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This month is being crazy so I decided short stories wouldn‘t take too much commitment. These are stories based on a popular radio show, The Vinyl Cafe. It features ‘Canada‘s much-loved fictional family.‘ ❤️🤍

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Monday #booknlunch 😋.

There have been times while reading this book and eating that I‘ve had to put the book aside as the subject matter is so distressing or disgusting.

Let‘s see how we go today...

#currentlyreading #currentlyeating

Cinfhen Great photo 6y
Bklover Lunch looks yummy! 6y
pocketmermaid I want to eat everything on that plate! 6y
Gillyreads I‘m planning to read this soon 6y
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Jane Steele | Lyndsay Faye
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Ever since my #literarypilgrimage to the UK two years ago, I have been craving scones with clotted cream and jam. And this week I finally decided to try making it myself, and the result is wonderful! So now I‘m having afternoon tea all day long while reading about Jane‘s escapades 😄👌


Andrew65 Can‘t beat a clotted cream scone! 6y
alisiakae That looks delicious! 6y
Chelsea.Poole That looks fantastic! Could you find clotted cream at your local grocery store? I studied abroad in Wales 10 years ago and have craved this ever since!! 6y
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erzascarletbookgasm Now that‘s how to eat a scone properly! 😋 #treatyourself 6y
batsy Yum! 6y
Mdargusch I need clotted cream! Did you make it? Perfect accompaniment to this book! ❤️ 6y
Moray_Reads That looks utterly delightful 😋 6y
Moray_Reads @erzascarletbookgasm the Cornish wouldn't agree with you there, the jam and cream are the wrong way round! You don't get much more English than a feud over how to correctly top a scone 🤣 6y
emilyhaldi Omg I LOVE scones with cream and jam 🤤 one of my favorite things about the brits 😉 6y
Suzze @Moray_Reads That is interesting. I‘ve never had clotted cream, but it seems like it would be hard to put over jam. 6y
sisilia Yummmmm.... 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘d never had clotted cream until I went to London this past winter. 🤤 6y
Kalalalatja @Andrew65 @4thhouseontheleft @batsy @emilyhaldi @sisilia @Reviewsbylola it tastes so goooooood 🤤 it was just what I needed today! @Chelsea.Poole @Mdargusch I made it myself! Just put heavy cream in the oven for 6 hours at 80 degrees celcius, and then in the fridge overnight, and it turned out great! 6y
Kalalalatja @erzascarletbookgasm @Moray_Reads @Suzze I saw some posts about whether the jam should be on top or on the bottom, but this is the only way I have tried it, so I can‘t imagine the other way around 😄😄 6y
Andrew65 @Kalalalatja Impressive! 😊🤩 6y
emilyhaldi Wow so impressed that your clotted cream is homemade!! I must try that 😛 6y
ladym30 That looks so good! 6y
Moray_Reads @Kalalalatja if there's cream involved I'm with the Devonians (and you), cream then jam. But I actually prefer a Yorkshire scone, just fresh butter and jam 😋 6y
Kalalalatja @emilyhaldi @Andrew65 it was super easy, it only took some time 😄👍 @ladym30 it tastes really good too! @Moray_Reads I‘m a big fan of butter, but not under jam 😝 6y
Lynnsoprano Now I want to go back to England 😄 6y
Andrew65 @Moray_Reads You can a,ways leave the butter out and have jam and cream. I prefer jam on the bottom and the cream on the top. (edited) 6y
Kalalalatja @Lynnsoprano me too! I love England ❤️ 6y
Lynnsoprano @Kalalalatja I‘m trying to convince hubby that we need to go again next summer, or at least spend a few days in London before going someplace on the continent 😊 6y
Lynnsoprano @Moray_Reads When we were in Devon last summer, our tour leader took us to an interesting tea shop where the owner was put out that hubby and I only ate one scone apiece. They were as huge as they were delicious. 6y
Daisey This was one of the best things I learned about and tried when I was in England as well! 6y
Chelsea.Poole @Kalalalatja I had never looked into making it myself. Thanks for the tip! I‘ll try it this winter! 😋 6y
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#CurrentlyReading a short story collection and #CurrentlyEating a bacon sandwich! Good morning!