Adding this #Nonfiction book to my #TBR stack. #first
Fascinating book about the historical lies and misconceptions we were all taught in history class. Weir's writing isn't dry or academic, he gets to the heart of why these lies were created, who they benefited and why they are still told (and believed) to this day.
I liked but did not love this book, I suspect that this because I am fascinated by this subject and hence knew many of the authors discussion points. Our memories are flawed and can be altered, most of what we perceive is our brain interpreting signals and creating a complete (and sometimes faulty) picture of the world, we seek patterns in the world even when they do not exist. Basically we do not really understand our mind and how it works.
Uh-oh I found a boo-boo! I've seen 500 days of summer more times then I care to admit on seeing this I knew it was wrong. Me and my friend have quite the inside joke with this scene. So I re-watched it just to be sure and I was right! It's supposed to be bathroom not bedroom! 😂 #errors #busreading #muchlove #latenightshifts