#August #TBR
These are my books for August. Some are for #BuddyReads and #GroupReads on #LibraryThing. Some are for my #CenturyofMysteryChallenge.
#August #TBR
These are my books for August. Some are for #BuddyReads and #GroupReads on #LibraryThing. Some are for my #CenturyofMysteryChallenge.
Published 1972. The killer has confessed. Clear fingerprints and a witness but Detective Steve Carella cannot forget Gerald Fletcher announcing that he was glad someone stabbed his wife, Sadie. Sadie‘s black book shows up and Carella wants to find out why everyone was calling Sadie. Classic McBain! Recommended.
“McBain is a Master ... He hooks you ... He holds you ...” Chicago Sun Times
#SadieWhenSheDied #EdMcBain
Published 1955. One day in the exciting life of Scotland Yard‘s Inspector George Gideon. Within 15 hrs, he matches wits with hoodlums, dope pushers and other criminals. Gideon is a most believable and well-drawn character. I would love to read more about Gideon. Read for my #CenturyofMysteryChallenge Recommended for mystery lovers. Full of nostalgia of 50/60 era. Also a popular TV series staring John Gregson.
#GideonsDay #JohnCreasey #JJMarric
Published 1934. A young vagrant and the sexy bored wife of a restaurant owner plan to murder her husband. Excellent characters, plot and writing. Cain‘s first book was an instant success and made into a movie. I watched the movie for a #booktomovie challenge. #CenturyofMysteryChallenge too!
Recommended for mystery lovers.
“No one has ever stopped in the middle of one of Cain‘s books.” - Saturday Review
#ThePostmanAlwaysRingsTwice #JamesMCain
Published 1984. Berkeley created Detective Roger Sheringham. A fancy-dress party with Murderers and Victims and a mock gallows. A real victim is found. Sheringham is the chief suspect. He must save his own neck from the hangman‘s rope. Typical wit and irony. Berkeley is one of the most original crime novelists. Exciting and entertaining book. I read this book for my Century of Published Mystery Books Challenge. Recommended for mystery lovers.
#philovance #ssvandine #centuryofmysterychallenge
Listening to this today:
Philo Vance is a fictional character featured in 12 crime novels written by S. S. Van Dine, published in the 1920s and 1930s. Vance was immensely popular in books, movies, and on the radio. He was portrayed as a stylish, even foppish dandy; a New York bon vivant possessing a highly intellectual bent.
#centuryofmysterychallenge #rexstout #1913 #herforbiddenknight
Rex Stout is another pre-Agatha Christie mystery writer. He wrote this book in 1913.
#centuryofmysterychallenge #1913 #ecbentley
An American capitalist is found dead in the garden of his English country house, 2 immediate matters confound detective Philip Trent: why is the dead man not wearing his false teeth and why is his young widow seemingly relieved at his death? The newly widowed Mabel Manderson, ‘The Lady in Black‘, has a disarming effect on the imaginative Trent, in this classic detective story that twists and turns.
#centuryofmysterychallenge #maryrobertsrinehart
I read this book years ago and enjoyed it very much! It was published in 1908.
This novel has it all: skillful writing, a drum-tight plot, and snappy, witty dialogue. Circular Staircase is about Rachel Innes, a well-to-do woman. Her Pittsburgh manse is in need of an overhaul, so she decides to spend some time at the country home of a friend. A quaint rural outpost becomes a beguiling puzzle.
Starting in April through December I will be reading a century of mystery books that were published between 1920 thru 2019. Books to be read in April:
1920 - The Bat - Rinehart
1921 - Confession - Rinehart
1922 - Breaking Point - Rinehart
1924 - Man in Brown Suit - Christie
1925 - Secret/Chimneys - Christie
1926 - Clouds/Witness - Sayers
1927 - Casebook Sherlock Holmes - Doyle
1928 - Mystery/Blue Train - Christie
1929 - Red Harvest - Hammett