While not a dark comedy or a spoof, the Ents from LotR have a something in common with #killertomatoes
Ents are a sentient being and they do eventually go on a rampage! (Well more like a march, but still!)
#monstetmadness2017 @LibrarianRyan
While not a dark comedy or a spoof, the Ents from LotR have a something in common with #killertomatoes
Ents are a sentient being and they do eventually go on a rampage! (Well more like a march, but still!)
#monstetmadness2017 @LibrarianRyan
#monstermadness2017 I finished the first book in this duology last weekend. It's a dark comedy and kind of spoofy. It lacks a sentient being but it's still my pick. #killertomatoes
My #killertomatoes pick is The Stinky Cheese Man. It follows LibrarianRyan's description of a #killertomato...comedic, parodic, has a sentient being...
I checked this book out from the library the other day to read to my baby, but let's be honest, I really checked it out for myself...I think it's hilarious!
#monstermadness2017 #day13
"Once its prey has been stung and killed, a triffid will root itself beside the body and feed on it as it decomposes" - pretty #killertomatoes-ish. The triffids in Wyndham's novel are sentient beings (I think, it is still tbr), and they definitely have a killer instinct. With a 10ft long stinger which can kill with skin contact, they are a pretty deadly ?
#KillerTomatoes were sentient plants. You know who else is a sentient plant? GROOT!!!!
#MonsterMadness2017 @LibrarianRyan
(This post is brought to you by my sons' current favourite song: https://youtu.be/x_jRQBGKPaA )
T4 Angel Tomatoes are literally #KillerTomatoes
The tomatoes were genetically modified, and accidentally resulted in the deaths of thousands of humans, and inadvertently forced the inderland community (supernaturals of the world) to come out of hiding (they were immune).
Now no self respecting human in the Hollows even looks at a tomato! Personally I don‘t know what they eat if they can‘t eat pizza and most pasta sauces! 🍅
Man, #killertomatoes is so hard! I was originally going to go for The Crimson King (Dark Tower), you know, he kills and he's working those red cloaks and eyes. But, instead going down the horror that doesn't take itself too seriously route, I nominate the ghosts that Grady Hendrix writes. I loved these two stories. Fun, original horror, darkly comedic. #monstermadness2017 @LibrarianRyan
#KillerTomatoes #MonsterMadness2017 @LibrarianRyan
A new father, a lethal baby, some 'cute' hellhounds make up this dark and spoofy comedy.
Last prompt for #monstermadness2017. I wanted to end with some campy fun. So let's talk about some #killertomatoes. Zombiekins is a dark comedy for kids about a well loved stuffed animals that becomes a zombie. Cute and adorable for grades 2 and up. Hope you enjoyed the challenge.
The vampires in this series are descendents from otherworldly creatures who came from space. They feed solely on humans for sustenance.
That makes them a good pick for #KillerKlowns right? Is this a stretch? I'm going with it, vampires descended from alien vampires.
#monstermadness2017 @LibrarianRyan