop action, twists, & plot movement—and the love story is super satisfying. Tea has grown into a full-blown, balls-to-the-wall hardcore magnificent woman equipped to save kingdoms from bad guys & challenge questionable authority by pushing the limits of her magic. 5⭐️

IheartYA I couldn't get through book 1 but I want to try again. 6y
stargazerblue49 It‘s soooooo good! And we can‘t preorder the last one yet and I‘m dying because of it! 😫 #bookworldproblems 6y
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I decided everything needed to be alphabetized. Also, I am out of room. These are all unread books that I have (shamefully? Shamelessly?) purchased with good intentions. I also have no more room in my yarn basket. Related problems? 🤔 🤔 🤔 #tbroverload #bookworldproblems #butfirstletmetakeashelfie

Chelleo Love the drunkard sign 😂😂😂 6y
stargazerblue49 @Chelleo It is definitely an apt description. 6y
Sweettartlaura Looks like my own TBR bookcase 😜 6y
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That moment when you use a big word and then you worry that you used it incorrectly so you have to go google the definition to make sure that you don‘t sound like an arse 🙀 #anxiety #bookworldproblems

Redwritinghood Yup. Been there. 😂😂 6y
MarriedtoMrT Totally done that. 6y
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The Bone Witch | Rin Chupeco
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When you learn that you‘ve been saying (thinking? Think-saying?) the main character‘s name wrong for over half the book. 😳🤦🏽‍♀️ It‘s “Tay-uh”. #bookworldproblems

BookBabe 😂👍🏻 7y
MayJasper Think-saying ✔ I like it 7y
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The Changeling | Victor LaValle
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Alright, Littens. I have a dilemma. I'm about halfway through this book and there's no way I'm going to finish by the time it's due back in a few days. Do I buy the ebook or wait until the hold comes around again? #bookworldproblems

InLibrisVeritas Is something that you are really enjoying? I usually wait till it comes back on hold unless it's something I really really like and then I'll pay money for a copy. 7y
InLibrisVeritas Or if the hold wait is longer than a month...because that happens too. 7y
PenguinInFlight I almost always buy it if it's something I really am enjoying. If it's only "meh", then I wait. 7y
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MrBook Ebook 7y
monkeygirlsmama If you're going to want to keep it, then go buy it (any format). If you're wanting to finish but no necessarily have for your own library then I'd maybe wait around for the hold again. 7y
Blueberry Check all your libraries on Overdrive, online check all the branches of your public library, check Hoopla, and then if it's not anywhere I put it on hold (in all of those places). 7y
stargazerblue49 @InLibrisVeritas @PenguinInFlight @MrBook @monkeygirlsmama @Blueberry Thank you all for the words of wisdom! It's not on either of my overdrives, so I think putting it back on hold is the way to go for me. If the ebook wasn't so darn much... $14 on amazon 😕 7y
PenguinInFlight Oof. That is steep. 😕 7y
monkeygirlsmama @stargazerblue49 Sheesh, I don't blame you then. I flat out refuse to pay that much for an ebook. Print is one thing because you have actual physical effort and supplies going into printing, binding, etc. And ebook, not so much. I know they still need to make money off them, but that's more than I'm willing to shell out. 7y
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alisiakae 😂😂😂 7y
rabbitprincess Holy cow it's like you're spying on me 😂😂 7y
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Parable of the Sower | Octavia E. Butler
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Me: I should really optimize my library usage and stop buying e-books.
Also me: But the Book Riot daily deal email has Octavia Butler, so I guess it's okay today.
Also me: Darn it all, if that wasn't the second book of a duology. I guess I'll just have to buy the first now.
#bookworldproblems #tbrfordays

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Book Riot Podcast gave me a terrifying thought today. Listening to the segment about the Svalbard Doomsday Library and I got to thinking... If the only books that made it into the library were "classics," then I would be screwed. With few exceptions, I have disliked reading the books that are typically referred to as "classics" and I don't know if I could make myself read them even if they were the only books left to read. #bookworldproblems