My first foray into D&D novels and it set a VERY high bar. The opening scene of this is was so wildly cinematic that I was halfway through the book before I even realized it.
My first foray into D&D novels and it set a VERY high bar. The opening scene of this is was so wildly cinematic that I was halfway through the book before I even realized it.
I love these books for the action and the camaraderie, the world building and the adrenaline rush, but even more so these quiet moments of reflection from Drizzt in the beginning of a section should never be overlooked because they add a deeper layer of emotion. Also, does anyone have difficulty with a re-read if you know something hard is coming? 😭🤔🫠 #currentlyreading #thisImustbelieve
Columbus Market paid dividends again with this memorable 💎 of a statue I had to have. So of course I had to get the books again for a fond re-read. This beautiful copy came on my radar. #currentlyreading #afondreread #lovethisseries #teamdrowelf 💙🥹
In a nutshell: fantasy suitable for people who like the fantasy genre but struggle to read it.
RA Salvatore's writing is engaging, and he doesn't bog it down with unnecessarily lengthy descriptions - great for someone with ADHD (like me). The descriptions are easy to visualize, and the fight scenes are easy to follow. While Drizzt can be frustratingly naive, it's difficult not to like him, and the environment around him keeps you on your toes.
What eyes are these that see
The pain I know in my innermost soul?
What eyes are these that see
The twisted strides of my kindred,
Led on in the wake of toys unbridled:
Arrow, bolt, and sword tip?
Yours… aye, yours,
Straight run and muscled spring,
Soft on padded paws, sheathed claws,
Weapons rested for their need,
Stained not by frivolous blood
Or murderous deceit.
Face to face, my mirror,
Reflection in a still pool by light.
@RaeLovesToRead #IHaveQuestions
For 10 books to save I decided no cheating, I can‘t save my Kindle, only books I own in physical format. “Good Omens”, “Mistborn”, Talisman” and “Killing Moon” are favorites; “Storm Front”, “Eye of the World”, and “Magic Bites” are the start of some favorite series. “Priory” and “Green Rider” I need to read and will now have more time. And “Sojourn” I‘m keeping for sentimental reasons… @Branwen knows what I mean!😁
This book was SO much better than I was expecting! One of my D&D games takes place in the Underdark so I read this to gain some knowledge. It's so well written. Great action scenes. The suspense of what was going to happen between two of the major characters I was rooting kept me on the edge of my seat. The evil matriarchal society was no joke. There are 38 books in the series. I might read a few more. SO GOOD! (TW for violence, mentions of rape.)
My Drizzt shelf looks infinitely better with these two new epic Funkos! 😍📚💕 Thank you so much Dave! I adore them! @DaveGreen7777
The books! Orphan Black! Star Trek! Pikachu/Iron Man! 😂 Everything is amazing!
The Drizzt Funko Pop is ESPECIALLY incredible though, because the book series over which our friendship started was the Drizzt series by R.A. Salvatore! 🥹🥹🥹 I'm so thankful for you, Dave, and for the books that helped bring us together! 💕📚💕
Timeless kicks off the Generations trilogy (books 34-36 in the larger Drizzt saga). I enjoyed it a lot because the contrasting world views of Drizzt, Jarlaxle, and Zaknafein make for interesting ethical debates, which Salvatore loves to interweave with the fierce action scenes. You don't need to have read the previous 33 books to follow this one, but I'd recommend Homeland and The Pirate King.