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Counting the Cost | Jill Duggar
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I read this within 24 hours. She writes the truth about what life was really like behind the camera, while trying to be respectful to her family, especially her parents who essentially protected her abuser. Derick is the husband this woman needed as he gave her the strength she needed to learn to stand up for herself. Way to go Jill!! Wishing you and your family a beautiful and bright future. 🌈 💫 👏🏻

Counting the Cost | Jill Duggar
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I decided to take a break from the LHOTP series I‘ve been reading to pick up the book I placed on hold at our library. I was one of those people who admired the Duggar family until their oldest son‘s secrets came to light. I‘ve seen Jill and Jinger speaking out, respectfully, against their family‘s beliefs and now I want to read their books and learn more about Bill Gothard‘s organization and the rules he set in place.

Counting the Cost | Jill Duggar
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Glad I read this. It‘s hard to read about what people have to go through because of the decisions made for them as children and not being protected by those who are supposed to love them the most.

Counting the Cost | Jill Duggar
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I‘ve watched episodes of the show here and there, and watched the doc on Prime. Listening to this is so sad and infuriating…

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Hard to rate this one. It‘s a fun & often perplexing read.

Ends in a serious cliffhanger, no idea how many volumes are forthcoming.

This was the latest read for the Bookish Swifties group on Fable.

Counting the Cost | Jill Duggar
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I never watched this show but I loved to read the snark on Television Without Pity. I thought Jill did a good job with this book. She told a balanced story.

bookandbedandtea I never watched this show either but I just finished The Book Of Essie and it makes me very curious to hear what Jill has to say. 2mo
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Counting the Cost | Jill Duggar
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This book was as transparent as I hoped and I was really into it.

Josie and the Pussycats Vol. 1 | Marguerite Bennett, Cameron Deordio
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#TuesdayTunes @TieDyeDude
We used to go to concerts fairly regularly, but got out of the habit after Covid, even after it became safe to do so. So it feels strange to suddenly have tickets to four this summer after we heard about several that seemed too good to pass up. In June we're seeing Dresden Dolls (upper left) and Ted Leo & the Pharmacists (lower right), and in August Missy Elliott (lower left) and Santigold (upper right). Pretty excited!

Billypar I made a playlist of a few favorites, but it's tough to go wrong with anything these four have released: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/61vaiRSWiUCoFN7Rh4hSap?si=Rme-iXWAQcC2f1Sfz6p5... 2mo
TheKidUpstairs Woah, awesome concert line up! I miss going to concerts. I used to go all the time when I lived in Toronto. 2mo
vivastory I miss live music, too. All 4 sound like they will be a fantastic time. I saw Dresden Dolls years ago play w/ Sonic Youth. It was a great show! 2mo
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BarbaraBB Wow what a lineup you‘ve made for yourself. I luckily live in the center of Amsterdam and go to concerts at least once a month - mostly small venues not the ridiculously expensive stadium tours. 2mo
UwannaPublishme I miss live concerts too. 2mo
Billypar @TheKidUpstairs @UwannaPublishme I've had stretches where it feels like too many, and then you take it for granted and get jaded. But I do feel lucky to still have the opportunity, even if I have get tired more easily compared to when I was younger! 2mo
Billypar @vivastory I've seen the Dresden Dolls a few times, and they always put on a fantastic show. What a great double bill with Sonic Youth headlining - that must have been a great one! 2mo
Billypar @BarbaraBB Yeah, I would like to transition to smaller, more local shows. We usually do middle-tier acts that are relatively well known but still reasonably priced. The only larger one for this summer is Missy Elliott, who is on our short list of acts to see at least once. 2mo
BarbaraBB She is so cool! 2mo
TieDyeDude Great concert lineup! Thanks for the playlist. I like the slightly discordant sound of The Dresden Dolls; they are new to me.
Not a lot of bands come to Alaska (or Western Colorado), so I definitely see less shows than when I was 20 minutes outside of Philly, but one of my favorite bands, Dawes, is coming to AK this summer, and we're not above a trip to WA for the right show :-) There is some good local talent in AK, too. Bar shows have been okay!
UwannaPublishme Oh, you‘re going to have a great summer with this line-up. Rest up now! 😁 2mo
Billypar @TieDyeDude There's nothing better than that feeling of a rare concert by a favorite band. For me, that was a Portishead show in 2008. Hope you have a great time seeing Dawes! 2mo
Billypar @UwannaPublishme Ha - seriously! 😆 2mo
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Counting the Cost | Jill Duggar
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I am actually so surprised by this book. Jill‘s ghost writer is better than Mariah Carey‘s (and Britney Spears‘). I binged 19 Kids and Counting when I was recovering from my hysterectomy and it seemed obvious at the time that the kids were being exploited but jeez.

birdie_gw Listening to the audiobook! 2mo
birdie_gw Did you watch the Amazon doc about their church? Shiny happy people I think 2mo
pdxannie @birdie_gw I did! So good yet so disturbing 2mo
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Counting the Cost | Jill Duggar
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Look I love reality tv and I love a good background look into the drama. Better yet that there‘s some intense religious vibes and serious wrongdoing of many kinds here. An excellent recommendation from a friend that I greedily consumed on audio.