Rapunzel retellings 📚
#Towering #AlexFlinn #WhatOnceWasMine #LizBraswell #Cress #MarissaMeyer #book #books #epicreads #bookends #bookend #bookedit #bookedits #bookeditor
Rapunzel retellings 📚
#Towering #AlexFlinn #WhatOnceWasMine #LizBraswell #Cress #MarissaMeyer #book #books #epicreads #bookends #bookend #bookedit #bookedits #bookeditor
The Lunar Chronicles
#Cinder #Scarlet #Cress #Fairest #Winter #StarsAbove #MarissaMeyer #TheLunarChronicles #book #books #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookvsfilm #bookvsmovie #bookbag #bookbags #bookbinding #bookbeau #bookblog #bookblogs #bookblogger #bookbloggers #bookbackpack #bookbackpacks #booknerd #booknerds #booknerdsunite #booknerdy #booknook #booknation #Fantasy #YoungAdult #ScienceFiction #Romance #Dystopia #Retellings #Fiction #Audiobook 🩷🩷
Beginning with Cinder, a teenage cyborg named Cinder deals with her wicked step-mother, finds love, and discovers secrets about herself. As the series continues, Cinder forges an alliance with Scarlet, a spaceship pilot; Cress, an imprisoned computer hacker; and Winter, a Lunar princess.
#Cinder #Scarlet #Cress #StarsAbove #Fairest #Winter #MarissaMeyer #TheLunarChronicles #Fantasy #YoungAdult #ScienceFiction #Romance #Dystopia #Retellings 🤍🤍🤍
#BatmanTheDarkPrinceCharming #EnricoMarini #Puddin #ACourtOfSilverFlames #TheRules #TheCountofMonteCristo #TheDesolationOfDevilsAcre #EscapingFromHoudini #Pumpkin #TheLake #MariamSharmaHitsTheRoad #DorothyMustDieStories #HuntingPrinceDracula #TheLastOfTheMohicans #Disclose #HotSix #LeMortedArthur #Cress #AKingdomForAStage #TheToweringSky #TheConferenceOfTheBirds #DieForHer #OnceUponAQuinceanera #TheCollide #TheCousins #Winter #Crime #Fiction 💝💝
#ATwistedTaleAnthology #ElizabethLim #TwistedTales #BeyondADarkenedShore #DoubleDown #ACourtOfWingsAndRuin #ACourtOfSilverFlames #MadameBovary #AMillionWorldsWithYou #Verify #HuntingPrinceDracula #DorothyMustDieStories #OnceUponAQuinceanera #TheFallingInLoveMontage #TheCaseForJamie #TheLostBoy #TheStoryteller #TheLuckyOnes #SadCypress #ACourtOfMistAndFury #TheLastListOfJudithKratt #TheRulesForDisappearing #TheScattering #Awakened #Cress #Scarlet
Her satellite made one full orbit around the planet Earth every sixteen hours. It was a prison that came with an endlessly breathtaking view—vast blue oceans and swirling clouds and sunrises that set half the world on fire.
#Cress #MarissaMeyer #TheLunarChronicles #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #Fantasy #YoungAdult #ScienceFiction #Romance #Retellings #Dystopia #Fiction #FairyTales 💙
Cress is a Lunar, stuck on a satellite orbiting Earth. Her mission from the Lunars who exiled her is to collect information on those on Earth who threaten Lunar and its inhabitants, including Cinder and her crew.
#Cress #MarissaMeyer #TheLunarChronicles #book #books #bookgeek #bookgeeks #bookgeeky #bookgang #bookgasm #geek #geeks #geeky #bookhoarder #bookhoarders #Fantasy #YoungAdult #ScienceFiction #Romance #Retellings #Dystopia #Fiction 💙💙💙💙
She lifted her chin, holding his gaze. “So I‘m going to Luna, and I‘m going to start a revolution.”
#Cress #MarissaMeyer #TheLunarChronicles #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #bookmoments #bookquote #bookquotes #bookqueen #bookquirk #quote #quotes #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormproblems #bookwirmlife #Fantasy #YoungAdult #ScienceFiction #Romance #Retellings #Dystopia #Fiction #FairyTales
#Cress #MarissaMeyer #LunarChronicles #book #books #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #bookmoments #bookquote #bookquotes #bookqueen #bookquirk #quote #quotes #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookword #bookworld #epicreads #bookend #bookends #bookending #bookendings #bookedit #bookedits #bookeditor #bookrecommendation #bookrecommendations #Fantasy #YoungAdult #ScienceFiction #Romance 💚