"Above the town, on the hill brow, the stone angel used to stand."
USED TO? Was it a Weeping Angel?? ???#DontBlink
"Above the town, on the hill brow, the stone angel used to stand."
USED TO? Was it a Weeping Angel?? ???#DontBlink
I finally found the box with our Christmas ornaments! *sigh* I‘m really enjoying reading next to all this pretty! 🌲 Anyone else have a tree all to themselves? This is the first time I ever get my own little tree- a girl could get used to this! My weeping angel‘s head got cut off- oops!
“Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And #dontblink Good Luck.” #thedoctor #doctorwho
I just found this after having had it for months and months. It's full of fun, wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff!
#doctorwho #dontblink #cookbooks #dessert #tardis
A surprise present from the hubby today that I forgot to post. The sixth Doctor, Tom Baker, in that godawful, the designer must be colour blind, outfit. He said he's going to collect the rest for me, as long as he finds me the 4th, 9th, 10th & 11th Doctor plus the Tardis & maybe a weeping angel, I'll be happy! #doctorwhoyeahdoctorwho #wibblywobblytimeywimeystuff #DONTBLINK
EDIT- This is Colin Baker, not Tom Baker the 4th doctor!
Happy holidays from Australia!!
long day at work now much coffee and reading 😁 #coffee #dontblink #drwho #walkingdead #geekery