Look at this gorgeous book! It‘s also a fabulous read! Have had to put everything else down to read this. #currentlyreading #preview #junerso2019 #contemporary #weneeddiversebooks #lgbt #ya also #ferns
Look at this gorgeous book! It‘s also a fabulous read! Have had to put everything else down to read this. #currentlyreading #preview #junerso2019 #contemporary #weneeddiversebooks #lgbt #ya also #ferns
Colonial history time! #currentlyreading #preview #junerso2019 #jackiefrench #australianlegend #swashbuckling
Primary fiction? Or middle? We shall see. #currentlyreading #preview #junerso2019 #intergenerational #friendships #comicstrips
I am a sook when a book has an animal. I always cry. Here‘s my #rockycat looking innocent when he‘s just as likely to take a nip at me. #currentlyreading #preview #junerso2019 #middlefiction #weneeddiversebooks #catsoflitsy
Whipped through this thoughtful middle fiction book. Rachel confronts a lot of obstacles, from family, friends and from within herself. It‘s a well developed characterisation, creating an authentic read. #preview #junerso2019 #lgbt plus cactus
#preview #junerso2019 #digital very confronting. But also triumphant. #trans #lgbtqia #ownvoices #weneeddiversebooks
I am completely and utterly over the moon about reading this. #currentlyreading #preview #junerso2019 #jennbennett #digital #yaromance #squee